making our way home after dinner, we walked thru some back lane which had some eateries and i caught sight of these colourful pails which i pretty much guess is to keep away the used cutlery and crockery :)

the cute turtle which was beggin me to take it home but after some thot, i guess some other kind soul would probably adopt it =p sf initially wanted to get it but found the one in store a bit dusty and moreover, she was gg to get dale the next day :) after this shop, we spotted a cafe and shared a giant home-baked cookie :) i also got a cherry jam from one of the shops downstairs tt sold jams, alcohol and sweets etc from europe =)

the maritime museum which we din manage to go cos it closed at 6pm...

this coffee cafe had some unique beverages in cool looking bottles as well as some home-baked cookies :) we din get any though wahahahaha

pubs facing the sea =)

a little bit like chinatown here...

paintings by a hk artist on display tt me found pretty :) wanted to get the replicas but din manage to find something i like, so took these pictures which is good enough =)

i din realised these pups were there till one tourist squealed in delight when she saw them lol, they look cute but apparently they are pretty much grouchy cos their bark wasnt too welcoming and sounded rather snappy heh

back of someone's house lol

cheery pom pom looking flowers

one of the small cafes in stanley

follow the yellow brick road =)

the back alley which kinda reminded me of SG sometime in the early 80s :)

our journey of stanley market begins :) one'll find lots of foreigners here and for once i see many pple walking their dogs which is not a common sight in central cos i guess the apts are really small as compared to those here :) sf likes it here as it is less congested and doesnt feel like bustling hk here, in fact, this place reminds me of Oz instead =) we got to stanley by bus whose ride took abt 45mins from hk station =p the way back home was much bumpy and i felt a little sick after the bus ride =s wanted to eat something soupy and light like fish slice soup for dinner but then u cant really find such stuff in hk, so the nearest was fishball soup at central... once again, the portion was huge! my bowl of noodles was like xiao ding dang's magic bowl cos scoop after scoop of noodles, the noodles din seem to diminish lor *faintz*

one of their many stadiums

think the gloomy weather affected my mood =p

inside of the airport express :)

shucks! weather dont look good =p

my fave airline! boeing 747!

erm, as compared to changi control tower, this one a bit katek and not tt chio =p

touching down!

blue skies!

rainy clouds below...

always love the blue horizon!

*early in the morning, 6 o'clock...* waiting for take-off :) 2nd time round, i'm more prepared and wasnt in a rush like the last time heh :)