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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wilbur cant stop!

hahaha.... guess couldnt blog the past couple of days so making up heh... yay, dragon coming back soon with pork porridge and yu sheng lalalala....

btw, had a bad experience at NDC... see my feedback to them below... NDC replied that they will investigate... see what they have to say lor... cuckoo-fied! btw, for the Subway feedback, the Filipino Mgr of the Funan outlet called me on the same day and apologised. He said that i could change the veges... too bad i wasnt offered any voucher lol but at least i got my point across lalalalala ... i think that sandwich artist should now know better than to f*** ard with me >;) serves him rite, if he was polite abt it my feedback tone would not have been that of a complaint...

Feedback Type: Feedback on Medical Services
When: 23 July 2008
Subject: Consultation Fees
Feedback and Suggestions: Earlier today, I had fedback on the dentist's service. This is in addition to what I had written in earlier.

The final procedure for my root canal was done on 21 July 2008 at about 10am. I'm experiencing great pain in the tooth as well as gums when I bite soft food such as bread and cherries. This started yesterday night. I called NDC this morning and told the appt staff of my problem. She said that the earliest I can see the dentist is 1 Aug as he's scheduled is packed. I told her that I could not wait till then as I would be going for a major surgery in SGH on 25 July 08. So I requested her to contact the dentist and ask him whether I should be concerned abt the pain as I had difficulty eating as it was painful. She called me back and informed me that the dentist asked me to come down to the clinic immediately. Within half an hr, I saw the dentist and he just did a quick check and informed me that it is usual for patients to have this sensitivity and pain for abt a week and proceeded to prescribe me painkillers. He issued me a charge form and I was out of the room within 10 minutes or less. It was at the cashier that I realised I was charged $40 for this short session.

If the dentist had told me of the pain and sensitivity right after my root canal surgery on Monday and issued me with pain killers then I would not have to come back as I would have expected the pain and not be alarmed. I should not have to pay for any consultation this time as it should be part of the patient care service since it is just 2 days after my surgery. Private clinics would not have charged for the consultation!

If NDC strives to provide better service than private clinics, it has a long way to go as my experience definitely drives me to visit private clinics in future.
I am expecting for NDC to refund the $40 consultation fees to me!

WIlbur is the new hunchback of Notre Dame!

yeah, i cant move abt much, have been popping painkillers every couple of hrs else my pelvic area feels like hell... no that i have been to hell, it might be worse there but u get the picture lol... cant realli stand up straight lor, have been walking wih my back hunched, bloodie dragon boy still can laugh at my notre dame posture *grrrr*... simple things like sneezing, blowing my nose, coughing, which i used to take for granted, is not so simple for me now cos it hurts each time i do these things =/... have to press my pelvic with a towel when my body decides to perform one of the above activity to minimise the pain... geeze... worst of all, i have constipation since my surgery!!! like wat saffy has!!! been eating but no dumping... cant bear to see my tummy in the mirror man, looks like a time bomb! dragon forgot to get my constipation pills from the pharmacy yest even after i sms him... was a bit irritated but his 'bin' more chao than mine so i had to beat a cowardly retreat... he wasnt pissed wif me but some other stuff lah, aiyah MEN!

oh well, he should be getting the medication today so hope i can do a WWII atomic bomb in the loo tmr, yeah, the effect is not that quick =( ... SGH did feed me with some honey liquid to ease my bowel, but also no effect, maybe its a psychological thing... deep down i'm realli afraid of exerting too much force less my ovaries drop out hahahhaha.... but realli i a bit pa4 pa4 lah...

staying at C class ward, u get alot of oldies... there were a couple who were senile and kept keeping us awake with their loud ramblings and for one, even the sleeping medication did not subdue her *kowtow*... cecilia joked that maybe the burse should had given us all the sleeping pills instead =D she was pretty sway n irate cos she was just situated back to back to their noisy oldie... my advice would be to bring your earphones and mp3 (wanted to say walkman, but realised no such thing as walkman liao!!!) to shut out the noise, though not totally 100% but better than nothing...

