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Sunday, June 6, 2010

dragon king needs his king of the fruit ;)

dragon has been driving past tanjong katong every now and then to check whether his fave durian stall is open for business as they have been closed for a pretty much long period of time =s
he was in luck today as the stall was open
uncle said there werent any good durians so they did not open for the past couple of months :)

the names they come up with for the durians lol =)

looks like dragon is giving uncle pressure to hurry up with the packing of the durians lol!
relax lah! wait for few months cannot wait for few minutes? kekekeke ;) (me so dead! lol!)

D666??? satanic durians? one bite to turn evil? ahahahhahaha ;D

only in the eyes of a connoisseur can they tell the difference between one from the other :)
for a blondie like me, they all look sama sama lol ;)

man in red drawing money from the red bank ;)