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Sunday, May 31, 2009

today was one of those relax weekends cos the pig had most of her chores done yest and she had a little more rest than usual :)

there was loads of people in PP today, was lucky tt we din have to wait long for lunch at jack's :)
me steak was well-done though both dragon and me ordered medium =p din bother changing it though cos din want it to go to waste (considering pple are starving in other parts of the world)

dragon was in a shoppin mood today, we bought a couple of clothes at esprit =)
the berms which dragon bought :)

i love it when i get into the changing room with him watching him try on clothes ;)
bought him a leather belt as a belated birthday pressie :) could imagine him pairing the belt with his jeans, long sleeved shirt and pointed shoes esp when he goes entertaining =) absolutely yummy ;P (dragon is afraid, very afraid hahahaha)

holding hands, sharing kisses and hugs - that's the life!