i got a terrible rash from the huge bandage they wrapped round me after the op... when the nurse removed it, the whole area covered by the sticky bandage was red, sore n itchy =(... the patch is still there... have been applying the cream but i do hope it goes off soon cos sometimes the itch is extremely unbearable n i have to take the antihistamine aka small yellow pill to relieve the itch else i will be scratching like an ape... some parts already have scabs due to my incessant scratching =(

better end the gory stuff... anyway, i'm thinking of getting like maybe cupcakes to be delivered to the nurses in ward 53c... i guess its to show them appreciation for their dedication... wonder how many patients do show them gratitude? most of them are foreigners... want to get something for my gynae Dr Tan Hak Koon but dunno what is apt.... he is a Sr Consultant, nice chap who gives detailed explanations... that's y i prefer guy gynae to females... the females i encounter dont seem to show that much care nor were they detailed in their explanation...

now that me confined at home, have been browsing some sites... i bought a yukata set for like $55, cheap wor... dunno buy for wat lah but maybe just maybe i will wear it to some cosplay ahahaha... that's me lor, always buying for a possible-but-maybe-wont-happen event :) ... i'm also thinking of buying a nonya kebaya which i can wear for evening dinners... been searching but most of them like dont sell the sarong that compliments the kebaya =p ... buying in SG is usu damn ex but not too sure whether it's worthwhile to travel to malacca to get *shrugs* ... not impt lah but sometimes when i want something, i cant wait lor or rather dont like to wait =p

looking forward to Ave Q in November :) crazy puppets, i like =)

after op usu tak glam... yest i wore those long loose gown which most aunties like to wear at home... but no choice cos it provided more convenience than shorts which tend to be more leh chey when i need to go to the loo and it would hurt my wound when i remove them =/ need to have my brows trimmed also =( ... dont wanna end up like some kung fu master lol

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wilbur is in da house!

yups, me in da house literally! back from my stay in SGH...nah, not the one in Grey's Anatomy, though i wished it had been cos the nurses seems more cynical, pretty n fun but in SG, SGH can only mean S'pore General Hospital... had initially been offered a B1 class but after doing the sums and the fact that that i couldnt stay in an aircon room, i decided to downgrade to B2 but as luck would have it, there were no available beds in B2 so i was given a C... doesnt matter to me cos it meant more savings and facilities din differ much than B2, besides it's not like me staying in a hotel so din see the reason i should pay so much for comfort =p

my ginormous cyst of 10cm by 8cm has been removed and Doc Tan HK says it benign *skipping in joy*... i din get to see lumpy though, ck says usu they wld show it to the patient, but nope i wasnt given as much as a pic of it ... not too sure how i would react though if they had given me see the real thing... i wld imagine it placed in a bottled jar filled with liquid, very much like those u see in those mad scientists lab *chuckles*, i guess i most prob have fainted lor... very much like that blondie gal in one of the earlier seasons of ANTM lol, her eyes rolled up and she just fell back with a straight bod... dunno why lah, ,maybe older more dan xiao (translation: gut small ahahahah)...

i admitted a day prior to the op, so on thurs, i was practically making myself comfortable, listening to radio (still like my nokia 5310 :)), reading mags and papers... enjoying the dinner provided by the hospital... i wasnt anxious abt the op but rather the after effects =p ... early next morning, i was wheeled into the operating theatre, hmmm, maybe for mine, it should be an operating room rather than theatre cos i dont think mine had room for spectators lol... btw, they seem pretty stringent in their checks nowadays so i was like asked like 4 or 5 times the same set of qns (name, nric, signature correct, when op i'm in for) by the time i was on anaesthesia for my op to start... even in the op room got a bit of drama cos there was this indian nurse who was pretty kan chiong and kept asking me to stretch my left hand n place it on the table beside but i couldnt do so as this other chinese nurse was trying to clip on the heart monitor, the indie kept insisting me to place my hand on the table and it annoyed the other nurse that she snapped: "Can u wait, i'm trying to clip her finger"... haiz...

i was woken up and felt so much pain on the operated region that they had to jab with me painkillers... it din work will after a couple of jabs... sheesh... the next couple of hrs was agonising... not cos of the pain but i was not allowed food nor water till the next day at noon! every couple of hrs i had to be jabbed and the pain from my gastric was far far worse that the wound!!! but i guess i would NOT trade these few days of physical pain with the issues at the workplace... yes, issues at work sucks more cos it can be emotionally draining....

