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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wilbur the Nonya

Today was the 1st time i caught ch 5’s sayang sayang and i must say that’s it’s not bad :) have been quite sceptical all this time hence i did not make an attempt to watch it but happen to leave the tv on while i was doing my chores and the prog came on... kheng hua and james lee nonya & baba portrayal of a nonya and baba bitching and scolding was spot on and it made me tear... u must be thinking that i must be crazy to tear when it’s suppose to be a light hearted prog but a longing feeling came onto me... how i long to hear all that bibik talk & gossip, see my relatives wear the nonya baju and sarong, experience once again the peranakan culture which i was so accustomed to when i was a kid living with my paternal grandma... it struck me that no more will i have the chance to experience all these and what was worse was that i was losing my peranakan way of talking... my vocab seems to be getting limited by day... so much so that i started talking to the doggies in baba talk *grins* ... it’s sad to think that my peranakan heritage is lost with me =(

Talk abt nostalgia, there is still a mama shop in the block next to mine... it seems that the shop might one day be gone especially when we have a couple of giant supermarkets like cold storage and NTUC nearby, not to mention 2 7-11 convenience store... i am one who is for preservation of the old way of life and i hate the thot that one day all the stuff i was once familiar would be gone 4ever... pple nowadays don’t treasure anything at all (and that includes relationship with frens, family etc) and its maybe cos that’s y we become so self-centred, selfish, rude, oblivious to pple around us... it’s pathetic enough that we need to have campaigns to be courteous, spend more time with family, having ministers to tell us to be gracious, etc... speaking of which, the recent tvc on the family which was directed by Malaysian lady is truly touching... yeah i know that i contradict myself by criticising abt these campaigns but since its already done, i find it worth commending... ok, i tear again when i caught the whole tvc (father and daughter) earlier just now ... either mediacorp have perfected the technology of sending smells through tv or maybe i’m having a mid-life crisis, gotta face it that i’m old *grunt*

I hope ssc works out, i need the change... will see how it goes :)

Yay, few of us old poly classmates (some became ex colleagues too *lol*) will gather at ccf’s house next sat... will finally see her little gorgeous boy who starred opp zoe tay in the abbott milk commercial :) ccf is also another cool mum... she makes cupcakes and sells them online ( truly happy that things are gg well for her... i sincerely feel happy for my close pals when i hear things are gg well for them *smiles with eyes closed*...

Darn! the cramps i get for my toes and calves once in a blue moon seem to be recurring quite frequently now... it’s bloodie painful... the toes curl up and when u try to straighten, they hurt real bad =( ... apparently i might be deficient in potassium so i need to start eating bananas (the yellow kind hor!!! Dirty minds... tsk tsk) which is high in them...but the problem is i only like pisang raja which me thinks is from m’sia, they are smaller but softer in flesh and it doesn’t give a siap siap after-taste which i get from eating those bloodie del monte brand *scratches tongue*... i need to drink lots of water too... aye... so troublesome... signs of aging? The skin under my eyes seems to sag... hoping for a miracle alternative to cosmetic surgery or botox... dream on Wilbur!

Shoulders and back starting to ache... the dining table and chair not suited for my using of vaio, but haven’t really been actively looking for a suitable portable table and ergonomic chair... maybe see whether dragon boy is keen to pop by ikea this weekend...

Alamak! dunno what happen to nesvita, all supermarkets, minimarts etc don’t have them... i no choice have to get omega plus... lighter taste but doesn’t seem to have iron and folic acid which nesvita has... i don’t read papers often, only just when i lay them on the ground for lining of the doggies pee and poo hahaha... (usu the headlines would intrigue me and i would just stand at the foot of the pee area to read the article =)) so if you guys see a report of the recall of nesvita due to some ban ingredient etc pls update me hor... kam sia zuay zuay =)