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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wilbur's Journey to the West ;)

calm piggy travelled with fiery dragon to the west today *chuckles*... it's been ages since we travelled out of the laid back east nest *grins*... visited qian hu fish farm, stopped by a couple of other fish farms and vegetation farms and then to farmart... the weather was great today as it wasnt hot and humid like the past weekends... even at 12pm, though there was sunlight, the air was cool and breezy while we were at east coast with the 2 monkeys i.e. clover n winter haha... i din even perspire while walking the dogs! btw we drove to east coast actually cos we wanted to lunch at carl's jr and we didnt want to tire the doggies out hahaha (guess that might come as a lame excuse, we just have to admit that we were lazy lah *lol*)... we has thot that we could eat at carl's jr (the free flow of salsa sauce and freshly chopped onions is what entices us to eat there :)) with the doggies if we set outside (alfresco) but no lor, they had a no pets allowed sign, it sucks man... looks like only kenny is accommodating to dog owners =p ... in the end we decided ta pao from carl's... carl's was super busy today man, waited for some time for my order to be ready, but no matter cos' it was amusing seeing the supervisor yelling and chasing the kitchen in a subtle gordon ramsey style... speaking of which, i adore gordon for his profanities and sarcasm in hell's kitchen...

while i got back to the car where dragon was waiting with the monkeys, dragon boy was flipping thru the street directory to check how to get to farmart but he could not find farmart in the directory... girls, this is where u might like to pay attention *smiles*... i offered in a non-insisting manner to look it up in the street directory but of course guys sometimes think that we gals suck at such things so he just con't to flip thru the directory, i din press on *impt to note* and flipped thru the sunday times to read instead :) after a couple of minutes, i subtly offered again and this time he relented but of course he had to start driving when he passed me the directory (did i mention that i might suffer from giddiness when i read in moving vehicles??), oh well, in the end i found it kekeke *gals,10, guys, 0* not because gals are smarter but rather we are more patient and detailed... i actually went thru all the categories when i found it :)

btw, was impressed with qian hu cos they have expanded quite extensively since i last visited the place a couple of years back... their farm was totally neat, clean and dry which is not like what the usual old traditional fish farms are like... they had a wide wide wide array of fresh water fishes and what truly touched me was that there are some fishes with major deformities (like the arowna i saw with seriously bended body) but they con't to rear the fishes and did not put them up for sale (there were not for sale signs next to these fishes)... i wld think that some others might just kill them just because it's practical to do so esp when you are running a business... Buddha would be so proud of them cos its really practising his teachings of not killing any life... they really earn my respect and admiration... 100 brownie pts from me =) oh yeah, dragon boy asked me whether i wanted to try the fish cleansing feet treatment which was available but after seeing tons of pple sharing the same pond where little dumb fishies will nibble at their feets to rid of the dead skin cells, i decided not too liao... eh! a bit unhygienic rite??!! *eeewwwww*

at the vegetation farm, there was like a mini mini market that sold fresh fruits and vegetables, not a whole lot of variety though but it was damn bloodie cheap wor! i bought like 5 or 6 pieces of jap sweet potatoes (heh, eating one rite now after i boiled it) and 2 reasonable sized carrots at total price of $2.40! unbelievable man!!

most pple at the farms which i seen today are so un-tainted wif the material aspects of life (other then qian hu lah) ...they seem to earn just enough for a simple livelihood... i wish i could be like them... some of them stay in those single storey houses like the ones u see in m'sia with stray dogs as their pets... simple way of life that was brought about with the absence of education... such irony... here i am with an education but it brings about much work stress and it somehow made me to want material things... doesnt education sound like the forbidden apple which eve ate? if we didnt take it then, we should not have to suffer all these depression that work and life brings cos we wont know and understand too much... but alas, most of us in society are suffering... *hangs head*

sometimes gg to such ulu places bothers me cos i see alot of strays... its ok if they are fed but there seems to be some who have scour for food... my heart breaks each time i witness such scenes... that's y dragon boy would pull me away cos i will literally break down and tear... i feel so hapless... sometimes i rather they be put to sleep so they wont have to go through such a hard suffering life... it isnt fair to them... they get no help not like us humans... spca cant do much as well cos they dont have the resources (money, manpower and space) to do so... *hangs head low*

last stop at the west was farmart, nothing interesting really other than a prawning site... also i witness a husky being barricade and chained outside a pet shop... it was howling lor... so poorthing, was pissed that the pet shop didnt put it in the shop where there was air condition cos there wasnt much air outside!!! my darlings dont get air con but got fan hor... and my place is pretty cool... freaking idiot pet shop!!!

we went to AMK hub's NTUC to get groceries and boy was it crowded!!! it's like these pple have news that Armageddon is coming during the week and are stocking up... geeze... i hate crowds! esp when majority of them all have cow sense and jam up the place with their trolleys... arrrghhh...

time to hand my washing... to all a very good morning hahahaha cos its like 1am liao =)