i met a few pple in my ward, there is cecilia... ard 30 plus i think... i din know till i was leaving that she had only one leg, the other was lost to diabetes... she's pretty positive and strong n her jokes r pretty cynical, the old lady beside my bed was nice too, she was concerned and even advised me what soup to drink (sang yu) when i'm one week after my op, she was in cos her leg and hand swell due to severe water retention... diabetic as well... she was poked many times as the nurses had to draw blood etc... some nurses not as skilled and she suffered for it cos the poking for painful for her =( ... some others come and go, the turnover is pretty fast, as in one could check out in the morning and in the afternoon, a new patient would be on the bed... there are many things tt i wld like to write down to let me recall my experience but my back is starting to hurt again...

i was also given quite a no. of jabs, one made my right arm numb n sore that i cld not sleep throughout the nite... on the 2nd day after my op, i was encouraged to move abt but l was like under the crucio curse, each move was painful tt i hated the thot of getting up to walk... i tried when ck, mw n wl visited me but i got giddy... lucky this night shift indie nightingale gave me the support, encouragement and patience for me to walk on my own... she was firm but patient and i without her, i guess i would most prob be lying in bed...

staying in hospital reinforced my belief that we shld always be thankful for wat we have and if we shld ever face setbacks, it is ourselves to pull it together... i never like the thot of self-pity, there are always pple out there who have it worse than me and mine is nothing as compared to them... we can succumb easily to our emotions and wallow in self-pity but sometimes in this world it is not just about you and tt i wat i always tell myself... Carp Diem!

oh yeah, some good to know stuff before i take my leave... avoid chicken, eggs, pork liver and sang yu after an operation preferably abt a month if you dont want ur scar to turn out like ugly betty or even worse open up!!! old wives tale? if u cynical, eat at the expense of your body lor...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wilbur dreads not knowing...

got the results from the pelvic ultrasound... looks like more test needs to be conducted... haiz, more $ to be spent esp if i opt to go for the MRI scan instead of the CT scan... it cost abt $800-900... geez...

am i worried if the cysts turns out malignant? i was initially when the doc did not divulge too much since the ultrasound is not conclusive... it sucks when u dont have the info and knowledge cause it can make u feel unsettled... i find that most local docs seem to be wary of telling the patient too much... maybe cos they are afraid that the patient may be even more worried? anyway, thank goodness for the internet as i manage to find out more info and although it's a 50-50 chance but i tend to believe that maybe it's most prob benign... if proven otherwise, i guess i have no choice but to summon all the courage i have and face it as i need to fulfil my duty towards my parents and beloved pets esp the doggies... so my aim would be to outlive them before i pass on...

i dont like the thot of my frens feeling sad for me if anything untoward happens, i know it shows that they are concerned but feeling sad seems to say that i havent 'lived' (meaningfully)... to me it doesnt matter when you die young or old but what matters is that u had the chance to experience life, the emotions, the pple u meet... i'm contented at this point so if i really have to leave it would be okay... my life was given to me by God so naturally He has the right to take it back but i do hope it would not be at the expense of my parents and pets...

if u notice, i made no mention of dragon boy... it's not that we dont love each other but somehow i know he eventually will get by after all the sadness and he is more able to take care of himself as compared to my parents and pets... not too say that he wont be caring for them when i'm gone but i dont like to think he has to take over this duty all by himself esp when he has his parents to care for too... i know for sure that i do treasure the relationship we have now so it is without any regrets if i leave cos we have overcame our insecurities and have past the stage of saying hurtful things to each other...

what works in a relationship? having been through it, i guess couples must enjoy spending time together, show concern and understanding and speaking to each other often. Many a times, both parties tend to assume the other to be able to read their mind esp if you have been together for so long... note here the word is 'assume'... assumption can destroy a relationship... to counter it, there always must be frequent explicit verbal communication... trust me:) it can help clear up any misconception esp when spoken in a patient-pleasant-subtle-forthcoming-not in your face-not fault finding-not assuming manner *grins* you catch my drift if u really love a person and would take the time to reflect how u can make your relationship better instead of just brushing the problem aside and ignoring it....

i'm no guru lah, just sharing in hope that such info can help shed light for some of u :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Wilbur:" grunt, grunt, grunt!"

freaking irritated by the male waiter at Subway this morning... he should have known better than to piss off this ass kicking bibik! must be think i young, bodoh and miskin from the way i dress... sorrie lor, once i got your stupid comment, i decided to write in to Subway cos thrashing it out with u is pointless... below is what i wrote to Subway >=) i dont understand the logic not being able to change the vegetables... if it's so as not to hold up the queue, it's not a good reason cos usu there is not queue 2 begin with for breakfast! bah, let's wait n see how Subway decides to reply.

