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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wilbur: "To Clementi, to Clementi to find a fren so Pretty!"

heading to MW's house tonite to sleep over and help her with the preparation for her BIG day tmr *wide smile*... though i'm a bit tired but anything for a truly great fren! i hope i will be alert enuf tmr... gotta bring lotsa stuff over tonite... including my clothes for the morning visits as well as the evening dinner =p ... i havent plan what to wear for the evening dinner... she says i can wear jeans hee, tempting but shall see how cos i need something whereby i need not have to bring extra shoes and all.... so many stuff to plan but me feeling sleepy now =p

past couple of days, some of u may find me being rather harsh be it in my words or actions but its cos i'm so jaded... been in the dept for 11yrs and i have gone thru so many changes, experiences and encounters... people then were generally considerate, pleasant, nice, helpful, fun etc... that's how we have become close frens till today, cos' we all had a common trait - we spared a thot of those around around us and were not too caught up in our own world; we readily offered help even though we were sometimes busy ourselves... colleagues turned frens and pals and it made working in the office bearable cos u had the support and help... its a different environment now... of course there are still people who i consider as frens but the lot whom i consider as colleagues seems to be making themselves more apparent.... it irks when colleagues who constantly make it known that they are busy can leave the office earlier than those who dont or rarely utter a word of complain and the funny thing is tt people they claimed are pushing work to them are staying back much later than they are... i have nothing against pple who leave on the dot as I'm no angel myself but dont make yourself out to be the most miserable when there are others who seem to have it worse than you... its just tt these pple dont express it only... i dont care if colleagues misunderstand me unless they are my frens... frens know me well enough to know i sometimes have a nasty mouth but i will always extend my help to them... the thing abt frens is that we are so comfortable that we can be frank with each other on how we feel and and we will not be sensitive abt it :)

coffee nations is doing well and am so happy for weiren though he seems worn out... tried the choc mousse cake and it was bloodie good! the sausage meal i had was great too... soup was nice and tasty and the beef sausage was soft and easy to eat :)

think i better get some shut eye... got more stocks to post on lovehappydaisies but i think i put it off for now... dont wanna stress myself hee hee =)

see some of u at the wedding tmr :)