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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wilbur is in da house!

yups, me in da house literally! back from my stay in SGH...nah, not the one in Grey's Anatomy, though i wished it had been cos the nurses seems more cynical, pretty n fun but in SG, SGH can only mean S'pore General Hospital... had initially been offered a B1 class but after doing the sums and the fact that that i couldnt stay in an aircon room, i decided to downgrade to B2 but as luck would have it, there were no available beds in B2 so i was given a C... doesnt matter to me cos it meant more savings and facilities din differ much than B2, besides it's not like me staying in a hotel so din see the reason i should pay so much for comfort =p

my ginormous cyst of 10cm by 8cm has been removed and Doc Tan HK says it benign *skipping in joy*... i din get to see lumpy though, ck says usu they wld show it to the patient, but nope i wasnt given as much as a pic of it ... not too sure how i would react though if they had given me see the real thing... i wld imagine it placed in a bottled jar filled with liquid, very much like those u see in those mad scientists lab *chuckles*, i guess i most prob have fainted lor... very much like that blondie gal in one of the earlier seasons of ANTM lol, her eyes rolled up and she just fell back with a straight bod... dunno why lah, ,maybe older more dan xiao (translation: gut small ahahahah)...

i admitted a day prior to the op, so on thurs, i was practically making myself comfortable, listening to radio (still like my nokia 5310 :)), reading mags and papers... enjoying the dinner provided by the hospital... i wasnt anxious abt the op but rather the after effects =p ... early next morning, i was wheeled into the operating theatre, hmmm, maybe for mine, it should be an operating room rather than theatre cos i dont think mine had room for spectators lol... btw, they seem pretty stringent in their checks nowadays so i was like asked like 4 or 5 times the same set of qns (name, nric, signature correct, when op i'm in for) by the time i was on anaesthesia for my op to start... even in the op room got a bit of drama cos there was this indian nurse who was pretty kan chiong and kept asking me to stretch my left hand n place it on the table beside but i couldnt do so as this other chinese nurse was trying to clip on the heart monitor, the indie kept insisting me to place my hand on the table and it annoyed the other nurse that she snapped: "Can u wait, i'm trying to clip her finger"... haiz...

i was woken up and felt so much pain on the operated region that they had to jab with me painkillers... it din work will after a couple of jabs... sheesh... the next couple of hrs was agonising... not cos of the pain but i was not allowed food nor water till the next day at noon! every couple of hrs i had to be jabbed and the pain from my gastric was far far worse that the wound!!! but i guess i would NOT trade these few days of physical pain with the issues at the workplace... yes, issues at work sucks more cos it can be emotionally draining....

i met a few pple in my ward, there is cecilia... ard 30 plus i think... i din know till i was leaving that she had only one leg, the other was lost to diabetes... she's pretty positive and strong n her jokes r pretty cynical, the old lady beside my bed was nice too, she was concerned and even advised me what soup to drink (sang yu) when i'm one week after my op, she was in cos her leg and hand swell due to severe water retention... diabetic as well... she was poked many times as the nurses had to draw blood etc... some nurses not as skilled and she suffered for it cos the poking for painful for her =( ... some others come and go, the turnover is pretty fast, as in one could check out in the morning and in the afternoon, a new patient would be on the bed... there are many things tt i wld like to write down to let me recall my experience but my back is starting to hurt again...

i was also given quite a no. of jabs, one made my right arm numb n sore that i cld not sleep throughout the nite... on the 2nd day after my op, i was encouraged to move abt but l was like under the crucio curse, each move was painful tt i hated the thot of getting up to walk... i tried when ck, mw n wl visited me but i got giddy... lucky this night shift indie nightingale gave me the support, encouragement and patience for me to walk on my own... she was firm but patient and i without her, i guess i would most prob be lying in bed...

staying in hospital reinforced my belief that we shld always be thankful for wat we have and if we shld ever face setbacks, it is ourselves to pull it together... i never like the thot of self-pity, there are always pple out there who have it worse than me and mine is nothing as compared to them... we can succumb easily to our emotions and wallow in self-pity but sometimes in this world it is not just about you and tt i wat i always tell myself... Carp Diem!

oh yeah, some good to know stuff before i take my leave... avoid chicken, eggs, pork liver and sang yu after an operation preferably abt a month if you dont want ur scar to turn out like ugly betty or even worse open up!!! old wives tale? if u cynical, eat at the expense of your body lor...