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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wilbur on a Sunday...

attended xiuzhen's wedding dinner yest nite at this chinese restaurant on the 6th level of UIC building... food was good and the service wasnt too bad... i din realise it was a tung lok restaurant till after like the 5 or 6 dish when i saw the wrapper on the toothpick... pretty duh of me rite *grins* the waitress serving us was an auntie so she was pretty fast and efficient as compared to the other weddings i have attended where we are usu served by young men who seem to be really clueless when it comes to serving... can forgive if the young thing (doesnt matter if boy or gal) is eye candy *guffaws* but usu not the case heh...

how good was the auntie? well, our drinks were topped up promptly and correctly without once having to ask! so u can imagine how many glasses of red wine i had last nite! =) not that i'm complaining lor *grins*... btw, think i'm holding up my liquor pretty well nowadays... dont get high that easily though am drinking more than the normal i used to drink... must be the age thing *bleah* ...u know the saying, one gets better to age lol... applies to my *ahem* other stuff too ;)

back to the auntie... she cleared the dishes promptly and if there were left overs, she transferred them to a smaller plate and put them back on the table... (at 1st when she removed the dish with the leftovers, she din say anything so both me n sh wanted to chide her for not asking but lucky we held back for she came back with the leftovers in a jiffy!)

saw teck lan and kim lan at the dinner as well... they look good esp teck lan, teased tt she looked more and more like an obasan :)

weiren gave me a lift to his cafe so that i could take 48 back home... i met his one of his young waitress and i immediately took in to her... not that my dormant gay side is emerging but she had the kind of face and attitude that made me miss not having a kid sister... back in school, i liked taking care of those younger than me, guess me being so young then i mistook this side of me as having lesbian tendencies... but over the years i realised that it might be due i was always the only kid at home so i longed for companion to be able to shower love, concern and attention... i think jiawen was the only in school back then that i treated her so much like a younger sis that pple thot we were lovers *...* ... we rarely keep in contact now but she still has problematic when it comes to relationship, silly gal *affectionate suaning*...
somehow i can picture myself gg shopping with her (cant remember her name at this moment lol) and giving her advice, looking out for her like a big sis would *shrugs* ... yes, i'm strange but if you lived how i had and is a libra maybe you would feel the same too :)

last fri, we had dinner at bt batok botak jones after the exchange and bowling... kangwei, kengho, wq, pauline, ngian chao, ng yong, alicia, shufen, ck and me... pretty unusual mix but it goes to show why sometimes i like the office, we are not usual lunch buddies or that close in office for that matter but yet we could click and have a nice talking cock session, ex and new colleagues and all... no pretences whatsoever :) btw, alicia and sf were close frens in jc and were in hockey together... small world eh...

gotta shower in a couple of mins... gg to lichoo's house to see her month old pride n joy... i'm not v good with babies, hope Sarabelle doesnt freaked at the sight of me =p many errands to run after that... feel like gg to see some french country furniture... have been thinking of revamping me home for the longest time but shall see, shall see, cos of the 2 monkeys at home so cant get too delicate stuff as well but i think french or english country decor would go well with them hahahaha =D ...

oh yah, need to get the idea book by fredrik haren the swed who gave that entertaining and fabulous talk on creativity during exchange... totally awesome cos he was brutally frank... how good was he? i actually took notes for the 1st time in history during exchange!!!! need i say more?!