tuesday : had my forgotten fave of samsui chix at seah's st soup restaurant with sy, ky and wb =) credit to go to wb for suggesting it lol... he usu knows which places have good food deals! must be from the numerous credit cards he carries wahahahahaha
after the cosy dinner, we had a cuppa at coffeenations but wr again not ard as i wanted to intro them to him heh
wednesday: had shoyu ramen at bishamon in raffles city with wr and ny =) too bad yvonne couldnt make it as it was rather a last min decision to meet-up... the shoyu base soup was superb! i finished the whole bowl of soup which is pretty unusual for me :) it was then to citylink's coffee n toast before i got a lift home as wr was on his way to fetch rain from the airport... guess wat? she was on her way back from hk lol!
hmmm.... i guess i most prob have to take a half day off later to bring the doggies to benji for accommodation.... maybe i stop by to hear a case kekekeke ^v^