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Monday, December 29, 2008

Random Pics

took this when yf and me hung out on the bench outside Timbre to chat, free music wor kekeke

humoured me...
lights that set the mood :)

funnie could happen in SG too, no need to be in Japan ;)

Nice shao la :)

the time when i went wif Tee for the SSO Christmas concert

Wilbur in Japan? Not!

damn! spent a load again on Sat... can name it Splurge Saturday =p
bought a Miu Miu inspired dress inspired from its Spring 2008 runway show... but of cos the one i bought is not as short lah, wished that i could carry it off as much pizazz as the runway model lol but it can only be a dream :) actually the one i bought looks more like a vintage dress :) love the stripes as it gives a nautical feel...

by the way, love the shoes which the model is wearing above... here's the close-up :)
elegant and gorgeous :) so fairytale-like that if I could remake a Cinderella movie, this pair would definitely replace the boring glass slippers!
i love to own all things pretty, just makes me happy, not good though cos it's eating into my bank account =(
bought DKNY Delicious, 2 pairs of shoes and a pencil skirt in addition to the dress above... does qualify as a Splurge Sat rite? heh...

guess I needed to be happy to counter the unpleasantness at work... dont get me started lor... when one doesnt complain or whine means that one is damn fucking free, i throw in extra hrs at work to get MY things done and i would expect the same from others, so if i have to cover for someone who claims that she is busy but yet can choose to leave work on the dot, would u be fuming mad as well? fucking irresponsible... my weakness as so with the rest of pple whom i get get along is that we are all responsible that we suffer but we need to get the work done at the end of the day for a whole lots of reasons... cos we dont want our bosses to get into trouble with voldemort, no matter how bad the environment can be sometimes, we dont want other agencies or the public to say things bad about us cos we represent the dept and we take pride in our work...
there is a limit to how much i can tolerate... dont push it...
i will be fair to those who return the same fairness and i have definitely no respect or compassion to those who cant even own up to their mistakes or take responsibility for it...

anway, ate at this new place which is under the Waraku conglomerate, the decor is nice realli like those in Japan... they sell all things curry though =p

caught this toy soldier on me way back, just made me feel like being in toyland :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wilbur's Christmas Poem

A season of giving is what they say,
But if it's without sincerity, it isn't okay.
A priceless gift is one from the heart,
It can be anything, from a gesture to a card!

Of all the presents that I have received,
There's one I can't believe.
It's not the value nor the size,
But the lack of sincerity in the giver's eyes.

I rather not receive such gifts,
If it pains you so much just to give.
Truth and honesty is what Christ preach
It is your heart that you have breached.

Worthy I am not to receive Christ now,
As my heart is harsh to those senseless cows.
But pure evil I am not,
As they were in my prayers to God.

True to myself I need to be,
The same goes towards my friends and family.
Love and compassion resides in my heart,
For those lovable and sweet as peach tart :)

Christmas is a time to remember the birth of Christ,
He came to this world without asking a price.
It's a pity we all can't be like Him,
Else it will be a much nicer and simpler world to live in.

Christmas has so quickly passed,
Next comes the New Year which till Dec it will last.
I will seek to be good and nice,
To those deserving girls and guys!

Nonsensically penned by Wilbur the Pig

Saturday, December 20, 2008

the box, the ladder and the animal

Jo did an analysis of my character using the items in this blog title... must say its pretty accurate. :) btw, the 1st time a couple of us all got togther for drinks - cheryl, pauline, alicia, fiona, namchoon, kang wei, lisa, weizhen, jo, chao... i dont get high easily now though had gin, whisky and red din really hang lose at the dance floor, must be the fats absorbing all the alcohol before it reaches my puny brain =p

anyway, i really love dragon to bits for being so understanding, he doesnt get mad when i club, this is enough for me to know why i love being with him... it's a point where i dont even want to consider the options :) trust is a must in a relationship and we both get that although we dont usu spend much time together but that doesnt mean our love for each other is any lesser than before, in fact, i think i love him ever more so now... when we willingly give each other our own space, there is less friction, which is of course better and at the same time, we have more things to talk about since we interact with others and share our encounters and stories...
and the furious pig says to the deadly dragon:" know that everyday is valentine's as long as u r mine!" =)

got a msg from chao in the wee hrs saying that jo lost his wallet while we have having supper of gong bao frog porridge and beef hor fan at geylang... gosh, i realli hope some kind soul would pick the wallet and return it to him... the frustration and agony of losing a wallet is something i can relate to...

View from the Top =)
View from New Asia Bar, just like looking out from the window seat of an airplane =)

A rose by any other name would not smell as sweet! A couple of roses was laying on the main table in the function room of the year-end party :) took a stalk and snap a close-up of it.. goes to show that beauty lies within and sometimes these are the simple things in life which we fail to see and appreciate...

Miss RaRa & Pouty (yeah, gg for the cool look i.e not-showing-teeth-mona-lisa smile, but think it i failed miserably bleah =p)

The Jedi sisters using daiso brollies as their light sabre - recession mah, light sabre need electricity hahahhahaha (crap! think alcohol still in my system so sprouting corny jokes but then again it might just be me heh)

Then and Now...
kinda feel sad for the horseys... i couldnt realli bear to watch the race... inside, i was feeling sorrie for them cos it's not a life i would want... they are just treated as caged commodities... do they even experience being loved by their owners? once they outgrow their useful life, most just end up as dinner for the lions and tigers at the zoo, without any chance to enjoy their old age... is there fairness at all? yes, we humans are a cruel bunch, who made us God anyway to determine the fate of these animals... some might think i'm over-reacting here and being silly but i do feel for animals and when sadness is shown in their eyes, my heart weeps for there is nothing i can do as well... i'm sure if i ever witness the look of a chicken, cow or pig moments before they are being slaughtered, i could just die cos my heart would just bleed...

Fiona the biter and the cool F1 driver *chuckles*

yeah, decided to go for the no-teeth smile for the nite... hate my arms arrrgghhh, i've got auntie arms ... all i need now is a hanky sticking out of my pits! sheesh!

two of the many nice pple from the office :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Wilbur's Path to Nirvana...

"A feeling that greater possessions , no matter of what kind they may be, will of themselves bring contentment or happiness, is a misunderstanding. No person, place, or thing can give u happiness. They may give u cause for happiness and a feeling of contentment, but the Joy of Living comes from within."

Genevieve Behrend (1881-1960)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Shots of Wilbur's Week :)

Cast of Snow White at the autograph session after their fabulously hilarious performance =)

Thru' the looking glass =) SG can have it's intriguing sights too... all it takes is just to look things at a different angle...

Hort Park! Where the grass is really greener :)
not v clear cos the flowers were in the glass house and shot was taken outside :p
Yes! This amazing plant really dance to music! The leaves move quite slowly and trust me, it's not cause of the breeze! Awesome!
Little Jo is growing too big for her house *heh* :)
flowers of this plant are used as colouring in food :)

The bamboo seclusion corner which is said to be able to relieve stress just walking in it
Rain tree with air plants strapped onto its branches :)

On way back after drinks and pizza at Timbre...

the playful crescent moon above the inverted crescent lights of furama hotel

KFC's breakfast was my indulgence last week =p ate it two days in a row... i like the honey biscuit, it kinda looks like Popeye's biscuit except it not salty and texture resembles more like scones :)