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Friday, October 31, 2008

Wilbur the Witch?

imagination is limitless, without it, my life will just be an empty shell and i will basically turn into a robot like what most pple here have become... i love to dream, it helps me get away from the idiosyncrasy of life... i somehow believe in the theory of the matrix... we start to loose our individuality and start to have the same characteristics all just cause we are afraid... why do we succumb so easily to Fear? i dont want to be like that and hope i never will... i'm glad for all the bad that happen to me for without them, i will just be easily fazed and become that scaredy little cat... things i say sometimes may be mean but i speak the truth that are in the hearts of those that dare not speak... to pple i diss, the mean words are spoken with mockery but to those who i call frens, the same mean words are spoken with affection with not intention to hurt but if i somehow hurt u one way or the other, know tt i'm paying for it by being stuck in where i am *grins* somehow not being able to get outta here is the price for my having a mean mouth... darn! it's eternal damnation from the looks of it... but i'm not complaining cos for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction... i cant hold my tongue and i will never will for that is where i lose my identity and i stop being me...