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Saturday, September 4, 2010

udderly cool morning =)

an ice cream making workshop that included a buffet of everything on the menu!!
nice, fun, friendly and efficient crew and crowd!
good company with tee
what more can i ask for on a saturday morning??! =))

the stickers which entitled participants to everything on the menu =)

our vanilla pods for our choice to make vanilla ice cream =)

success after nearly getting frost bite lol -
our hands had to be in contact with temperatures of nearly minus 20 degree celsius for 10mins!

wilbur's yummy vanilla ice cream =)

buffet round #1 strawberry, pear, earl grey and cream caramel :)

round #2: choya umeshu, amaretto black & tiramisu =)

tee anyhow whack lol
he din follow owner david's advice to try the subtle flavours first

this time, the waffles were better =p
light and fluffy!! yeah!

tee's lychee martini & wine berries for 2nd round heh