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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Wilbur, Queen of Thorns?

finally got durians from the rising 4 seasons stall at still road (opp the famous crab coffeeshop)... we got the top grade ones which were selling at $20/kg... damage for our craving is $80 for 4 bitter babes! the durians are definitely worth every cent man! flesh was creamy, thick and the seed was so puny... after this indulgence, must definitely watch my diet =( cos durians pretty high in sugars aye...

the doggies also love durians! they got a good treat yest when dragon fed them with at least one chunk each... now each time we eat the durians, we get stares from the gals... they even resorted to acting pitiful and putting their head on my laps! haiz, talk abt spoiling them =p

oh yeah, finally got a digi cam cos i figure i needed one to take good shots of the items i'm selling... settled for a panasonic lumix for $350... wanted to get Fujifilm cos they had it in green and pink but the Best Denki sales person recommended panasonic instead as it could take sharp close-up shots... why cant electronic goods be colourful and funky???!!! haiz...

went to see dentist uncle tim yest as my gums was pretty sensitive and hurt when i brushed... i was a little worried as i thot it was the side effects of the anesthetic or worse decaying for not brushing my teeth for the few days after my operation but apparently it was a problem of exposed gums that caused my sensitivity... paid uncle tim a total of $30 *cheap, cheap!* for general checking of teeth, sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth and a tube of gel to be applied to the exposed areas to reduce the sensitivity :) ... by the way, i wld most prob go to uncle tim for my root canal review instead of NDC 6 mths later... y? cos NDC's HOD has duly counselled that dental surgeon whom i felt was not thorough in his explanation and also have agreed to refund me $32 out of $40... i will be insane to go back to the same dental surgeon for my review lor ;)

on our way to uncle tim's, i happen to chance upon the store egg3 which sells items by local designers i think... the interior decor is a bit french, vintage and whimsical... the clothes not cheap abt $100 plus but its pretty unique like a black polo tee with collar in chinese qipao motif... i wouldnt mind paying 'cept for this kind of place with such decor you would expect the owner(s) to be speaking in halting english but no lor, when i stepped into the store, i heard this couple presumably relatives of the owners speaking in hokkien, i'm not ashamed of the dialet but i think i would be a cai4 tou2 (loose translation - carrot head or robert head ) if i bought anything from the store cos they might have want to come across as 'atas' hence the pricey stuff all around the store... i guess it's all abt marketing from the moment a customer walks into the store and not just decor alone... ask yourself, would u buy durian from an ang mo guy or ah beng? naturally ah abeng rite? (if you say ang mo, u can stop reading here and find an ang mo that sells ang mo liu lian wahahaaha) cos u would think to yourself wat the hell would an ang mo know how picking the best durian for you! i rest my case *takes a bow*

gosh, i have been passing out durian gas, durian pee and yest durian motion the whole of today! the fridge is finally cleared of all durians and i guess i wont be eating that devil of a fruit for a long long time =) i have this theory which dragon brushes off as rubbish but for me it really holds true... i wont get sick i.e. sore throat etc when i eat expensive durians but the moment i gorge on those 3 for $10 durians, i would be severely down with a bad throat and flu the next day! you guys may find it hard to believe but sometimes i think i know my own bod better lor as in wat it is adverse to etc... it all simply boils down to the power of observation and not oblivion :)

clover seems to be down with some skin problems which is getting me worried cos she bites the scabs until her skin is raw =( ... hopefully Dr Hsu from the Animal Clinic would be able to work his miracle on her... Dr Hsu is well known for his patience and sincere dedication in curing pets... a bit pricey but after experiencing the so-so services at Mt Pleasant, i think the Animal Clinic is better... but Dr Hsu is only available on weekdays though...

think i blogging diarrhoea again lol ...ending here cos incredible tales starting soon and thereafter Pushing Daisies :) lovely cute couple!!! i really thank God i took literature in Secondary school cos it made me appreciate such shows for it's ironies and hidden meanings which the writer of the show wanna bring across :)

ta-ta for now =)