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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

awfully priceless :')

mrs hua made kueh zhang for me!
it had always been a yearly ritual for her to cook for me bak zhang (and sometimes shepard's pie) but it did not cross my mind that she would still do it though i'm not with the office anymore! *sniff*
geez! words alone cant describe how freaking touch i am!!!

she called me this morning on my mobile... was busy and told her i would go over in the afternoon to get it but it totally slipped my mind and she called again after work =p felt so bad and paiseh that she had to remind me and she wasnt even frustrated =(

mrs hua's specialty! :)
the 'hua' (flower) bak zhang lol
erm, she gave me 2 but left one cos i could not resist and ate one before gg to the gym hee (of course i kena ngiam by shuying and serene lol) =p