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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wilbur at an opera?

caught Puccini's Turandot on fri.. it's an italian opera and the settings is based on old peking china... i din think the singing was fantastic as the casts did not seem to inject the emotions required for the audience to feel the characters... yes, they could hit the high notes and all but their cords fail in comparison to josh groban... just by listening to his cd alone can i feel what the song is trying to bring out... anyway, tee told me tt puccini die before completing the opera, which explains why act 3 i.e. the ending, sucks real bad... it become a love conquers all thingy which is too ridiculous and abrupt considering turandot was a cold cold princess all her life... both tee and i felt it should end in a tragedy... the saving grace was ping, pong, pang who brought life to the show... they were funny and had the audience laughing with them :)

i dont mind watching such operas as i used to catch such operas way back on tv12 in my teens... u dont have to understand the language as there are subtitles... i especially like those where the settings is baroque... think white wigs and elaborate victorian dresses... anyway, i thot the esplanade theatre is cool stuff... joked tt i should have brought a pair of old baroque magnifying glasses for the opera *grins* as we set on the circle seats on the 2nd floor...

tics were cheap as those wealthy foundations i.e lee, kong etc sponsored a great deal of $ so that more pple could have a chance to see and experience the arts... if u are one who dont mind the opera, good to go and check it out, there are both english and mandarin subtitles on the 2 screens located at each side of the stage... might take some getting used to focus on the actors on stage and also on the screens but should be able to get the hang of it pretty quick :)

lotsa of caucasians attended and some of the females wore long satin dresses, so damn pretty! anyway, if you dare and can smuggle, bring your own champagne and glasses for drinking at the intervals hahahaha... cos drinks at the bar are not complimentary heh...