"I work near Funan the IT Mall and have been getting breakfast at Subway pretty frequently for the past 6 months or so. My usual order would always be ham & egg deli and I would request for green peppers, onions and cucumbers instead of the standard lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers combi. I don't request for any sauces for my deli.

However, today when I made the above order, the Sandwich Artist told me rather matter of factly that requests for change the vegetables is not usually not entertained for breakfast and as shown in the poster, it comes with the standard vegetables only! He did entertain to my request anyway but I'm appalled by his remark that customers cannot change (or request for more) vegetables. Isn't Subway all about healthy eating and nutrition?! This is the very reason I patronise Subway and also my request for other vegetables for my deli is due to the fact that lettuce and tomatoes would cause me to get stomach upsets.

The service at Subway Funan the IT Mall is usually slow. I can be the only customer but I have to wait for a couple of minutes for the Artist to take out the breads from the baking centre etc. I'm rather patient and alright with waiting especially if the Artist acknowledges my presence and apologises for making me wait but there are times when I'm faced with a not so customer-oriented Artist who would serve me without a smile after keeping me waiting.

I would like to continue patronising Subway but Subway must look into improving and not fall behind when it comes to managing customer's expectations."

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wilbur was in Fox, Topshop and Animal

went for pelvic ultrasound scan at SATA today and it really is a test of endurance and control *chuckles*...

when i saw the doc yest, he told me that they have to do the scan on a full bladder (which i thot was sap sap suay lor) so was advised to drink at least 6-8 glasses of H2O 2hrs before the scan... when the clinic nurse called me at 10am today, she informed that she made the appt with SATA at 11am ! i panicked caused i had not drank any water since i woke up lor (yeah, as u can see, i'm such an obedient citizen, help this country save water *lol*) !!! wtf! no choice had to gulp down like 3 glasses of water in the next couple of mins... on my way to SATA, i also bought mineral water as i was only halfway thru the requirement =( (btw, today is like the only day in my life to have drank so much water!!! very lucky i din drown man!!! i think most prob my blood now is super diluted! ok, ok, talking cock again lol)

the lady lab technician assigned to perform the scan told me to call her when i feel the urge to go to the loo... to speed things up, i downed the the mineral water and was ready to do the scan but the technician was not in the room! she appeared in a couple of mins and proceeded with the scan... she kept pressing the pelvic region with the scanner for like a good whole 20mins (bear in mind i'm holding my pee all this while!) ... during this time, she occasionally clicked a button, it was easy to guess that the button captures the screen shot of the area where she places the scanner, think either she wasnt a good photographer or my pelvic was giving poses that was not fit for a fashion magazine (think ANTM lol) cos she seemed to be re-taking the shots for most of the regions although i was lying quite stationary... aiyioh, the urge to turn on the water supply was killing me and my mind was furiously trying to recall where the nearest loo is! After she was satisfied with the pics, she told me the loo was just next door... hallelujah!

results will most prob be out tomorrow... keeping my fingers crossed tt here shouldnt be any cause for concern, somewhere at the back of my mind a little part is unsettled... oh well...

anyway, i conversed with Tee yest and i told him that i'm dying lol... he said tt i have to help sell off his onitsuka sneakers before i die, told him tt i will haunt him even if he is in church lol, added that if he is kneels during prayer and feels a depression in the cushion of which is he kneeling, that would be my ghost kekekekeke... i mentioned to dragon of my conversation with Tee but kena chided lor for talking abt such inauspicious stuff =p ... guess both me n tee had similar peranakan catholic upbringing where we tend to make light of things :)
i rem at my paternal grandma's funeral, which was held in our old pte apt at the 11th storey (yeah, its was a huge apt :)), my aunts n uncles all drank, ate, joke around their mum's coffin :) the atmosphere was definitely not sombre but merry... there were prayers n all still but guess what?! they still played limbo rock also all in full presence of my peacefully dead grandma =D the mood was such as they being catholics, they believed that death should be celebrated as it means you r in Heaven with God :) that's my family for you :) for some of u, it would seem strange but i'm really glad n thankful for having such a family as it makes me see things in a different light and kinda help me see the glass as half full rather than half empty :) that's y i can say after coming out of my teens, i have never blame God for all the bad patches that i experienced in life, good things actually come out of it but we dont realised most of the time... if the events did not happen in my life, i wouldnt have met dragon boy :)

