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Thursday, December 4, 2008


sucks when voldemort, who incidentally hates my guts, looks at me with such disdain and always expects me to screw up while dumb asses who actually screw up are let-off with a mere scoff... what the $££&%^$^$%$£"$!" ....?!

knowing the shallow person she is, she still thinks output and quality of work is base on how you dress and your background... for goodness sake! she rather be fooled than look beyond the superficial... yes, i agree, i do not dress nor look the part of someone who can be responsible and actually do work but would you rather have one who looks all the part but has zero common sense and capability? use your blain, use your blain lah!

yf told me his office engaged a new guy who looked like, what i gathered, a wayward punk yanked off far east plaza but this newbie actually turned out to be the most responsible worker on the planet (ok, exaggerating about the planet lah)!!! he turns up for work on time and never played punk at all amongst other virtue... such pple dont deserve to be in offices like ours cos they are indeed capable but the office is just not big enough for them....

bah... i will drown my sorrows in a theatre full of humor this friday, snow white n the 8 dwarfs (one escaped from our office lah lol)... sandman has come n threw his sleep ashes into my eyes...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz