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Monday, March 31, 2008

Wilbur, Clover, Winter

this pig misses her doggies very much when she is at work...
aye, by the time i get home its usu abt 9pm and i leave for work at 8am... the time spent wif my darlings is really short during the weekdays... its really upsetting to see clover looking despondent when i have to lock both her and winter up be4 i go to work... if only winter was much more well-behaved then i could let both of them to roam round the house...

ivy is thinking of giving away her cavaliar king charles spaniel of 4 yrs cos her kids does not seem to be taking responsibility to care for him and her new maid dont seem to show affection to him... ivy is rather busy herself cos she spends like 12 -13 hrs in office... its a pity and i feel kinda sad for coby... i just hope that he gets to a very good home with lots of love and affection showered unto him...

they say that when you have pets, both pet and owner will sort of resemble each other =) so if i somehow resemble either a hamster, dog or fish to some of you, i dont blame you hahahaha =D

gotta go and sayang my cute babies now =)

Wilbur's Rule #1

only watch horror movies with me if you are not afraid to open ur eyes when the ghost is abt to appear any minute =) that's cause i will most prob ask you wat happen since i will be shutting my eye lids in anticipation of the ghostly appearance haha...

yes, i'm one of those pple who pays to be frightened haha... have been watching horror movies since i was a kid... of course when i was younger the imagination would tend to run really wild after seeing a horror film, my mind would picture a female long haired vengeful-looking momok outside my window when i'm at my bed and i would pull up my blanket over my head haha... now that i'm older (but not necessarily wiser *grins*) my imagination has sort of tone down a bit... i still picture a dark shadow etc but if shit happens, it happens lor... maybe thats y i like brightness as oppose to dragon boy who prefers really really dim lights or none at all =p (sometimes i wonder whether he's a descendant of some vampire clan kekeke)... i have in my teens experienced some weird encounters when i was staying in the shunfu flat with my parents maybe the house not 'clean' ... i somehow think u can feel if a house is ok or not... in my current apt, so far no strange encounters maybe cos my pets stink or i dont shower and the 3rd kind cannot take it =p

i wonder if i die, would i be like hovering around earth or can my spirit travel out to the universe :) if so, it will be so damn coooool!!! there are many things that happen which sometimes cannot be explained by science... like apparitions, luck, miracles etc
its an amazing world but its sad when pple are so caught up with the mundane life of just work and money...
by the time we appreciate the things around us, it might be the extinction of the human race looking at how global warming is rapidly on the rise and we are the cause of it all...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Will the real fat Wilbur please stand up?

one me but many different sides... is the real me the one when i'm alone or the one when i'm with frens *scratch head*

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wilbur totally digs Mibun Salon

changed my hair color from the pinkish highlights to like brown with some greensish tone (alamak! dont focus on the 'greenish' word too much lah, its not some scary colour quite normal, really.) much to the relief of dragon boy who totally hated my prev hair color =P but when i went to the salon, the ang mo teenager totally liked my pink highlights, she was quite cute, she was sitting on the other side, blocked by the mirror, when leila commented that actually my highlights were nice, the teen popped her head from the side of the mirror a couple of times to see my hair...

SF says tt i siao always change hair color, she concern tt my hair will be spoiled lah, but i guess i just like to change my looks every now and then so that my life wont be so mundane... and maybe i'm making up for all the things i could not do when i was a teen... my dad was like hitler so i was pretty much controlled in my teens... wished to get a tattoo too but dragon boy wont hear of it =p ... somehow its true tt girls tend to fall guys who somehow turn out to have some traits of their dads hahaha... but it aint so bad now lah... i'm pretty alright with no having tattoos...

