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Friday, August 22, 2008

Wilbur the Grinch - New movie coming to you this Monday

in yoda's accent lol:"excited and happy i am for i'm gg to the fireworks celebration at marina bay this evening" =) all thanks to MW who won the tics for me! kam siah zuay zuay hor!!! she super duper nice hor! knowing tt i would like to see the show, she actually took part in the competition her company was conducting and won lor!!! truly blessed with good frens *smiles* i will also always remember the time Dave gave me one whole box of donut factory to me when my msn pm indicated i had a cravings for them... he actually bought 2 one dozen boxes to be shared with his colleagues but offered one box to me without payment... and it was the time when donut factory was still in the rage ie. before all the other donut wannabe outlets came up... truly touched beyond words that he is one hell of a gf! there are many others too who are great pals, u are always in my heart! awwwww....

yest met MW and tee for dinner at holland v... been ages since i stepped into that place! arranged to meet at 730 but left house at 7pm, had no choice but to grab a cab lor, bloodie hell, freaking cost me $20 to get there, sim tia man... but only got myself to blame lah... everytime dilly dally.... bleah.... anyway, initially planned for sushi tei but was crowded so after recceing, we decided to settle for hawker fare :) cheap n good hokkien mee and ou luak... it's been a while since i ate at a hawker centre with frens lol... oh yah, for the ou luak, requested them to fry just the oysters and egg minus the icky gluten... only cos like $6 for a reasonable portion for 2 pple! good stuff man! anway, the best was yet to come lol :) we decided to go for a good dessert and we stopped by Olio near Wala Wala... Olio was pretty empty compared to the rest of the makan establishments... but we took our chances and boy were we rewarded finely!!! tee ordered a brownie while both MW and me shared some pastry with fruits and ice cream thingy... when the brownie came, we were astounded! it was served in a steaming hot plate on wooden base (akin to the one for steaks at jack's place) and when the waitress put in on the table, she immediately poured choc sauce all over the brownie and it sizzled and smoked like crazy with the aroma of the choc slowly creeping into the air =) we were both amused and wowed at the same time... the patrons at the next table were impressed too and we exchanged jokes abt it =) ... they ordered the same thing almost immediately *grins* without even waiting for us to try it :) it was fabulous btw and really, Olio sets itselfs apart from the rest for their ingenuity in serving it this way... the dessert which i had was not too bad too but in terms of impressing sua ku pple like us, the Olio's brownie beat all other desserts (well, maybe not Allen strawberry cheesecake lol) i had hands down ! they should get an olympic medal for it man! perfect 10! i used to be a fan of Dome but i guess i grew out of it when my favourite coffee drink (yes, i could drink coffee before without having a hell of a tummy ache) became too diluted one time for my liking... i used to order their chunky chips which came with 2 types of dips... great snack as well... their logo also nice cos got air of vintage lol .... Olio changes it's food menu every now and then, a good move since there's stiff competition...

gotta shower soon for the wonderful display tonite... i'm trying to keep my spirits up till Monday where i will likely turn green n grouchy =p ... it's pouring now but it's time i can wear my wellies!!! cool! i hope the rain gets lighter when the show is on ekse i will most prob go blind with the raindrops pelting on my eyeballs ahahahahaha... okay maybe not blind, but my pupils will turn from dark brown to black and blue hahahahahaa.... yeah, cold jokes for my amusement only =)

hope i retain my inspiration to make new stuff for Love Happy Daisies... dont wish to stop at one lol... that reminds me, for the 1st time in my life, i actually listened PM's LHL speech from start to end... i enjoyed this rally cos it was peppered with jokes and he made it more light hearted... i have faith in him but not in the system in fully supporting or implementing the policy changes he mentioned....

darn, dunno whether it's the new KC school that they are building but it's blocking some of the nice views I could see previously from my kitchen window... it's not exactly high, but high enough to be an eye sore to me... tee said all buildings in the east should be low, i agree man, but would anyone care? no lor.... sad we are losing our heritage, bye bye to 7th storey hotel pretty soon... watch 'beyond the forbidden city' on national geo, the chinese over there really take pride in preserving the culture, of course they have the manpower lah, but how come we not proud as we should be of our heritage and culture since we are mostly chinese too?