after SATA, i explored bedok central... uncovered lots of interesting shops and also discovered my folly of shopping at the malls =p ... i found a similar hair tie which i had already bought at InQbox... i paid $4.50 for it but the shop only sold it for $2.90... arrrggghhh... to achieve economies of scale, i actually went to buy 3 more of the hair tie lol... i also bought like a kilo of cherries from a makeshift fruit stall near the interchange... so cheap lor! just $10 only!

actually i like the idea of exploring neighbourhoods but as i was not in the usual neighbourhood garb of tee, shorts n flip flops and sans make-up, some stupid uncles kept looking at me ... i wore my hair into 2 ponytails, had make-up and wore a A-line below knee skirt... i din like to think they had some stupid fantasy in their heads *pui pui pui* really felt like telling them 'kua si mi kua' but of course i would always chickened out cos its just me while they have the numbers lol
no doubt i like to dress up but that doesnt mean i'm dainty or dum lor! when some guys give a impolite stare, i would either crack my knuckles/neck or burp... it's a subtle message that i'm not some stupid gal they can fool, if they still dont get it, i would furrow my brows n give a super chao look... they would usu look away after heh ...

on way home, i felt very tired and sleepy... was deciding whether to get off at my home stop or at PP's but finally made the decision to shop in PP haha... this decision costs me abt $200 lol... i was thinking that maybe i wld die anway, hence maybe i should start to pamper myself hahhah... here's my loot list... bought 3 items at fox (2 tops n a pair of shorts only $58 cos UOB had additional 15% on top of its sale items) , a pair of jeans from topshop (thanks eugenia for telling us the other time abt the huge discount on its jeans), a bag n tee from animal (least discount of them all but e bag which i got for XY was hard to resist :p and one of their tee range was 40% off)... there was a super duper chio lamp at InQbox... it was made up of multi-coloured transparent lego bricks... very cute and colourful ... lucky thing i caught this printed on the box 'Made in China' so i managed to stop myself from buying heh :)

the doggies were treated with a kosong hamburger from macs :) figured that after scolding n screamin at them in the morning, i should counter it by being nice n surprising them =p ... lucky they were obedient when i got back else the burger would have been stored in the fridge... dinner was plain burger for me too lol... it's actually quite nice to eat a plain burger once in a while sans the ketchup, pickles etc...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wilbur digs macabre humour

not many pple i know appreciates macabre humour... anything by tim burton i like very much :) like nightmare before christmas, corpse bride, charlie n the choc factory, sweetney tod and the list goes on... i can't really express or explain in words my love for such movies, it's like death is suppose to be a grave, sad thing but yet he manages to inject humour and lessons in them... ah...the ingenious play of contradiction... a series of unfortunate events, harry potter, pushing daisies are some of the other movies/tv shows which i dig... maybe most of my frens being chinese cannot fathom my love for such stuff cos afterall, death, skulls etc are suppose to be taboo topics or suay things that should not be made fun of *shrugs* ...

sometimes i wish i have a couple of whacky frens =p cos my secret fantasy is really to join a cosplay... dragon boy will frown upon this but as long as i'm not seen with him when i'm in costume i guess it shouldnt matter much to him *lol* seriously, i think it is fun n cool to dress up, it's one of those things i think i will die with regrets for not doing... so i have thot abt it, should i die young, i want to be dressed up like an anime character... but then again no one would have the guts to do this for me cos firstly they would be blamed for making a mockery of my funeral =( but to me it's not a mockery at all, i guess ultimately i just want pple to joke at my funeral and not be sad... most of us have been conditioned to display a specific type of emotion for specific occasions/events but why is it tt we have to follow or rather if we do not follow, we will be deemed as heartless, evil or crazy... it's sad really when we break out from the norm, we tend to get ostracised... but who has the right to dictate how we live anyway?

