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Sunday, September 26, 2010

where a stripper has more good in her than those who are not...

from desperate housewives season 6 ep 15:
Robin walks down the street and runs into Mrs Karen McCluskey. Karen asks if the neighborhood has been treating Robin well and Robin says that things have been okay. "No one's been giving you any guff about being a stripper, are they?" asks Karen. Robin says no. "I just wanna make sure, 'cause trust me, I've been there. Way back when I was sort of in the sex trade myself. Oh yeah. I used to model women's foundation garments for Sears-Roebuck. These breasts put me through college." Karen sums up that she's glad the neighbors are treating Robin nicely. Robin says that the best part is that the people of Wisteria Lane really see her, not just her superficial beauty. "I'm glad," says Karen and Robin nods and continues down the street.

"Robin Gallagher," says Mary Alice, "was right. The people she had met on Wisteria Lane had really looked at her. And they had seen her sense of morality," (she walks past Gaby) "her loyal heart," (past Susan) "her surprising insight," (past Bree) "her forgiving nature," (past Lynette). "Some people had even taken notice of her incredible beauty." Robin walks up Katherine's front stairs where Katherine sits on the porch doing needlepoint. They smile at one another. "And they were surprised to discover they liked what the saw."