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Wednesday, October 1, 2008


just went to sistic webbie and darn, i din know tt russell peters was coming!!! aaarrrrggghhh tickets for the 2 days are all out =( he is a bloodie good standup comedian lor, too bad have to miss it! anyway, hossan live is on, so i will be booking for that :) sorrie if i dont jio cos i think most of u will be bored with him liao ... for me i'm a true fan so doesnt matter if i hear him over and over heh... he never fails to bring a wide, wide smile on me face!

sent a complaint email to Premier cab earlier... damn bloodie pissed with the female silvercab driver who not only took the long route, she did not drop me off at my exact destination (British High Commission) somemore! She drop me off at US Embassy instead and could just tell me that she dont where the Brit High Comm was went I told her this wasnt it! F***ing CB! yeah, i rarely spew vuglarities but when i do, means i'm totally pissed liao... she should just be sacked even if she needs the job cos if you cant bloody do your job well, it is just not right to carry on! she could have told me when i boarded that she din know the way or the place and this could allow me to hail another cab but NO, she was selfish and inconsiderate enought to just keep quiet throughout the 40 mins journey!! imagine! 40 mins from marine parade to tanglin! might as well take the bus! let's wait n see what Premier has to say! NB!

was damn upset and angry with myself yest, i fell asleep on the couch and doggies managed to get into the hamsters room and killed my 2 white syrians... wanted to kill myself but what's done is done... i'm thankful that shinobi is still alive...he is my darling one cos he is very clean and kuai... maybe cos i dont shower the 2 fatties that much attention so not that devastated but if it was shinobi, i would most prob throw the doggies down from the window... i know it is my fault for being careless but clover should know better cos she got hell the last time when she killed the guinea and hammy when she was just a couple months old... this time, i just locked them up in the kitchen and ignoring them... since they abuse the freedom they have, they should learn... how long they will be in there? well, until her majesty's pleasure >=/ have to move on... i hate it when i cause misery to others and in this case death... the feeling of guilt is never an easy thing to let go... i just hope they will be with God in Heaven...

drank wine and chatted with my neighbor (hubby and wife) yest nite... it's nice to know you have pple looking out for you... they are really nice and suay bian... knowing i was alone cos dragon is away, they ask me to join them :)

i cant complain cos to me the bad things always even out with the good things...

btw, managed to get the idea book by Fredrik Haren in style nordic at ann siang road... it's a good and creativity book... its selling at $45 by the way... recently was on a splurging binge again aye aye... my excuse? birthday coming lol... i always have an excuse, damn terrible rite?

oh yah, already submitted my application for renunciation of my Brit overseas national citizenship... freaking cost me $260... office should reimburse man cos it is not by my choice that i want to convert =( ... feel sad actually when i submitted my application... it seems tt i somehow lose that link... btw, i think i really inherited some Brit traits from my great grand mama cos most of the brits came in last minute to process their passports etc... the office closes at 1230pm but at 1220pm pple were still coming in heh... me always a last minute person lol...

i recently bought lemongrass aromatherapy oil... the smell is fantastic man! it's so soothing and smells like a spa :)) cool stuff! not cheap the oil $17.90... nearly wanted to buy a simple burner at $17 but decided against it as I think i could get cheaper ones... in the end, neighbor gave me theirs :) they got it for $2 from m'sia but they a bit high class cos the bought the oil from hann and thann at T3 which cos $70 for a big bottle and they also bought the clay beads from there as well! they still say cheap =p

gotta go poo... cya!