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Saturday, December 20, 2008

the box, the ladder and the animal

Jo did an analysis of my character using the items in this blog title... must say its pretty accurate. :) btw, the 1st time a couple of us all got togther for drinks - cheryl, pauline, alicia, fiona, namchoon, kang wei, lisa, weizhen, jo, chao... i dont get high easily now though had gin, whisky and red din really hang lose at the dance floor, must be the fats absorbing all the alcohol before it reaches my puny brain =p

anyway, i really love dragon to bits for being so understanding, he doesnt get mad when i club, this is enough for me to know why i love being with him... it's a point where i dont even want to consider the options :) trust is a must in a relationship and we both get that although we dont usu spend much time together but that doesnt mean our love for each other is any lesser than before, in fact, i think i love him ever more so now... when we willingly give each other our own space, there is less friction, which is of course better and at the same time, we have more things to talk about since we interact with others and share our encounters and stories...
and the furious pig says to the deadly dragon:" know that everyday is valentine's as long as u r mine!" =)

got a msg from chao in the wee hrs saying that jo lost his wallet while we have having supper of gong bao frog porridge and beef hor fan at geylang... gosh, i realli hope some kind soul would pick the wallet and return it to him... the frustration and agony of losing a wallet is something i can relate to...

View from the Top =)
View from New Asia Bar, just like looking out from the window seat of an airplane =)

A rose by any other name would not smell as sweet! A couple of roses was laying on the main table in the function room of the year-end party :) took a stalk and snap a close-up of it.. goes to show that beauty lies within and sometimes these are the simple things in life which we fail to see and appreciate...

Miss RaRa & Pouty (yeah, gg for the cool look i.e not-showing-teeth-mona-lisa smile, but think it i failed miserably bleah =p)

The Jedi sisters using daiso brollies as their light sabre - recession mah, light sabre need electricity hahahhahaha (crap! think alcohol still in my system so sprouting corny jokes but then again it might just be me heh)

Then and Now...
kinda feel sad for the horseys... i couldnt realli bear to watch the race... inside, i was feeling sorrie for them cos it's not a life i would want... they are just treated as caged commodities... do they even experience being loved by their owners? once they outgrow their useful life, most just end up as dinner for the lions and tigers at the zoo, without any chance to enjoy their old age... is there fairness at all? yes, we humans are a cruel bunch, who made us God anyway to determine the fate of these animals... some might think i'm over-reacting here and being silly but i do feel for animals and when sadness is shown in their eyes, my heart weeps for there is nothing i can do as well... i'm sure if i ever witness the look of a chicken, cow or pig moments before they are being slaughtered, i could just die cos my heart would just bleed...

Fiona the biter and the cool F1 driver *chuckles*

yeah, decided to go for the no-teeth smile for the nite... hate my arms arrrgghhh, i've got auntie arms ... all i need now is a hanky sticking out of my pits! sheesh!

two of the many nice pple from the office :)