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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wilbur's Adventures!

never once had i experience so many emotions and encounters over one weekend... u know how sometimes things are all peaceful and tranquil and then WHAM! BAM! bad news comes and spoils the peace and you aint sure when the turmoil will end??!!! that's what is happening to me now... looks like my past caught up with me and i have to bear with a whole lot of inconveniences which i dunno will last till when... its frustrating to know that the rights that i have been doing to correct the wrong i did in the past is being ignored... aarrrrggghhh... bloodie idiot!!!

i dont blame all these incidents on God, really!... i'm really thankful to have dragon boy by my side and for being so understanding that i really have to pinch myself everytime to make sure that i'm not dreaming... things are gg pretty well wif us and i'm grateful to the heavens for letting me experience wat is love and to be loved... it was not all smooth sailing but at least now it is and it can help counter the bad patch tt i'm gg thru, if not i wld just crumble faster than u can say bread crumbs...

btw, the mrt trail was fun though i was not out field in action but in the room sms-ing away for like 3 hrs... saw the goondu side of some pple, cant believe them leh!!! gabra and blur... how can we trust them to serve the people???!! *slaps forehead* ... good grief! anyway, sat was a super rush and busy day... travelled here, there and everywhere... bought birthday pressie and cake for dragon boy at parkway at the end of the day... the 'butch' at inqbox was super nice and helpful... she si bei stylo leh, got tattoo on her whole hand... she helped me with choosing the cuff links =)

felt a tad bit upset that dragon boy did not have a great birthday, he nearly got into an accident and we din do well at prawning also =p not to mention that i had to drop the bad news on him... but luckily things looked up a bit yesterday all except prawning cos we only caught 2 and dinner at ikea cos it was freaking packed and pple were sooooooo selfish and horrible!! got into a bit of action while on our way home... encountered a dumb ass and his sidekick, we are hoping tat we can teach them a great big lesson they are dying for... dont blame ask cos they are really asking for it man... stupid f*s... or u gen them till they foam in their mouth... dont know that we are actually older than we look... tsk tsk...