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Monday, March 8, 2010

sunday snaps =)

3 mains and 3 drinks for just 2 - wil & her dragon =)
this was the 2nd afternoon delight ;)
since ng yong is sucha a fan of the hot & spicy, we'll bring kelvin and her here the next time hee hee =)
kel: be afraid, be very afraid of the chili whahaahhaha ;)
meet the haughty majesty!
she's stuck with the elizabeth collar else the wound on her leg wont heal cos she kept licking it with her dirty tongue =p
but the collar is now bringing a whole new set of issues such as not letting me have a restful sleep cos i keep hearing her bang into furniture and she keeps walking close to us that we get scratched by it =s
spot half-face =)
wat the crazy hot weather did to the grass as well as to the feline - turn both brown wahahhaha ;P
how many pairs of sexy legs? =)
the pretty bungas that called out to me as we walked past them after leaving mount pleasant clinic =)
still can be kaypoh and pose while getting treated *roll eyes*
dragon 'counselling' his baby =p
wonder how long are those pinkies? lol
a walk in the park and on the way to the vet