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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wilbur - Sex Guru?

revelation when i was travelling in a cab...
the male anatomy can be liken to a key whilst the female sexual organ, a keyhole... finding the right key may not always be easy but once the key fits... it's hello, heaven! *hysterical laughter* ...

seriously, i find physical intimacy very important between couples... you may not always get along wif each other outside the bedroom but if both derived extreme pleasure in bed then it can keep the relationship going strong... gals should try to loosen up and not be a prude... blame it on our culture or upbringing that sex is not to be enjoyed but merely as a mean to pro-create... i know some gals will cringe when they see porn cos they find certain acts disgusting, erm, you can say bye bye to a long lasting rel'ship esp if your guy is a full blooded male... women who are willing to loose all their inhibitions will have the last laugh...

human beings are such that we are attracted to those who we perceive as good looking and if our partner is both gorgeous and a pleasure in bed, we tend to want the rel'ship to keep going even though sometimes the partner may not have the best of character... maybe that's y some gals hold on to a rel'ship though the guys are jerks =p ...

my advice to the females "dont shy, dont shy" ... and make sure you maintain your figure and appearance as when you guys 1st met... you have to make an effort esp if you really love him... dont trust when he says i love you no matter how u look... it's like him telling u that u r not fat... so please, make an effort to look good and please your man (of course he has to do the same for you lah)... doesnt matter that we are in the 20th century, you gotta be are smart enough to play the game to engage your man :) ... of course assuming that all other factors remain constant *lol*

have been there, done that *winks*