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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

the pig's top 5 strengths under clifton strength finder =)

The genius of your Adaptability talent begins with where you “live” in terms of your mind. You live in the present - - - even the present moment. Whereas others live their lives in their “rear-view mirror”, always looking to the past and being tied to the past, you are a right here – right now person. The genius of this perspective means that you can change and change quickly. Rather than being rigid, you are flexible; and rather than being tied to some pre-set plan, you can quickly change to meet immediate demands and circumstances that require attention. But the real genius of your adaptability is seen in circumstances that make others scramble and cower into some safety zone for security.
Your genius talent of Adaptability comes to light in chaos. In fact, you not only deal with chaos, you get energized, come alive and get a thrill out of chaos as you “ride the wave” and quickly make the changes that chaos requires. This then points to another genius aspect of your Adaptability talent. You can learn and change so quickly.

The genius of your Connectedness talent provides you with a very unique way of seeing events, people, and the world. To you there are no accidents. Your way of seeing events is to recognize that everything that happens is caused by something or someone.
Likewise, what is happening right now will have a “ripple” effect into the future.
Similarly, you see people in terms of the accumulative events and interaction that formed them and moved them to this moment. Accordingly, this moment and the attitudes that people take to their circumstances will form their future. Extending this way of seeing to the world in general, you see the past, present and future as connected and you see that there is a “master plan” or “Master’s plan” at work at all times. Your genius talent of Connectedness provides a way of “making sense of the nonsense” around us and generating meaning and purpose for yourself. When you share what you can see with the genius of your Connectedness talent, you help others gain hope as you help them see the past and “connect the dots” of their past in a more meaningful way. In like manner, you help people see possibilities for the future by making choices now that build a positive future.

The genius of your empathy talent involves your ability to form high quality, deep, personal understanding and relationships with others. You have an unusual and beautiful ability to feel into what it feels like to be another person You can often feel what someone else feels without them saying a word. As a result, you can form very close, intimate relationships with people. The genius of Empathy has profound effects on others because they feel so deeply understood. Many people feel like they come healthier and more at peace being in your presence because your understanding of people goes beyond the words they can find to express themselves. While it may be hard on you to hear the pain of others, they will feel deeply indebted to you because you can understand them at such profound levels. The genius of empathy makes you a great lover of other people and they are fortunate to have you as a friend.

The genius of your Ideation talent begins with your love of ideas and the way you so quickly learn new ideas, concepts and principles. But you are not passive. It is as if you take ideas and then begin spinning them around in your mind. With each new idea you learn, you tend to think about it over and over - - - spinning it around with the many other ideas you already have. The result of this thinking, turning, and spinning around of new ideas with what you already know does two things. First, you generate new connections and insights about ideas and their implications. Second, the spinning of your ideas often results in new ideas. Therefore, the genius of the Ideation talent is the creativity of generating new ideas and insights as a result of contemplating and reviewing the ideas you have learned.

The genius of your Strategic talent involves the way you think and generate alternatives. When faced with a problem or a dilemma you can quickly generate multiple alternatives to circumvent obstacles that prevent your progress. Sometimes you think in a backwards manner by first visualizing the outcome you want to produce and then generating multiple alternative paths to get to that objective. But your genius of Strategic doesn’t simply begin and end with generating alternatives. The real genius of this strength is found in the way that you can quickly sort through the various alternative paths and determine the one that will work best and most efficiently.

kate spade me, pretty please!

kate spade me, please!

oops forgot wei ren's birthday =p

just sent a card to him heh...

here fishy, fishy, fishy =)

this was taken while i was with dragon at tampines mall abt 2 weeks back =)

this is one baggage i dont mind =) lol

love the color of this luggage i bought in hk :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

and who should walk in but the butterfly...

it has been like a couple of years since i ate at 1st thai... considering tt it is a non-aircon establishment with a no-fuss interior decor (think the interiors of zam zam) the food would be considered a tad pricey for some... price for the dishes would start from sgd8 but if u crave for truly authentic thai food, this is the place to go :)

between the 3 of us, we ordered the mango salad, fried kway teow, green chix curry, tang hoon seafood salad, fried minced pork and for desserts, it was mango sticky rice and red rubies =)
erm, we went a bit overboard with the ordering later lol... we thot the kway teow was nice and ordered another plate in large, plus we ordered additional rice lol, in the end, sy had to bring home the ta-pao food haha =)

anyway, halfway thru our meal, who should walk in but the butterfly himself with a bunch of other guys... too bad he wasnt with poca lol

random from cathay to orchard :)

the nite at broiler room :)

heritage revisited =)

the trip to the peranakan museum this time round was informative as we had the curator, randall ee, to tell us loads of his family stories behind the baba bling jewellery on display =)