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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wilbur's a year older =p

dragon brought me to eat buffet at Vienna at United Sq (Novena)... his fren, kenneth joined us :) ... btw kenneth is also a libra and his birthday will be this fri... so looks like taurus and libra can gam :)

anyway, vienna has a wide range of food =), a bit cheena cos majority of the waiters and waitresses are from ROC plus some of the patrons are those not that old but got auntie say kwan, large family like from the outskirts; seldom go out ... sorrie lah, not trying to put these pple down just that their kiasu behaviour can be a bit irritating =p like this stupid woman, she hogged the fondue station by trying to grab all the strawberries , nvm tt, she dip each strawberry one by one and never even had the courtesy to let me dip 1st, felt like dunking her whole head into the fondue man!!! cock leh!

anyway, the decor is also a bit circa 1970s... the furnishings was to theme of their name, vienna, but its like old kind of posh decor u would find in the 70s hee hee... machiam like the very old Broadway studio in river valley if you know what i mean... no complains since i like things fu-gu ie retro lol... anyway, the buffet cost $35.90 per pax ... i think its rather worth with the large variety of food they have... do try it yeah :)

tmr having dinner with ck and tee... mw and wl suppose to come but mw sms me in the evening to say the cable guy coming to their house tmr to do the installation... bummer! intending to go to liang ct to eat but might decide to change the venue cos have to drop by coffee nations to pass some stuff to wr... will see... tmr's dinner might not happen too... oh well... que sara, sara lor =)

clover seem to be want alot of attention from me =p aye tt poor gal... me not well these couple of days so just sleep and sleep, not much time for her ... i like pulling the micheal jackson baby stunt on her though ie. carry her and put her near the window... she hates that i think kekeke... she wld use her paw to push against the wall in bid for me to stop putting her so far out... btw, my windows are not child proof ie. there isnt any grills cos i dont like the idea of having grills as i tend to feel trapped like that... btw, i grew up without grills in my house and i stayed on the 11th floor =) i was pretty left on my own with minimal supervision, naturally i think i ever considered pulling a superman stunt but i think i was able to control myself lor seeing how the eggs splat when i threw them down... i was very mischevious when young... i threw a whole lot of eggs from my flat onto the cars downstairs lol... was trying to aim the eggs at the cars heh... i even caused the curtain pole in my house to collapse by trying to sit in the hole in the curtain... of course i blame it on my then cocker spaniel, Cosmic, for pulling the thing down when my dad heard the crash =9 ... damn terrible hor... such events happened so many years ago and yet i still remember them but yet there are times when i cant rem what i ate the day before... rationale is i only rem things worth remembering =)

bought 2 new hammies but had to separate them after a couple of days cos Happy ke siao and started to pick on Daisy... cuckoo nut lor... now one of Happy's eyes cant be fully opened while Daisy has a super deep wound on her back... haiz... Happy really a nut case...

havent got my massage yet though i badly need one... cant find a suitable time... plus these couple of days unwell, could not even make it out of the house... will see, will see...