that was what my dream was about.
the whole world collapsed in a day.
destruction of mankind.
the sun was exploding, balls of fire hit the ground.
buildings collapsing, people running for their lives.
death to most wasnt a pretty sight and bodies piled up quickly.
i looked on sad but helpless.
there was an attempt to save earth.
the plan was to use a powerful laser beam connected to a telescope to deflect the sun. it was the one and only shot.
at the crucial moment, the force from the beam was too much for me to steer.
when i had the chance, i hit the central power core instead.
i had mistaken the core to be the sun.
but my fatal mistake wasnt.
after the shot was taken, we realised the distance of the beam was not even enough to reach the sun.
as the power core was hit, the world went into darkness before my eyes.
odd, strangely odd.