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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wilbur still under the weather...

been exactly a week since i visited my doc for flu and the works =p ... completed my medication a couple of days ago but the symptoms still persists... went to the doc again today and got stronger medication plus antibiotics... total damage for this damn flu virus? $69 for the 2 visits! medical cost really ex lor... heart pain man... usu i would self medicate but this time, its really serious, my mucus was all yellow goo *too bad if u feel sick from imagination of my condition... lol*...

some pple have been complaining abt the noise from TV mobile... apparently they have never encountered passengers who talk v loudly and non-stop throughout the entire bus journey whether over the phone or to the person beside them... i was caught in such a situation a couple of times and trust me, TV mobile is nothing compared to those goondu buggers who have no bloody sense of consideration towards other passengers... yest i was suay enuf to have to sit through listening a bloody woman talk over the phone to her publicist or something... wah lao i really felt like striking her with a super sharp heel so that she will be killed instantly and from the looks of the other passengers sitting near her, they too seem to share the same thots as me... she kept gg on and on and repeating her sentences, think worse of all she spoke like she v smart and helpful like that, cannot stand!!! maybe also her voice not that pleasant... if she had the angelic voice of chloe agnew the teen prodigy then maybe we wont find it offensive... geez...

went to trim my hair yest... it was an impromptu action as I was shopping at far east plaza and i notice this salon was still open though it was abt 845pm and it had a japanese name 'haru' lol ... paid $38, find it ex but i really wanted a hair cut as my fringe was causing me to have neck aches cos' it was too long and it blocked my side views so much so that i would have to tilt my head uncomfortably occasionally... anyway, the hairstylist was a male and his name is Kenji though he seemed m'sian to me hee... anyway, they closed at 9pm but cos of me he had to close at 9.30pm... felt bad lah but i think $38 covers the inconvenience besides i told him i dont need to have a wash though he offered :) pleased with he hair cut... i have fringe!!! not possible a couple of months back when my chin was blunt haha... but losing weight recently brought some sharpness back =) but my face still lop-sided =( one side seems to be puffier... seriously, the right side of me is full of imperfections... evidence? right ear is folded and juts out if the hair is too thin around there, my right eye is lazy, my right ankle is fatter (know this cos I those shoe straps that goes round), my right elbow has a darker discolouration at he groove, my right thigh has very obvious varicose veins popping, my eczema happens more on my right feet and now even my right pit, my right leg got the burnt mark from the lousy acupuncture treatment... dont think i need to go on... my right profile is not my best... in fact find it ugly... but guess i have to embrace these imperfections... no choice right?! *sticks out tongue*

my plan is to get out of hell after June... no matter if i'm not offered a job from my applications... i intend maybe to just work at some fast food joint like MOS burger or Carl's Jr for the time being to take a break and still have some income... when can i win like some big sum of money so that i can find some senang work for the rest of my life??? day dreaming again!!! i'm also toying with the idea tt maybe i will ask weiren if he needs my help at his soon-to-be-opened cafe in july, of course no favours lah, will still be paid a waitress pay that he is offering =p

though i'm not well but i'm happy to spend time with my 2 babies =) ... clover is seriously adorable and likable... winter still irritates me sometimes but i hope she will grow up to be more obedient... one thing abt big dogs is that u can hug them real hard... same goes for hamsters... i always like syrians cos they can fill your whole palm and i can gently rub noses with shinobi milky and snowy... dwarf hamsters more swift and agile so harder to catch them and they seem to be more wary then syrians... too me, holding a syrian more shiok than dwarf lah... syrian more affectionate =)

sigh, wanted to get those ballet-like shoes from far east but those that sold in the stores now not as nice or comfy as the ones i bought previously... the ones i have now are really super comfy but the red pair is spoiled while the under part of the black pair is broken, it can still be worn... though i have the makings of imelda macos for my collection of shoes, i tend to stick to a certain pair when it is comfy and complements my dressing style at a certain point in time... like now, i like wearing mini skirts and the ballet pumps helps to balance the look from becoming too casual or campy...

told myself to stop buying clothes but yest i saw those vintage tees which i have seen in those fashion mags... queens couture is like selling them at a bomb.. $60? but i came by this stall along orchard that were selling them and very much like those available in queens but at a fraction of the price... they were having a sale so they are selling 2 for $27 else one would be like $18 for one... i wanted to get 2 initially but the tee base colours v dull like grey, maroon so in the end i got a 'tide' in pale yellow and the other is a guy's tee for dragon boy... not too sure whether he will like it cos the tee is for bikers, got 'motorbike' printed on the front but he drives lor =p ...

time to get some shut eye... gg to hell again tmr...