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Friday, July 18, 2008

Wilbur:" grunt, grunt, grunt!"

freaking irritated by the male waiter at Subway this morning... he should have known better than to piss off this ass kicking bibik! must be think i young, bodoh and miskin from the way i dress... sorrie lor, once i got your stupid comment, i decided to write in to Subway cos thrashing it out with u is pointless... below is what i wrote to Subway >=) i dont understand the logic not being able to change the vegetables... if it's so as not to hold up the queue, it's not a good reason cos usu there is not queue 2 begin with for breakfast! bah, let's wait n see how Subway decides to reply.

"I work near Funan the IT Mall and have been getting breakfast at Subway pretty frequently for the past 6 months or so. My usual order would always be ham & egg deli and I would request for green peppers, onions and cucumbers instead of the standard lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers combi. I don't request for any sauces for my deli.

However, today when I made the above order, the Sandwich Artist told me rather matter of factly that requests for change the vegetables is not usually not entertained for breakfast and as shown in the poster, it comes with the standard vegetables only! He did entertain to my request anyway but I'm appalled by his remark that customers cannot change (or request for more) vegetables. Isn't Subway all about healthy eating and nutrition?! This is the very reason I patronise Subway and also my request for other vegetables for my deli is due to the fact that lettuce and tomatoes would cause me to get stomach upsets.

The service at Subway Funan the IT Mall is usually slow. I can be the only customer but I have to wait for a couple of minutes for the Artist to take out the breads from the baking centre etc. I'm rather patient and alright with waiting especially if the Artist acknowledges my presence and apologises for making me wait but there are times when I'm faced with a not so customer-oriented Artist who would serve me without a smile after keeping me waiting.

I would like to continue patronising Subway but Subway must look into improving and not fall behind when it comes to managing customer's expectations."