got myself a new phone over the weekend cos the old one was a bit cranky (keypad not working well) ... sometimes i hate getting new phone cos i'm not one who is meticulous when it comes to syncing contacts, u know lah, transfer this and that and compare... bleah, so i guess i wont be having some of your contacts kekekeke... so dont mind me if i ask who r u ;p
i traded in the cranky phone for $50 so in the end got my Nokia 6600 Fold for $250... me a nokia fan all these years... even dragon who used to be a Nokia critic is now using Nokia... i tried using fren's phones of other brands and almost pulled my hair out when messaging! i think i never got round to keying in the 1st letter! so y should i make my life difficult?! just use back the same device which i'm already so used to, saves me time and frustrations; wont have to go thru the who process of learning to use the phone :); this kind of time can be better spent =)
i guess this applies to me in life as well... when i'm used to something i like, i will cont using it since it serves me well, never like to change unless absolutely necessary or something happens ie. dragon *grins*
stayed back with WQ and Pauline pretty late last fri, we were working on productivity stuff... by the time we left office was about 10-ish... it may seem sad to be working late on a fri nite but while i cutting through the SRC field to get to my bus stop, i observed that it was a pretty clear nite and the skyline was a pretty sight! hence, i whipped out my cam and took some shots of the supreme ct and the cbd office buildings... have attached one of it below :) truly happy with my captures which would not have been if i had left office earlier... it reminds me that there is always a silver lining to every dark cloud and there are always something good around =) these are the kind of things pple who wallow in self pity fail to see *shakes head* sad, huh! we are not dying in hunger or living in poverty and yet we tend to make our issues bigger than those who have it worst than us... yes, we live in a stressful society but joy should be looked within oneself and not from others... u cant change the environment but u can change your attitude towards it... i diss pple who dont get this...

although being involved in productivity is an extra load, but the benefits is that i'm makin new frens :) it a nice sharing a pizza with the 2 of them and talking crap as a break... also, its where i get to experience pple who r nice and helpful including those from other agencies like soong yin ... of course there are some who seem to be loafers but like gold 90.5fm, i shall only see the good stuff *smiles* ... such interactions may also pave a smoother path in future especially if i really get to be a wedding planner (yeah, still dreaming) :) got to tok to mirza the caterer from pattaya garden... it's interesting to meet new pple and those i can click usu share the same thots =)
i have many varied interests now and i think this is good as i will not easily wallow in depression like a couple of years back... i guess goods things always come out from experiences especially the bad ones... i'm glad i'm able to notice the good things when i look back ... i read some stuff on palm reading and my life is suppose to be trodden with obstacles ie. it will not always be a smooth ride... come to think of it, this may be the very reason that i'm more thankful and aware of the good things :)
i related to some of my frens my encounter with this bloodie idiot 50-ish lady at one of the toa payoh coffeeshop... i had so much wanted to just pour my soup at her and her fren to wake their bloodie idea! it was the 1st time i had to practise so much self restrain! i was heading towards the fish soup stall to order my dinner, there was a lady in front of me and i was next in line... this whole time, the idiot was standing on the opposite side of the queue in a manner like she had already ordered and was waiting for her take-away... the lady stall owner asked for my order and i move to the front of the q... i sought of look at the idiot and i think only then the stall owner realised the idiot's presence and then proceeded to ask for her order... the idiot was english speaking and i helped communicate the idiot's order to the chinese owner as they spent a couple of seconds clarifying the order... the owner thanked me but the idiot did not... which was fine as my intention was to help the owner anyway...the idiot then said this to me:" apparently, the owner does not have any sense of order." i din think much of it n replied:"maybe she didnt see u." anyway, the owner asked me to ask the idiot whether she would like milk added in her soup... again no word of thanks from the idiot but only from the owner but i din care too much as i was tired... both our food came out at the same time and i moved off to find a seat... the idiot and her fren sat nearby and she started dissing the owner for having no sense of order and said that other customers would have been angry and not order from her blah blah blah... she made the owner seemed so rude which was not the case! i tried to block off their conversation, but to no avail as later she went criticising the whole of s'pore and it's pple and it went on and on... my temper was slowly building up and i so wanted to shout at her for being the rude one as she did not even bother to thank me when i helped her placed her order!
some pple really dont look at themselves 1st before condemning others! it's times like this i wished i was a jobless ah lian as i could create a scene without having to bear much consequences! i just wish she was just fall flat on her face and no one is around to help her!
'nuf of that unpleasant reminder ...
i took a smrt bus back that day... so used to calling it trans island lol... i have a love/hate relationship with smrt buses... the drivers usu drive off immediately once the last passengers get his feet up on the bus that it will cause us to lose our balance :P but it's the impatience and absurd speed that makes me get home faster than i can say smrt ;p most smrt bus drivers like got speeding tickets before one lol... since it balance out, no complains from me =)
gotta do some work now... ciao!