Friday, October 31, 2008
Wilbur the Witch?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wilbur Raves!
What do u expect from parents who both are teachers *grins*. Her 1st 2yr old kid's name is Calen. Very cute kid and yoke seems to be frens with her kid rather than a mum :) she and hubby still do things together till now like cycle, backpack to BKK with kid in tow (she just put him on a sling when touring in BKK!) ... cool fren, cool life that my heart smiles for her =) i also caught sight of a framed collage of wedding photos tt wasnt in the album during her wedding... she has such model like looks and poses tt could beat those models in style wedding magazines hands down! btw, yoke's pure vegan chinese but she is dark-skinned by genes but her look is really alluring a bit like michelle saram... best thing abt her is there is no airs, simple yet charming...
steph is in Aceh and unable to come to the baby shower so only me and huiqing was there... 4 of us have been frens for the longest time - since pre-u. Though we rarely meet-up or chat, once we do get together, we are able to pick up where we last left off though it can be like a couple of years =) each of us chose different paths after school, steph - air stewardess; yoke - teacher, huiqing - in BP, but that din stop us from still being close frens... they are the ones that know every bit of my dirty little secrets *chuckles*... which brings to me to sum up a few traits of a good friend...
- listens and doesnt judge as they understand they are not in the situation u are in
- doesnt question the decisions u make and backs u all the way even if u fail
- doesnt impose their ideas on you and forces you to take them as they accept who u are
- readily offers a shoulder to cry on and offers help even when it means they have to make some personal sacrifices
- is observant of your feelings and mood without the need to tell them and will usu know what to say or do to make u feel better
- doesnt get upset over little issues such as not returning an sms etc as they understand you could be busy
- frank without offending as u can sense they care and have well intentions
when both parties mutually fulfill the above, you become great pals and i'm thankful to have so many which makes up for some things i'm missing in my life such as closeness to family, having siblings etc ;)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wilbur & Frens went to the zoo to see ghouls ;)
felt much lighter after the session though when CK and MW saw me after, they said i looked damn shagged =p ... auntie said i had too much huo qi (loosely translated: fire air *lol*) and said i needed to drink loads of water and drink liang cha... hmmm... is that why my temper also v bad with the gals nowadays??!! but realli each time i come home, winter is bound to do some things to irritate like yest, the washing machine was lop-sided one of those stand to prop up the washer came off... just afraid that one of these days i would find one of them having their legs squashed underneath =/ maybe halloween coming so tendency to have such thots lol...
talking which yest's outing with CK and MW to the nite safari was cool stuff... they had the halloween theme gg on and we took the halloween tram and walked the forest giant trail to be thrilled by the halloween characters =) one group of gals waited for us so that we could walked together lol... simply fun and was nice that such events could bring strangers together :) it's really like giordano's tag line "a world without strangers" took a couple of pics... noticed tt i had the same expression in almost every pic... cos if i din wink and stuck my tongue out (yeah, acting cute *u can be excused and go puke lol*), i would look more ghastly than the ghouls themselves leh... cos my make-up have all melted and my tired face is not a pretty sight lor =p btw nearly wanted to smack the heads of this couple tt were queuing in front of us for the tram ride... they were trigger happy with their cam, taking shots of themselves every few SECONDS tt we keep having to siam here and there and poor MW keep getting their flashes in her eyes... i mean if u take with the ghouls or the surroundings okay lah but just keep taking close-ups shots of themselves, might as well stay home and take!!! kuku-fied cam whores leh... i just wish when their pics come out, there would be ghostly apparitions in all their pics >=) call me a meanie but if u cant be considerate to others ard, wilbur hyde would just take over...
here's the pics... not for the faint hearted hor... cos I look ghastly posey ahahahaha =D
oh yeah, the mummy has hairy pits kekekeke and the ghoul (2nd row, 1st pic) kinda resembles me i think... i like her dressing, macham like ruby gloom sans the red hair =) the chinese jiang shi somehow reminds me of WQ *hysterical laughter* i think the pic of poison ivy with CK is cool lor... she is sexy and pretty and reminds us a bit of aileen :) nice pout!

Friday, October 24, 2008
Give Wilbur her Choya Martini =)
we chatted for quite long but i think i have a habit of repeating myself sometimes heh, old liao, so tend to be naggy but i guess it's nice to have such buddy sessions... kinda remind me of the times when CK and me used to chill but we have less of such sessions cos we dont work together anymore and also his work is quite siong now (US co.) but still he is truly a good fren to have although a bit 38 sometimes *lol*... but really he is a hao hao sian shen... even dragon says he has a v honest look *chuckles* the kind that doesnt harm pple which is so damn true...
