bought a Miu Miu inspired dress inspired from its Spring 2008 runway show...

by the way, love the shoes which the model is wearing above... here's the close-up :)

i love to own all things pretty, just makes me happy, not good though cos it's eating into my bank account =(
bought DKNY Delicious, 2 pairs of shoes and a pencil skirt in addition to the dress above... does qualify as a Splurge Sat rite? heh...
guess I needed to be happy to counter the unpleasantness at work... dont get me started lor... when one doesnt complain or whine means that one is damn fucking free, i throw in extra hrs at work to get MY things done and i would expect the same from others, so if i have to cover for someone who claims that she is busy but yet can choose to leave work on the dot, would u be fuming mad as well? fucking irresponsible... my weakness as so with the rest of pple whom i get get along is that we are all responsible that we suffer but we need to get the work done at the end of the day for a whole lots of reasons... cos we dont want our bosses to get into trouble with voldemort, no matter how bad the environment can be sometimes, we dont want other agencies or the public to say things bad about us cos we represent the dept and we take pride in our work...
there is a limit to how much i can tolerate... dont push it...
i will be fair to those who return the same fairness and i have definitely no respect or compassion to those who cant even own up to their mistakes or take responsibility for it...
anway, ate at this new place which is under the Waraku conglomerate, the decor is nice realli like those in Japan... they sell all things curry though =p