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Friday, June 13, 2008

Wilbur can see Venus!

aye, i always have been fascinated with the night sky... i always see a bright steady dot of light in the sky that's always close to the moon these couple of weeks, it's not a star but actually Venus *excitedly*! yeps! hands up those of u that know that this bright dot is a planet! amazing how we can see this planet with the naked eye... lately it's very bright and apparently i read tt its around this time when it the brightest!!! so cool... dragon boy doesnt believe me when i tell him its a planet, tells me it's a satellite *rolls eyes*.... anyway, me being a libra, love and appreciate all things beautiful and this is definitely one of the universe wonders which i very much appreciate... venus is like 26 million miles away from earth yet we can see it!

at other times of the year, the other steady dot of light would be other planets but venus is the most alluring cos it's the brightest of the lot... somehow looking at it gives me hope (maybe hence the phrase 'glimmer of hope'?) ... i guess i like the sky so much cos i know that beyond it, is the vast vast universe which have not been tainted by mankind unlike earth... caught a bit of the news on tv mobile... 2 orang utans got to sit the s'pore flyer, a publicity to make pple aware that we need to conserve the wildlife which is rapidly diminishing (though i dont get the part abt apes sitting the flyer and conservation *shrugs*)... it reported that only 7,500 orang utans are left in the world and increasing forest fires in sumatra contribute to the diminishing population... i was struck with grief and sadness almost immediately when i heard this... my heart cried as i imagine the apes being killed alive by the fires... at this moment, i really din believe the notion that 'one person could make a difference'... feel hapless, useless and ashamed, am i resigned to the fact tt nothing can be done to help the animals? i mean even if i wanted to help, wat can i do to stop the fires? pple here, including myself, seem to be more concern abt managing our own livelihood and seeking material things... though i don't splurge on luxury items but i am too guilty of seeking things that are wants and not needs... it saddens me to think we have become as such... bad news everywhere now... global warming etc... guess maybe a higher power is experimenting on us and observing how long more before we destroy ourselves when we get too smart for our own good... *heavy heart*

my flu from 3 weeks ago is still lurking in my bloodie system... lots of phlegm in my throat, making me cough irrationally... i need to like spit every now and then, damn gross and troublesome *grumble* ... just waiting for that mother-of-all clot that once i spit it out of my system, i'm cleared! doesnt feel like its coming out anytime soon though *aaarrrggghhh*....

btw, met up wif lyn n V at chin huat steamboat at novena on wed... they are my sec school mates... lynn is still flawlessly pretty as ever!!! u cant imagine her having 3 kids liao (3rd one is in the womb) ... ever heard of a 7 mths pregnant lady having a small shot of vodka at balaclava and puffs occasionally *lol* this is she :) gives meaning to the phrase "life is short" - i like! V is thinking of getting her 6th tattoo in US Miami ink but she wants a goat pic... hmmmm... anyway, she already so full of charm and charisma that even the shanghai gal models throw themselves at her and call her *shuai shuai* lol... she is like chris ho to me... epitome of cool with capital Os in the middle... as much as i would like to get a tattoo, dragon boy doesnt like me to have one, not a big deal for me lah... remember way back there was those cheap pale pink chewing gum with a teddy bear face on the different colour wrappers, on the other side of the wrapper was a robot 'tattoo'? we would transfer the tattoo onto our hand usu, by wetting the wrapper? can someone come up wif a super giant version of this wrapper but with better design, of course, for pple like me??? hahahahhaha.... lyn n V said that tattoos are a taboo for some cos it can change your luck to either very very good or very very bad and usu it will affect the stability if you are in a relationship... hmmm... i can be pan tang so i guess i wont want to take chances for now... esp if it would make my relationship turn bad =p ....

been online shopping lately, bought a pair of wellies from ebay london and eagerly waiting for it to arrive... bought it cos i thot it will be fun to wear during very wet days and besides, it will keep my feet dry... so practical and yet it fits into my change of style again :) it's white with big light green dots... guess this way, not too loud and easier to match clothes... did a whole lot of online purchases as well which i shall not go into details but think it's whole every cent spent! damn, i hope my habit of buying too many items which I do not have a chance to wear is not coming back full force... yeah, i ought to shoot myself... again seeking unwanted wants =(

better get some shut eye... clover was whining earlier, guess she sort of knows that by keeping late nights, i wont be able to wake up tmr =P ... aiyah, but how do i explain to her that sometimes, i just need to pen down my thots else if too many is bottled up i wont like explode lor...