back to my title, i was looking to colour and trim my hair at a japanese salon cos i like the cuts i see in those jap mags... when searching thru yahoo, i was expecting a couple of hits (cos sze hwee mentioned b4 that central had a couple) but only found Mibun... frankly i was expecting some jap stylists when i walked into the salon, but there weren't any... my heart sank a little... there were a couple of ang mo customers and i was quite skeptical that i would get the jap haircut i wanted =p ... leila (the style director and my stylist) introduced herself... i was surprised that she was malay (and she din look anything like a typical scrawny, funky-hairdo stylist lor)... its not that i'm racist or anything but its really (to the power of 100) rare to see a female malay hair stylist... i only know got malay barbers lor... erm, back to the introduction... my mind was like "can she really gimme the jap cut?!" of course, i decided to just trust her... she asked me wat color i had in mind and what kind of cut... i told her anything she recommended would be fine... i think she not used to such a suay bian customer that for a momemt she seemed to be lost *grins*... i just told her i wanted a jap look and keep my hair length... btw, i did not ask for the price of the hair services so i really dont know how much i would end up paying... i was quite happy during the cutting and colouring process... coloring was not done by leila but a chinese stylist whom i forgot to ask her name (doofus me!)... but ectasy came when this chinese stylist washed my hair ... wah lao, i have nvr had such a estatic hair washing experience lor, the way she massaged my scalp, i like steam liao... thats y when she asked me whether i wanted treatment after like 15 mins of washing (which initially i told leila tt i din want) i just asked for the px ($80) and went ahead with the treatment... by that time, i told myself if the bill came to $300 i was alright with it... the final bill was $267 which i din feel the pinch cos i really enjoyed my time and i felt it was worth it!!!
they were professional and good!

leila is the only hair stylist in the salon, the chinese gal does more of coloring i guess... the salon is not big, only 4 seats i think so better to call and make appt b4 turning up :)

here's a conversation i found funny btw leila and an expat indian male customer
customer>> i want to keep my hair length and thickness
leila>> erm, then i dont seem to have anything to cut!
which is true lor... eventually i think she just cut the sides of this customer... some pple really got lots of money to spend...

btw, the treatment seems to be good too cos my hair doesnt feel broomstick-y now =)

dammit my sitting posture while typing is causing my spine to ache... crucio curse! arrggghhh...

wah steady for once i did a spell check and did not get any spelling mistakes...

btw, i'm good with dragon boy again... feels good tt i'm no more cranky and moody ... was sinking into depression a couple of weeks back... june says it might be the period messing wif my emotions cos of the hormones... damn... there should be some pill to boost my oestrogen level man...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Wilbur reminisce about school days...

its kinda strange that the close school frens u dont meet for a darn long time are the ones that really are updated with the real going ons in your life... or rather it applies to me... i mean i met up with ivy on tues... and in the next couple of hrs she knew of the stuff that even my close ex colleagues dont know abt... its amazing tt she still looks the same while we were in school (of cos minus the tatoos which i din get to see on her bod lah *grins*)... its great hanging out wif her after not seeing each other for a couple of years not to mention comfortable... i can be so liberal in my views without fear of being ostracised or judge =)

we are planning an STC gathering sometime end april... gosh, most of my classmates all look the same in facebook, macham like time froze since school days wor!! they dont seem to have aged one bit!!! seriously. jin pyn is kinda cool now... she majored in literature and wrote a children's book on saving the elephants... she's into wildlife conservation and stuff which is pretty amazing!!! strangely although i cant remember what i ate for lunch a couple of days back, i can remember jp cried during biology lessons while ms joan was dissecting the rabbit... i remember how she once told me that she doesnt like to go to the circus cos she felt that it was not natural for animals to so perform... yeah, she is an animal lover alright and she is pursing a cause which makes me feel paiseh tt i have not accomplished anything for the past 20 years as compared to her... i really admire her dedication *salutes*

sms meiling aka jessica yest, she may be not be able to join us for the gathering =( ... hope ivy can persuade her ... we (meiling n me) exchanged a couple of sms and both of us were like blunt and frank with each though we have not communicated for the past 20 years or so but both of us were not offended cos it was how we communicated back i sch days too haa! *smiles* i could imagine how she would have spoke those words in her sms to me :) she always made us laugh during school days ... i remember gg to her house after school ... her mum had a hair salon downstairs while they lived in the apt on the 2nd level... and we would always go through the salon walked up the stairs to get to her flat :) we frequently ate at the nearby market, the wanton mee was good stuff (where the mee was transparent kind) ... we did have our petty quarrels back then too hahah...

so many thoughts of the happy go lucky days of school are just swirling in my head ... gg to minsi house and seeing her white spitz... think later i wil go dig up the old photos :)

btw, i'm starting to believe in ivy's horoscope stuff on compatibility of the star signs ... or just maybe i just need a reason for not getting along with some of my frens *winks*...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wilbur caught Rouge

just caught the new tv prgramme, rouge, hosted by eunice olsen... this week they talked abt love... melody chen and randall tan talked abt their relationship for the 1st segment followed by mr raymond anthony fernardo who spoke abt his chinese wife of 33 yrs... she is suffering from schizophrenia... it was heart wrenching listening to his story... he married her despite knowing of her illness and parental objections...

i had a fight with dragon boy over last 2 weekends... it pains me that he is not ard... i know he is stressed at work and my temperament over the last 2 weekends added on to his stress... i guess time off from each other could be better sometimes... at least i will recall all the good times we had the past years, how our relationship began and this reminds me why i want this relationship... i'm not sure whether he feels the same though... he is gg through a rough patch... shall just wait and see...

