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Saturday, June 5, 2010

going aussie on a friday =)

had planned to go to morton's but ended up having dinner in barossa as morton's was packed =p
below pics from my viewty =)
though convenient, a phone camera still has it's limitations =p
hence i would still love to bring out my panasonic when i can =)

fish & chips, oz style! i kinda miss perth's cicerellos =p

wee teck's pasta which looked like some zi char dish ahahahhaha ;p

the huge salad portion that comes together with the F&C! the coleslaw is too tangy for my liking though =s

what is friday nite without a drink heh
my vanilla mojito! i think i'll stick to the classic next time =p

this is good! chilli mussles! just the right amount of spicyness and portion to share amongst 3 =)

one of the many colourful wind vanes that was around the park =)

we caught him performing when we arrived! a 'live' roly poly!
wonder how he does it?!

the laid back huggable-looking blue man lol :)

shu ying scared the shit out of me when she said she remembered the water was chargeable at $7 per bot! lucky thing it wasnt as she said lor!

the blue man from a distance :)

everything looks good on the menu cos i was freaking famished! =p