oh well, thot i share something tasteful instead ;)

"A unique celebration of style with substance, the world-leading White Cashmere Collection is crafted entirely in 100% pure, soft and luxurious sheets of Cashmere Bathroom Tissue, Canada’s best-selling brand. The Cashmere BT (bathroom tissue) Couture collection also heralds the return of limited-edition Pink Cashmere, a fund- and awareness-raiser for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, with twenty-five cents from the sale of every package of Pink going directly to the Foundation."

"A unique celebration of style with substance, the world-leading White Cashmere Collection is crafted entirely in 100% pure, soft and luxurious sheets of Cashmere Bathroom Tissue, Canada’s best-selling brand. The Cashmere BT (bathroom tissue) Couture collection also heralds the return of limited-edition Pink Cashmere, a fund- and awareness-raiser for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, with twenty-five cents from the sale of every package of Pink going directly to the Foundation."