Wilbur does grocery shopping!

bought $50 plus worth of pet food/treats at PP pet lovers centre then proceeded to ntuc to get groceries... i really should practise self restraint man... i got a trolley and that is when hell breaks loose... i will start throwing stuff in without thinking whether i could manage carrying them back home =p luckily b4 proceeding to the cashier to make payment, i saw those big grocery bags to save the earth and i bought one... the cashier managed to dump all my purchases into the big bag and i carried it over my shoulder while my hand was carrying the plastic bag containing the pet food... its like 5-10mins walk back to my apt and i swore the whole right arm which was carrying the huge bag of groceries was gg numb... but i dont think i will ever learn my lesson hahaha...

after coming back home from grocery shopping, i fed the dogs and was out of the house again... this time i went to liang ct kinokuniya to get my monthly stash of fashion mags... if u are thinking tt i siao go all the way there, its cos these are taiwan or hk ones lah... bought a cantonese cuisine receipe book as well haha... not that i will ever cook in the near future but was preparing for my retirement... sounds crazy rite?!! but that is just me lor... actually its also cause the book is very pretty... like a pocket notebook... simple plain white book with just a intricate motif on the front... if u realise by now, i dont post pics into my blog... i'm not one who is big on technology lah... a bit lazy to learn and find it leh cheh i still old fashion... i mean last time write in those diary already never bother to put pics etc now put more troublesome *shakes head*...

brrr... the wind blowing in from the kitchen is si bei cold lor... hairs are standing man...

oh yah, got to relate this sicko incident i witness in the bus on my way home... this lao ah pei dig his teeth and wipe his hands on the seat... i was like OMG! so disgusting lor... i wish there n there that some bird who is suffering from a bad tummy would just lao sai on him lor...

when i got back home, i looked out of the window into the sea and saw like a spark of orange light travelling through the nite sky... i thot that some space shuttle was taking off until i saw another one emerging from the sea area... fascinating! i'm a sucker for anything in the sky... sadly, i have never seen a shooting star, wish to see one... some say its bad luck while other say its good... i just think its phenomenal =) ... my dream is to go to the largest observatory in the states and see the night sky through the lens of the ginormous telescope =)... i'm just fascinated with the universe, planets, stars etc... i remember once i was out with CK and we laid down on the wooden planked floor boards of west coast park and talked abt the universe... like is there another earth-like planet whose inhabitants looks just like us? stephen hawkings theories makes me imagine that maybe there is many dimensions of past and present out there... till this day i wonder how is it that earth is the only planet that life could exist in the vast vast universe... surely if we could crossed the time warped, there wld be another planet(s) with pple just like us???

its amazing that religion, dinosaurs, big bang theory co-exist... does God look after the entire universe?? food for thot =)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wilbur is still awake!

winter and clover are sleeping soundly close to me... its a warm & comfy feeling knowing that they close... i would stroke clover when she is sleeping sometimes and she would just continue her deep slumber which makes me want to hug her even more =)

pple have asked me why i dont go for hols... maybe cos i want to build up my savings and also the 2 doggies... i dunno how my 2 doggies will react for me not being around... i guess i wont feel at ease especially when they are still young and i still have my hammies to think abt =p

think mr sandman threw his sleep dust at me liao... gg to snooze soon... zzzzzzzzz

Thursday, March 13, 2008


wanted to blog yest on the morton experience but was damn tired... sheesh, is age really catching up with me??!!!

went with eugenia and sze hwee to mortons... was my 1st time there... place was pretty packed with office pple... the kind who look like bankers etc... SH and E said that they were networking and stuff, yeah *shrugs* alright, just give me my free flow of sandwiches *grin*... had lychee martini with the sandwiches and order blue cheese fries... god! the cheese was really pungent for my liking (maybe thats' the the cheese is blue, cos its sad for being stinky *slaps my own face* really i should stop being corny!), but i think this dish would go well with white wine...