i respect and/or applaud pple like xiaxue, who dare to be forthcoming abt their views and also their flaws... she does not come across as fake and admits to her being vain n all... unless u lead an untainted life or have perfectly no flaws can u hate her, otherwise it is rather hypocritical dont u think to fault her or hate her?

have been splurging alot lately... i like all things pretty and unique and sometimes would tend to get carried away in my buying =p i think maybe i need to enrol myself in shopaholics anonymous!

got XY the Animal (UK brand) bag below and a cute card for her last day which was last Fri, i think she like the present and i pride myself for drawing the right analysis about her likings =p though we dont interact much at all but i managed to conclude that she will try new things, willing to adapt and will make an effort to stay trendy subtly... i got this by observing the way she dress and when she told me that she left it up to the chapter 2 hairstylist to cut her hair amongst others :) anyway, it's so much easier to get a gift for someone who is young as they dont have the earning power and it would come as a need to them instead of a want, but for us with earning power, we would have settled our needs long ago and now it's just satisfying our wants...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Melancholic Wilbur

sometimes i hate the fact tt i'm too considerate n nice but pple dont do the same back... makes me feel like an idiot... i wish to be mean but there r some pple whom u cant just blast cos then it will make them feel upset and pple will tend to take their side cos they are quiet... in the end, it's me, the plaintiff, who have pple accusing me of not being tolerant... excuse me! the fact that i blast basically means my tolerance limit has burst it's bubble due to constant inconsiderate words or actions by these pea brains!

over the years, i find myself covering for pple in their absence but no one covers me much, which is fine, but if you come back and start complaining incessantly of the amt of work you have, then pls go eat shit and just die... cos pple have been covering your duties on top on theirs and sometimes they even have to push aside their own work just to do yours. When u come back, how would one feel not to hear or feel any gesture of thanks but incessant complaining? i really wanted to give a tight slap across her face n just throw her down a flight of stairs... and can u believe this person could leave on the dot and still chat heartily in the morning despite having said she was bogged down with stuff... otak kembing, really! XY is really top notch when compared to her... geez... i just hope where ever she is gg, she would so suffer a terrible fate so she can wake up her idea... truly irresponsible!

feeling very downcast... it's not entirely attributed to SH's leaving but rather i missed the old batch of pple i used to work with like mingwen etc... all of us did not have a silo mentality then... it was never a 'me' first but rather we all helped each oher (even though it was not within our area of work or branch sometimes!) so that we din have to stay back too late etc... they offer help without the need for asking but now its so different... everyone for themselves and they just dont care... *heavy heart* it's getting so much harder to just grin n bear it nowadays... pple can leave on the dot while some of their older colleagues are staying back late everyday... no show of concern whatsoever... cos if they did, they would try to help their older colleagues resolve the issues so that they can go back to their family n spend time with them...

when i get out of the place, i hope to leave silently, no farewells and all cos' it doesnt matter anymore... i have lost the 'mojo' that made me stay all these years...
so sick n tired of everything in here... let the selfish con't their stay in their own warp silo world...

already thinking of snippets of wat to say when i leave...
11years just fleet through in a flash... feeling a little sad to leave... y a little? cos to me, this is not a permanent goodbye... though we may not be colleagues anymore, we will con't to be friends :) we could still meet up be it for tea, facial or shopping *grins* i'm pretty easy for most activities =)

working in AGD has enriched me in more ways than one which education alone could not do... i was like a young bottle of wine when i 1st joined but over the years, i have matured, my taste now richer and better and my journey ends here to see the outside world beyond the cellar :)
thank you all for eveything and that includes your patience, guidance, friendship, laughter... till we meet again, adieu...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wilbur's one more thot...

oh yeah, recalled voldemort's conversation with SH yest (farewell lunch reception for agnes n mrs chua)... my take is tt parents will usu always try to protect their kids and prohibit them to do some stuff etc so they wont fall but i guess, it's not easy for parents to control the kids in some point... which may be a good thing afterall... parents may think they know the outcome of a decision we make before we actually emmbark on it but there may be times u gotta give us some credit that we will make the most out of any decision we make ... if we fall, it will be a good learning experience for us and would make us stronger as we will have our guards up and pick up skills or values from our fall... that's how u learnt from your parents too rite? i-told-u-so mentality would most of the time make us even more determined to break the norms set for us as we would want to prove u wrong...

to my future kid: remind me of this blog if i forget the words i have spoken here :)

Wilbur on a Saturday...