anyway, we broached on the subject of relationships... personally, i'm one who will not mind doing the chase if i feel that person is most prob the ONE, doesnt matter attached (usu unhappily) or not but of course he has to at least show the some slight interest in me too else no point :) it may sound bad to some but i believe in finding my own happiness and i know myself only too well after all that i have gone thru... if between love and obligation, i will be the one to choose the former cos i know if i stick to a person just out of obligation, down the road, this union will not last as i will tend to find faults with the person as i cant accept them as they are and will try to change them just to fit into my liking... which in the end is not fair to the other person as well and both will suffer... so for me, its definitely love and knowing the kind of stunts i will pull, i rather stick to someone i love alot rather then to someone i find so-so but loves me... i'm truly happy with dragon now and i definitely know its love cos there isnt any urge or intention to set eyes on anyone else =) i accept him for the way he is dressing, attitude, character and all... even in non-rosy times, my mind doesnt wander... i find tt when we have our pics taken, my smiles tend to be natural and not posey which kinda depicts the state of our relationship *grins* i generally am not photogenic, so i hate to take photos and when i have to, i always turn out fugly in them ie. insincere crooked smile, one eye big; one eye small etc =p i thot the pic below turned out ok though :)
i had been in a relationship that lasted 7yrs... this started when i was in pre-u... naturally at that age then, you would think that u end up being married etc but we grew apart (rather, my thinking changed) when i went to poly... breaking up wasnt an easy thing to do but i'm glad i did it... of course i deliberated alot before initiating as i knew my ex loved me and i was afraid tt i couldnt find someone to love me as much and also the thot of going thru a whole new relationship again seemed draining and quite a chore but i knew i no longer had the love so it wouldnt be fair to him to continue... most times, we try not to rock the boat and put aside any thots tt might messed things up but in order to find our own happiness, we should sometimes take a step back and assess the situation... no one can tell us whether we make the right or wrong decisions as life is an unpredictable journey but as long as u have the support from frens (btw, you can dump those frens who try to run your life for you) and/or family sometimes its all that matters :)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Wilbur digs Fiona Xie
in her real life, some says she grabs attention by acting cute and all but i'm impressed by her reel life acting so i give credit for that :)
Happy the new hammie i bought gave birth to 6 new pups... they are so adorably cute, will be keeping all but have to buy a new tub for them though cos have to separate the boys =p ... i din know that she was pregnant, no wonder her temperament changed and she started attacking Daisy, my other female hammie... at first i din know what was eating Happy, thot she was gila or something =p
gg to source for new couch, drawers and dining chairs later... not too hopeful abt finding cheap and nice ones though... i also need these in those material tt are practical as well but so far i doubt there are any in the market... i mean why can they do floral sofa in PVC or PU leather for easy maintenance?? floral always comes in fabric while leather or PVC in just one boring colour... BORING!
Oh yah, joining MW, WL and their families for a bbq session tonite at the chevrons.... pretty far but MW's mum asked her to ask me so must shang lian :) not too sure whether dragon wants to go though but will still go... can wear my floral shorts there... woohoo =)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wilbur sums up the weekend :)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wilbur's a year older =p
anyway, vienna has a wide range of food =), a bit cheena cos majority of the waiters and waitresses are from ROC plus some of the patrons are those not that old but got auntie say kwan, large family like from the outskirts; seldom go out ... sorrie lah, not trying to put these pple down just that their kiasu behaviour can be a bit irritating =p like this stupid woman, she hogged the fondue station by trying to grab all the strawberries , nvm tt, she dip each strawberry one by one and never even had the courtesy to let me dip 1st, felt like dunking her whole head into the fondue man!!! cock leh!
anyway, the decor is also a bit circa 1970s... the furnishings was to theme of their name, vienna, but its like old kind of posh decor u would find in the 70s hee hee... machiam like the very old Broadway studio in river valley if you know what i mean... no complains since i like things fu-gu ie retro lol... anyway, the buffet cost $35.90 per pax ... i think its rather worth with the large variety of food they have... do try it yeah :)
tmr having dinner with ck and tee... mw and wl suppose to come but mw sms me in the evening to say the cable guy coming to their house tmr to do the installation... bummer! intending to go to liang ct to eat but might decide to change the venue cos have to drop by coffee nations to pass some stuff to wr... will see... tmr's dinner might not happen too... oh well... que sara, sara lor =)
clover seem to be want alot of attention from me =p aye tt poor gal... me not well these couple of days so just sleep and sleep, not much time for her ... i like pulling the micheal jackson baby stunt on her though ie. carry her and put her near the window... she hates that i think kekeke... she wld use her paw to push against the wall in bid for me to stop putting her so far out... btw, my windows are not child proof ie. there isnt any grills cos i dont like the idea of having grills as i tend to feel trapped like that... btw, i grew up without grills in my house and i stayed on the 11th floor =) i was pretty left on my own with minimal supervision, naturally i think i ever considered pulling a superman stunt but i think i was able to control myself lor seeing how the eggs splat when i threw them down... i was very mischevious when young... i threw a whole lot of eggs from my flat onto the cars downstairs lol... was trying to aim the eggs at the cars heh... i even caused the curtain pole in my house to collapse by trying to sit in the hole in the curtain... of course i blame it on my then cocker spaniel, Cosmic, for pulling the thing down when my dad heard the crash =9 ... damn terrible hor... such events happened so many years ago and yet i still remember them but yet there are times when i cant rem what i ate the day before... rationale is i only rem things worth remembering =)
bought 2 new hammies but had to separate them after a couple of days cos Happy ke siao and started to pick on Daisy... cuckoo nut lor... now one of Happy's eyes cant be fully opened while Daisy has a super deep wound on her back... haiz... Happy really a nut case...
havent got my massage yet though i badly need one... cant find a suitable time... plus these couple of days unwell, could not even make it out of the house... will see, will see...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wilbur is touched by Paul Pott's singing...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Many Inhalers in Wilbur's House!