actually we made it to mortons at 6.40pm, a bit late hor but thats how our office pple is lor - late, late, late... anyway, both E & me were quite skeptical that the sandwiches would turn up (she kept saying its a myth haha) but SH kept his hope up but it began to waver when it was nearing 7 especially when we both gals were spewing skepticism (2 negative can make 1 positive, negative)... we had wanted to place our order at 7.15 when lo and behold! alleluia! (doubt God will approve of the usage of the word this way :p) the waiter came with a plate of sandwiches! of course we had to act act a bit so that we dont look like hungry vultures waiting to savage dead meat =)
when i sunk my teeth into the meat, damn! it was good! i mean its free so one would expect like little bits of meat lor, but nope, it was a full strip of juicy tasty meat that was done at medium...

on my way home, just thot that it was nice that though SH, E and myself dont seem to be close at work, we could like just makan together and chit chat... got to know E better, she's a cool kid (yes, i admit i'm old liao), been to places, variety of frens, independent gal, bubbly, doesnt have the typical chinese kind of thinking. she's from SMU... got me thinking tt if i ever ever have a kid, i wld want him/her to go SMU than NTU... think they make learning more fun and the pple dont turn out like zombies or have minds as thin as a 2mm sanitary pad ie. narrow (sorrie to my NTU frens, not saying that you guys are like that, but generally thats the trend i see)

been ignoring winter for the past 2 days, din call her name nor got close to her, she has been really naughty and drove me to the brink of depression man... so i choose to teach her a lesson by just treating that she doesnt really exist. clover has been a darling all these while... she has fatten up a bit as compared to the last couple of months when she was skinny... she is nicer to hug now and her fur is soft like a soft toy... i know both misses me much cos i get home late but winter chooses to irritate me to get affection, dont know when she will get it =p... i think she has like chinese blood in her though she is from Oz... she managed to climb over the fencing thats about my height!!! macham like those chinese acrobats... ingenious in a bad way lor...

managed to get myself into the 36 today, damn those brainless pple who dont move in, really inconsiderate and bloodie idiots... the ang mo lady who was behind me could not board so she suggested to the driver to open the rear door, he said he couldnt as the back rear ez link system is for exit only, so a nice chinese (as in china chinese) lady who was standing next to the entrance ez link machine offered to take the ez link cards of those who could not board and tap them on the machine before they proceeded to the rear. on hearing this, the driver got frustrated. in his exasperated tone he said that some people might not pass her the cards and just board the rear (in the sense, cheat)... before my mind could think less of him for being so inflexible, he added that he had been suspended before cos' some passengers complained to SBS that he allowed passengers to board from the rear... so much for being kind and understanding, huh! he tried to be nice but he got reprimanded in return cos' some ugly heartless passengers complain... its a vicious cycle i tell u... eventually some pple at my bus stop were left behind and the bus could not pick up passengers at the next 3 stops... while heading towards the expressway, i heard the driver talking a lady the intercom saying that his bus is full and he could not pick up passengers at 3 bus stops, the voice from the intercom replied that she noted and told him to tell the passengers that the next bus would come in like 5 mins... DUMB DUMB rite??!! hello, he already missed the stops, how he gonna tell the passengers? if she meant the passengers in his bus, then lagi best... can be in the guinness book of records for the stupidest person on the planet (i'm sure there will be lots of contenders cos say already mah, some pple stupid enough to want fame for this title), tell us for what??!!! so we can alight and board the next bus? come on la, pple taking bus no that rich one ok, or rather most of us v kiam siap one... and y we want to take the chance, later the bus also late (knowing how trusty SBS can be *snigger*)...

i dont mind staying in s'pore but its the pple that i hate... pple can be really unfriendly, no please and thank you and no smiles... they all got kiam pak bin (slap-me face)... the other day, Pauline hold the lift at our office building for 2 ladies after lunch, they walked right, oblivious of the kindness they experience, no word of thanks... i said "thank you would be good" but they din get it... aarrrggghhhh.... in a matter of time, nice pple will just cease here and we can be a clean, mean city... pple complain at the slightest things or worse is when they witness kindness (case in point, is the SBS driver story above).... why, why, why???!!! i really cannot fathom this behaviour... sigh...

btw, hell reopens tomorrow... nope it aint a movie... its just that voldemort is coming back from her trip from the rich land... oh well...