shuying and me had wanted to go to 1-altitude but there seemed to be some private function gg on :9 but it was just as well else we wouldnt be able to wander into fiv五 izakaya bar last nite ;)
2 gals, 6 drinks (4 of which is mine =p) at a total of sgd35!!!
our drinks list? boubon coke, red wine, white white, choya, 2 gin tonics *burp*
music was 987fm awesome (kinda what dragon and me listens to when in the car =)))
what's not to love abt this place???!!! you tell me =)
it was about 0040 when we saw 196 approaching while we were walking to fullerton hotel to catch a cab, we both made a dash and managed to catch the last bus!
cant believe our luck! *wide grinz*