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Friday, June 20, 2008

Wilbur's Amazement

it's getting harder for me to accept how pple think and behave in this country... both dragon n me really tink tt its best to move out of this country and stay in places like BKK or japan (if we have the $$$) when we retire but recently, i have been contemplating to move even sooner... only prob is money and family...

i cant believe how some parents are got so worked up with the saving gaia ad of the mannequin boy being mutilated and mediacorp have to pull it off air... yah, your kid is scared then teach him not to be or explain to him... if not just cover his bloodie eyes lah!!! i grew up watching horror shows though i was not suppose to, of course i was super scared and had nightmares but u grow out of it... so what is it wif u dumb ass parents???!!! u cant protect the kid 4ever and sheltering them from such images only does more damage... imagine if the kid witness a death by accident where the head or body is all messed up, what r u gg to do then? really some parents have pea brains... if you notice, how come expats never complain abt such things? thats cos they are more exposed and are far more far sighted than the truly cheena parents some are... u go and think lah, kid having nightmare or saving the earth more important... no earth, kid no need to have nightmare also will die... f**king idiots...

u can say i wont understand cos i dont have kids, but the way i was brought up is enough for me to understand... i had a pretty strict upbringing and there were times i felt unloved and even contemplate suicide when i was a teenager, i wasnt spoiled though i was in a way the only child but being in this kind of situation made me stronger and taught me to be independent which i'm actually thankful for... my life hasnt always been perfect, in fact i consider it tumultuous but if i had to re-live my life over again, i would still choose the same cos if not i would not have been what i'm today... if i ever have a kid, i would only protect him if he ever comes close to danger but otherwise, he shall eat off from the table etc... being overly protective is more detrimental than u can imagine, it weakens our spirit, character... see how kids easily get the hand, foot and mouth diseases... they are not able to pick up stuff from the floor or table and pop it back in their mouth, hence, there body does not build up the natural defences, thereby weakening their immune system...

so tired of how pple can be so narrow minded, short sighted etc... it's really stifling just witnessing such incidents... i want out ...

before i wizz off to snooze land, i'm thankfuk to tee for recommending dr goh... he atcually waived the consultation fees when both me and sf went to see him just now... one hell of a doc!!!