SH gave out the cupcakes to our colleagues yest, most were pretty impressed with the special airplane design on the cupcakes and the cupcakes being colorful and all (i guess colour therapy really works *grins*) :) fed this back to CCF and i hope it made her day :) anyway i finally realised what's the difference between muffins and cupcakes liao kekeke... i forgot that muffins had 'neh neh' shape so it will be a challenge to decorate them in comparison to cupcakes :) cool revelation *lol* but ahhh... if you think outta the box, it will be possible to decorate muffins as such as well :) i thot of the solution, have you? *muahahahah*

met CK for dinner and we went to s'pore flyer's hibiki restaurant (part of apex group which manages sakae sushi amongst others) for their promo meal package which comes with a s'pore flyer tic for a total px of $45 (after svc charges, taxes etc) per pax ... found it to be a good deal eventually as the meal was substantial (had to doggie bag some of my food items cos couldnt finish them)... the flyer tic is valid till end Sep 08 :)

btw, when we made our way to hibiki, we past by popeye's and boy was it crowded! think most pple din know it existed in changi airport many years back liao (tink when i was in my teens have already) :) its chicken is not too bad, a change if you get tired of KFC but there is another fried chicken place which existed in my teens which is still around today... it arnold's chicken located in city plaza... their chicken is not bad as the skin is pretty crispy and flavourful... they do delivery to limted places and marine parade is one of them *grins*... you know, sometimes it seems the ones with the better business acumen, are the ones who refrain from opening too many branches of their resturants, this way, they can maintain better QC and also at the same time, consumers would not be so easily jerlak of their food... couple of weeks back we held a farewell lunch for agnes at house of sundanese food, i'm all praise for them, food was good and the atmosphere was wonderful... decor was simple but yet it exuded a certain resort feel that for a moment it din feel like i was in boat quay but some bali resort *smiles* ... btw, there are only 2 HOSF in SG :) hope they stay that way... besides, if you know and understand the s'pore market, we like to try new things but due to the follow-what-the-joneses-do mentality, but we also tend to lose interest fast when we realised that its nothing special afterall... that's y its hard to sustain a biz if you go along wif the hype... there must be quality and unique-ness and a hard-to-imitate business plan... e.g. werner's oven :)

continuing from my dinner with CK, after dinner, we look see in the tourist retail shop in s'pore flyer... unless u r a carrot head, you might think twice buying some stuff in there... saw a simple pearl necklace designed with a couple of swarvosky crystals gg for $1,000 plus *amazed look* !!! wah lao, i can get dunno how many in chinatown lor!!! oh well...

anyway, we went to pick up SF at her workplace and proceeded to selegie to meet SH for rochor dou hua... after that we went to mr bean cafe (which all of us, other then SH, thot it was the mr bean dou hua place, much to the amusement and frustration of SH *lol* as we had alot of miscomm before we met him) as SF needed a light meal =) somehow i enjoy spending time with them, yes, there may be chat topics in some conversations which we cant join in here and there but i guess at the end of the day sharing a laugh is what warms me... when close colleagues leave, it is not a goodbye for me cos i believe what made us close in the first place is the trust and unspoken understanding that we will still hang out, though not as frequent (it can be couple of months or even years!), and continue to share laughter and stories as though we last met yest... good friendships withstand the test of time and though one may not tell everything to a fren now, bits of such info will be release later but it will make us closer as well...

though i may try to dress young (yeah, hate the fact to come across as adult-looking esp on weekends... form of escapism from being an adult the rest of the week *smiles*), it is not a reflection of my level of maturity... never judge a book by its cover is truly apt... if you know me well, u know tt i may joke and come across as a blondie sometimes but it's not always the case is it? :) maybe its all thanks to my peranakan blood that i can portray many different sides depending on the circumstances... tee might agree with me on this one :) becos peranakan blood is champo with asian and european so that's y we can most of the time adapt to situations :) i dont find a need to explain myself sometimes esp for those who cant get the most obvious hints... like i said, obvious liao so should catch the drift but no lor... so y bother waste my time in explaining anyway? *shrugs*

winter seems to have toned down in her naughty-ness... made me worried a bit cos i thot she may be ill but i guess its not :)

geez, been at this for like over an hr... have drained my brain of my thots accumulated these couple of days... which is good as i can have new thots in my brains in the coming days =) dragon is sending his mum to JB hence, i have my me time for whole of today :)

now... what's for lunch?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wilbur the Nonya

