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Monday, June 16, 2008

Wilbur Po

watched kungfu panda today at the cinema. yes, u heard me rite, at the cinema *grins* ... it's been a while since both dragon boy n me caught a movie at the theatre, if u guys know us well, we have been catching movies from dvds *winks* cos dragon boy is a bit of a kiam kanna (direct translation - salty dried fruit *lol*) ... he suggested tt we catch the movie at a not so popular theatre, which was damn shiok cos other than a family of noisy kids, we had the whole cinema to ourselves!!! for once, i could prop my feet onto the front seat *happy* and i din have to shift in my seat uncomfortably cos no big heads were in front to block me lalalala *joyous* ... maybe my hormones are still imbalance cos i just ended my period but i have been pretty emotional the past couple of days, tearing without much logic and somemore could not control the emotion and tears... even when i watched kungfu panda, there were some scenes which actually touched me and tears welled up in my eyes *shrugs* ...

been having some minor frustrations wif dragon boy... he thinks tt i'm too harsh with winter but the thing is, he is not around much to see winter behave badly... she becomes rebellious when i shower her with love n attention... i guess that's the thing with pple, when we witness a single display of hostility, we tend to think that the person showing the hostility shouldnt been so petty etc, but if you did not experience what this person has gone through for him/her to act n this manner, it is best not to comment as both of you will risk being upset with each other... i can be pretty direct with my words sometimes when i need to defend my actions and it would usu cause conflict... i feel very frustrated when my behaviour and actions are misinterpreted esp by dragon boy whom i always assumed is to know me well but apparently sometimes he doesnt =p... he should by now understand tt i'm not usu very hostile or unfriendly but when my patience is worn thin after repeated trying by the same incident or person, it will push my hostile button... i had always expected him to support my actions but usu that's not the case =( he would comment which gets me upset... *sigh* sometimes, i find tt i would support him for his actions and if i dont agree, i wld just hold back my comments cos i know tt it might cos him to be even more upset so i just want him to do the same *roll eyes* ... MAN really from Mars!!!