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Thursday, August 7, 2008

The camera hates Wilbur!

i never really like pictures to be taken of me cos i always find i look weird in pics... face it! the camera hates me lor... there are some pple who will appear so natural in the pics like eugenia, valencia, yuqian, xiangjing that they dont need any effort, for me leh, i need so many takes for just that one pic to look nice =p ... i can so imagine the whole panel of ANTM judges in front of me and all shaking their heads lor and Tyra would go: "you look like a deer caught in headlights, it was very hard to find a good shot in those films blah, blah blah" and she would make the exact deadpan face i have in films so as to demonstrate her point hahahahah =D very vivid imagination hor?! i guess that's what happens when i'm home too long... eugenia jokes that i'm on house arrest =) quite true lor....

anyway, i think i look normal but when i see myself in pics i find many flaws and like got alot of disproportions lor... i think my side preview is nicer than a full front, like the naked body can be obscenely ugly *hangs head*... dragons says i look insane or crazed in pics... yeah he should know... bloodie hell just the other day he sneakily took a shot of my digging for gold nuggets while i was in the loo!!!! nabeh... if i do that to him i'm sure he wont talk to me for couple of days lor... why is it that men are the women now??? must be eat too much soya products lol ... (the article in ST abt soya products makes men produce more oestrogen hormones hence low sperm count *grins*) oh well... this planet is a strange place lah... men have longer eye lashes, usu nicer and slender smooth hands and fingers and they seem to excel in positions where women are suppose to have more experience in i.e. cooks, tailors etc talk abt unfair lol :)

till this day, i like looking at XJ's FB for his pics... all his pics like picture perfect and he looks like a jap model right out of a mag lor... i think he doesnt even need to photoshop them *shakes head* ... good hor ... he can exude that kind of 'say' but in real life he can be quite noisy one lol so unlike the air coolness he portrays in those pics... he is a fun fren to have though ... the other day i was corresponding with him on msn and he got to know of my recent op... that naughty fella started msn-ing jokes to crack me up knowing i couldnt laugh hard cos of my wound ;p ... that's XJ for you :)

aye, today it rained but i no chance to wear my polka dotted wellies out =( ... haiz... today really a gloomy day other then the weather, i felt like tearing my hair out when i checked my office email... dumb, dumb and more dumb... when will my $8million come!!!! i will turn insane like fann wong in the 9 o'clock show if i con't man... i think my family also got history of insanity *hysterical laughter* >=)