Today was the 1st time i caught ch 5’s sayang sayang and i must say that’s it’s not bad :) have been quite sceptical all this time hence i did not make an attempt to watch it but happen to leave the tv on while i was doing my chores and the prog came on... kheng hua and james lee nonya & baba portrayal of a nonya and baba bitching and scolding was spot on and it made me tear... u must be thinking that i must be crazy to tear when it’s suppose to be a light hearted prog but a longing feeling came onto me... how i long to hear all that bibik talk & gossip, see my relatives wear the nonya baju and sarong, experience once again the peranakan culture which i was so accustomed to when i was a kid living with my paternal grandma... it struck me that no more will i have the chance to experience all these and what was worse was that i was losing my peranakan way of talking... my vocab seems to be getting limited by day... so much so that i started talking to the doggies in baba talk *grins* ... it’s sad to think that my peranakan heritage is lost with me =(

Talk abt nostalgia, there is still a mama shop in the block next to mine... it seems that the shop might one day be gone especially when we have a couple of giant supermarkets like cold storage and NTUC nearby, not to mention 2 7-11 convenience store... i am one who is for preservation of the old way of life and i hate the thot that one day all the stuff i was once familiar would be gone 4ever... pple nowadays don’t treasure anything at all (and that includes relationship with frens, family etc) and its maybe cos that’s y we become so self-centred, selfish, rude, oblivious to pple around us... it’s pathetic enough that we need to have campaigns to be courteous, spend more time with family, having ministers to tell us to be gracious, etc... speaking of which, the recent tvc on the family which was directed by Malaysian lady is truly touching... yeah i know that i contradict myself by criticising abt these campaigns but since its already done, i find it worth commending... ok, i tear again when i caught the whole tvc (father and daughter) earlier just now ... either mediacorp have perfected the technology of sending smells through tv or maybe i’m having a mid-life crisis, gotta face it that i’m old *grunt*

I hope ssc works out, i need the change... will see how it goes :)

Yay, few of us old poly classmates (some became ex colleagues too *lol*) will gather at ccf’s house next sat... will finally see her little gorgeous boy who starred opp zoe tay in the abbott milk commercial :) ccf is also another cool mum... she makes cupcakes and sells them online ( truly happy that things are gg well for her... i sincerely feel happy for my close pals when i hear things are gg well for them *smiles with eyes closed*...

Darn! the cramps i get for my toes and calves once in a blue moon seem to be recurring quite frequently now... it’s bloodie painful... the toes curl up and when u try to straighten, they hurt real bad =( ... apparently i might be deficient in potassium so i need to start eating bananas (the yellow kind hor!!! Dirty minds... tsk tsk) which is high in them...but the problem is i only like pisang raja which me thinks is from m’sia, they are smaller but softer in flesh and it doesn’t give a siap siap after-taste which i get from eating those bloodie del monte brand *scratches tongue*... i need to drink lots of water too... aye... so troublesome... signs of aging? The skin under my eyes seems to sag... hoping for a miracle alternative to cosmetic surgery or botox... dream on Wilbur!

Shoulders and back starting to ache... the dining table and chair not suited for my using of vaio, but haven’t really been actively looking for a suitable portable table and ergonomic chair... maybe see whether dragon boy is keen to pop by ikea this weekend...

Alamak! dunno what happen to nesvita, all supermarkets, minimarts etc don’t have them... i no choice have to get omega plus... lighter taste but doesn’t seem to have iron and folic acid which nesvita has... i don’t read papers often, only just when i lay them on the ground for lining of the doggies pee and poo hahaha... (usu the headlines would intrigue me and i would just stand at the foot of the pee area to read the article =)) so if you guys see a report of the recall of nesvita due to some ban ingredient etc pls update me hor... kam sia zuay zuay =)