the food (ham & cheese sandwich, steak tatar, half kg of mussels with provencale gravy) at frites is fantastic... it was super satisfying after an exhausting but fun day at cheung chau =)
decor at the back of our seat :)
what we saw from the ferry window... streaks of lightning of the thunderstorm which lighten up the otherwise black sky... it was really scary as at one time, it seemed like the lightning could strike the ferry anytime *yikes!*
as we walked further, we came across a shop tt sold nice roxy and abercombie & fitch slippers :) too bad they din have sf's size for the a&f slipper so sf got roxy as well :) i changed to the slippers which was much comfort for my aching feet =)
many seafood restaurants lined-up along the coastal shores... something like boat quay
graffiti on the shutters of a shop :)
the guilty sf who took a shot of the fallen bike she had langa earlier while she was ferrying me in the trishaw lol
the trishaw we rented and took turns to ferry each other lol it was a totally fun experience and we kept laughing alot along the way =) initially we had intended to tour on foot but my converse decided to protest and it caused friction at the back of both my feet =( sf was nice to offer to go rent the trishaw and asked me to wait for her but in the end we walked back together to the shop which rented the trishaws :) it was hkd40 for 2 hrs.
sf ferried us towards the ferry terminal so tt i could get my plasters and slippers for my feet but in the end i got only plasters as there werent any suitable slippers around =p i later took turns to ferry her and realised how tiring it was =p when after like 1.5 hrs we decided to return the trishaw as most of the scenic places seemed to be accessible by foot only as the pathways were rather steep =p
this stone next to the tian hou temple resembled a sleeping face :) surprisingly, this phenomenon is not mentioned anywhere!
views from one of the 3rd village houses... we had wanted to venture deeper into the 'forest' but seeing tt we were the only souls and then we came upon a sign tt said cheung chau cemetery, we decided to make a u-turn as it was pretty eerie and we were not prepare to star in any horror movie anytime soon lol
the path we took to walk to the 3rd village... a bit scary and there werent any safety barriers... one could fall and it might take a while before the fallen could be found =p
we stopped by this place as sf was craving for the ping an bao and she thot this place sells them as their signage kinda had the same look as the ping an stamp on the bao lol they dont sell the bao but as we were a bit hungry, we decided to stay and have some food... the food looks good but it turned cold pretty fast and the taste was so-so only =p this meal including a pot of jasmine tea costs sgd8 in total which was pretty reasonable :)
we managed to eat the ping an bao later in the afternoon when we managed to walk to the other side of the island where it was bustling with tourists :) this was after we exited from the eerie walkways at the villages lol
when we ordered the ping an bao, i started to hungrily peel the paper off the bao when sf exclaimed loudly tt i hadnt washed my hands after riding the trishaw and walking for hours hahahaha, er though she looked disgusted, i brushed it off and continued to peel the backing kekeke
then the store owner exclaimed and asked whether we had wanted to eat the bao immediately... apparently, the bao needs to be steamed for a while before we could eat whaahahhaha.... so we gave the baos back to the stall owner for heating lol ;) the baos werent fantastic but it was a good to try :)
arriving at cheung chau abt 45mins later by the normal ferry... we practically slept throughout the entire journey as the weather was warm and the boat was rocking lol
pple queuing to board the ferry which reminded us of refugees lol
the mince meat rice vermicelli noodles we shared for lunch :)
saint alps which sold taiwanese food :)