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Friday, October 24, 2008

Give Wilbur her Choya Martini =)

brought WQ to eM on tues... i still think eM is nice place to chill, eat, drink n talk... their food is pretty good, we had the sausage bangers and sauteed prawns and of course i had to have my choya martini and gin tonic *grins* WQ had his usual happy hr beers... not into beers now, maybe had one too many over the past tt the taste just makes me sick.. but i guess i wont mind if it's one of the light beers from brewerks cos the taste not as strong but otherwise, nah, i will pass up...

we chatted for quite long but i think i have a habit of repeating myself sometimes heh, old liao, so tend to be naggy but i guess it's nice to have such buddy sessions... kinda remind me of the times when CK and me used to chill but we have less of such sessions cos we dont work together anymore and also his work is quite siong now (US co.) but still he is truly a good fren to have although a bit 38 sometimes *lol*... but really he is a hao hao sian shen... even dragon says he has a v honest look *chuckles* the kind that doesnt harm pple which is so damn true...

anyway, we broached on the subject of relationships... personally, i'm one who will not mind doing the chase if i feel that person is most prob the ONE, doesnt matter attached (usu unhappily) or not but of course he has to at least show the some slight interest in me too else no point :) it may sound bad to some but i believe in finding my own happiness and i know myself only too well after all that i have gone thru... if between love and obligation, i will be the one to choose the former cos i know if i stick to a person just out of obligation, down the road, this union will not last as i will tend to find faults with the person as i cant accept them as they are and will try to change them just to fit into my liking... which in the end is not fair to the other person as well and both will suffer... so for me, its definitely love and knowing the kind of stunts i will pull, i rather stick to someone i love alot rather then to someone i find so-so but loves me... i'm truly happy with dragon now and i definitely know its love cos there isnt any urge or intention to set eyes on anyone else =) i accept him for the way he is dressing, attitude, character and all... even in non-rosy times, my mind doesnt wander... i find tt when we have our pics taken, my smiles tend to be natural and not posey which kinda depicts the state of our relationship *grins* i generally am not photogenic, so i hate to take photos and when i have to, i always turn out fugly in them ie. insincere crooked smile, one eye big; one eye small etc =p i thot the pic below turned out ok though :)

i had been in a relationship that lasted 7yrs... this started when i was in pre-u... naturally at that age then, you would think that u end up being married etc but we grew apart (rather, my thinking changed) when i went to poly... breaking up wasnt an easy thing to do but i'm glad i did it... of course i deliberated alot before initiating as i knew my ex loved me and i was afraid tt i couldnt find someone to love me as much and also the thot of going thru a whole new relationship again seemed draining and quite a chore but i knew i no longer had the love so it wouldnt be fair to him to continue... most times, we try not to rock the boat and put aside any thots tt might messed things up but in order to find our own happiness, we should sometimes take a step back and assess the situation... no one can tell us whether we make the right or wrong decisions as life is an unpredictable journey but as long as u have the support from frens (btw, you can dump those frens who try to run your life for you) and/or family sometimes its all that matters :)