had dinner with nc, kw, kel, wilson yesterday at st james charcoal...
i usu dont enjoy having to cook my own food esp when i'm hungry lol but considering the meats were well marinated and easy to cook, i dont mind gg back there again the next time =)
the meats were tasty and juicy and there was no need for any oil or butter etc... it was just picking up the meats and putting it over the grill =)
we headed to broiler room where kel had already made a booking ... the singers for the nite were good =) we ordered whisky with coke and green tea mixers...
kw once again was 'tortured'... kel treated him to a flaming lambo and the next moment, he excused himself to go to the loo and was missing for a very long while... the next thing we knew was that he had already made his way home lol ;) he already looked flushed at charcoal where they ordered sake heh... guess the whisky coupled with the lambo was a double whammy lol
i din realli think i had alot (but maybe cos i kept losing to kw during 5/10 game =p) but it wasnt long before the alcohol got to me and i was feeling woozy =p i headed to the toilet and thot i get some shut eye for 5 mins but little did i know tt i was in there for half an hour cos ny came and looked for me lol... oh yah, she brought kelvin along to broiler as well lol =)
i was in a state of in and out consciousness but i could still gather the will to be sober so i was alright when dragon asked if i could head home myself without him fetching me and also decline the offer from nc and wilson to send me home in a cab =)
once i got home, i laid on the sofa and coud hear dragon in the background teasing me tt i could not hold my liqueur well =p anyway, i love the state of being 'high' especially when dragon is home *wink wink* whahhahahaha
the effects of the alcohol isnt fully off me yet as i had a bad one-sided headache this noon while we were at tampopo liang court =p i still have a bit of a headache now though it is much better after my nap in the evening... but i guess i will likely be turning in early tonite =p
think i wont touch whisky the next time and would stick to my gin tonic =p
if my nose is correct, my pee reeked of whisky this morning yucks!