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Monday, May 25, 2009

Missing A Friend

eating this made me miss our carefree times back then when sf and me would always go shoppin and we ended up settling for wonton mee at heeren most of the time ;')

We were close friends
I believed you were sent from above
I knew I could count on you
For anything I needed
And when I needed you most
you were always there
till the day you found love
And had to move away
But I knew you still cared
For we still can be friends
Only from a distance
Through phones lines we'd talk
Did not make the difference
We were still friends
Even though long distance
I do miss our sleepovers
And the pranks you'd pull And our long talks and
Our laughs we used to share
And how you made me feel better
Just by being there
I miss you my friend
And I know you still care
We are friends forever
You and I
Friends till the end
The day I die

by Dana Hanon