Wilbur loves Sweet Slice of Life!
they serve thinly sliced flavoured ice and trust me this is cool stuff! pun intended lol... i tried Holy Matrimony which comprises of matcha slice (green tea ice), giant red beans and grounded peanuts... the combination seems simple but after you tried it you will be sold! this can really pass up as a real jap dessert wor! best thing is that it's not overly sweet and for those who prefer it sweeter, you can add condense milk for free of course... me not a fan of stuff too milky so I told them not to add the condense milk which actually is part of the ingredient :) whats amazing is that the ice is so thin it feels like snow and melts slowly into your mouth... perfect for a warm weather or as a reward after extreme shopping like me :) intending to try First Date the next time me there... prices are pretty reasonable from $3.50 to $4.50! here's their webbie to find out more ;)
for the gals, go and check it out cos one of the owners si bei cool, he was the one who prepared my order... he looks a bit like jap but is local, wore a cap and had slightly long wavy hair, exudes say-ness... he looks like one of the Tang Quartet guys but of course this one more eye candy... he is the kind that would make me fumble if he talked to me when I was younger *grins* but now me older, more confidence and not that easily intimidated lol... but got dragon so i have natural blinkers liao... will appreciate beauty but doesnt me i have to own it haha... wish i can say the same for my love for clothes, shoes, accessories as well =p
btw, in case u r wondering, this cafe is not opened by someone i know hor... just thot their dessert is nice and unique so they deserved to be mentioned... besides they all look young, so i want them to sustain as they seem to have a winning formula but maybe location only :)
sent a complaint email to Premier cab earlier... damn bloodie pissed with the female silvercab driver who not only took the long route, she did not drop me off at my exact destination (British High Commission) somemore! She drop me off at US Embassy instead and could just tell me that she dont where the Brit High Comm was went I told her this wasnt it! F***ing CB! yeah, i rarely spew vuglarities but when i do, means i'm totally pissed liao... she should just be sacked even if she needs the job cos if you cant bloody do your job well, it is just not right to carry on! she could have told me when i boarded that she din know the way or the place and this could allow me to hail another cab but NO, she was selfish and inconsiderate enought to just keep quiet throughout the 40 mins journey!! imagine! 40 mins from marine parade to tanglin! might as well take the bus! let's wait n see what Premier has to say! NB!
was damn upset and angry with myself yest, i fell asleep on the couch and doggies managed to get into the hamsters room and killed my 2 white syrians... wanted to kill myself but what's done is done... i'm thankful that shinobi is still alive...he is my darling one cos he is very clean and kuai... maybe cos i dont shower the 2 fatties that much attention so not that devastated but if it was shinobi, i would most prob throw the doggies down from the window... i know it is my fault for being careless but clover should know better cos she got hell the last time when she killed the guinea and hammy when she was just a couple months old... this time, i just locked them up in the kitchen and ignoring them... since they abuse the freedom they have, they should learn... how long they will be in there? well, until her majesty's pleasure >=/ have to move on... i hate it when i cause misery to others and in this case death... the feeling of guilt is never an easy thing to let go... i just hope they will be with God in Heaven...
drank wine and chatted with my neighbor (hubby and wife) yest nite... it's nice to know you have pple looking out for you... they are really nice and suay bian... knowing i was alone cos dragon is away, they ask me to join them :)
i cant complain cos to me the bad things always even out with the good things...
btw, managed to get the idea book by Fredrik Haren in style nordic at ann siang road... it's a good and creativity book... its selling at $45 by the way... recently was on a splurging binge again aye aye... my excuse? birthday coming lol... i always have an excuse, damn terrible rite?
oh yah, already submitted my application for renunciation of my Brit overseas national citizenship... freaking cost me $260... office should reimburse man cos it is not by my choice that i want to convert =( ... feel sad actually when i submitted my application... it seems tt i somehow lose that link... btw, i think i really inherited some Brit traits from my great grand mama cos most of the brits came in last minute to process their passports etc... the office closes at 1230pm but at 1220pm pple were still coming in heh... me always a last minute person lol...
i recently bought lemongrass aromatherapy oil... the smell is fantastic man! it's so soothing and smells like a spa :)) cool stuff! not cheap the oil $17.90... nearly wanted to buy a simple burner at $17 but decided against it as I think i could get cheaper ones... in the end, neighbor gave me theirs :) they got it for $2 from m'sia but they a bit high class cos the bought the oil from hann and thann at T3 which cos $70 for a big bottle and they also bought the clay beads from there as well! they still say cheap =p
gotta go poo... cya!