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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wilbur is tired but happy =)

for the 1st time in my life i was a sister (jie2 mei4) for a wedding... it was tiring but worth it as i was part of a life-changing event for my friend so dear :) though we no longer work in the same office or meet-up often, we still maintain a kind of bond and understanding tt we will always be there for each other... on a few occassions pple mistook us as sisters when we went out kekeke =) we both have kept some things from each other, but when we both found out, there was no unhappiness whatsoever, as it came to a pt where we also know some things are not so easy to say and maybe this is how our friendship became stronger... seeing her walked down the aisle yest, tears welled up in my eyes... i felt so proud n happy for her... it din matter i was running up and down for both her and her hubbie for their wedding dinner preparations yest... i was realli glad to help!

the reward of true friendship what kept me gg all this while, i din mind working behind the scenes as long as my frens could get their work done and get recognition for it or sometimes so that they they dont get into trouble from voldermort :) getting appreciation from them matters more than from the fiery fiend :p as they always say, one good turn deserves another...

sometimes, no matter how bad the environment is, as long as i'm are working there, i have to put personal feelings aside and work for the good of the branch/dept so as to not let other agencies criticise us for not doing a good job... there are many things that cant be taught but learnt through attitude and willingness accept...