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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wilbur was in Fox, Topshop and Animal

went for pelvic ultrasound scan at SATA today and it really is a test of endurance and control *chuckles*...

when i saw the doc yest, he told me that they have to do the scan on a full bladder (which i thot was sap sap suay lor) so was advised to drink at least 6-8 glasses of H2O 2hrs before the scan... when the clinic nurse called me at 10am today, she informed that she made the appt with SATA at 11am ! i panicked caused i had not drank any water since i woke up lor (yeah, as u can see, i'm such an obedient citizen, help this country save water *lol*) !!! wtf! no choice had to gulp down like 3 glasses of water in the next couple of mins... on my way to SATA, i also bought mineral water as i was only halfway thru the requirement =( (btw, today is like the only day in my life to have drank so much water!!! very lucky i din drown man!!! i think most prob my blood now is super diluted! ok, ok, talking cock again lol)

the lady lab technician assigned to perform the scan told me to call her when i feel the urge to go to the loo... to speed things up, i downed the the mineral water and was ready to do the scan but the technician was not in the room! she appeared in a couple of mins and proceeded with the scan... she kept pressing the pelvic region with the scanner for like a good whole 20mins (bear in mind i'm holding my pee all this while!) ... during this time, she occasionally clicked a button, it was easy to guess that the button captures the screen shot of the area where she places the scanner, think either she wasnt a good photographer or my pelvic was giving poses that was not fit for a fashion magazine (think ANTM lol) cos she seemed to be re-taking the shots for most of the regions although i was lying quite stationary... aiyioh, the urge to turn on the water supply was killing me and my mind was furiously trying to recall where the nearest loo is! After she was satisfied with the pics, she told me the loo was just next door... hallelujah!

results will most prob be out tomorrow... keeping my fingers crossed tt here shouldnt be any cause for concern, somewhere at the back of my mind a little part is unsettled... oh well...

anyway, i conversed with Tee yest and i told him that i'm dying lol... he said tt i have to help sell off his onitsuka sneakers before i die, told him tt i will haunt him even if he is in church lol, added that if he is kneels during prayer and feels a depression in the cushion of which is he kneeling, that would be my ghost kekekekeke... i mentioned to dragon of my conversation with Tee but kena chided lor for talking abt such inauspicious stuff =p ... guess both me n tee had similar peranakan catholic upbringing where we tend to make light of things :)
i rem at my paternal grandma's funeral, which was held in our old pte apt at the 11th storey (yeah, its was a huge apt :)), my aunts n uncles all drank, ate, joke around their mum's coffin :) the atmosphere was definitely not sombre but merry... there were prayers n all still but guess what?! they still played limbo rock also all in full presence of my peacefully dead grandma =D the mood was such as they being catholics, they believed that death should be celebrated as it means you r in Heaven with God :) that's my family for you :) for some of u, it would seem strange but i'm really glad n thankful for having such a family as it makes me see things in a different light and kinda help me see the glass as half full rather than half empty :) that's y i can say after coming out of my teens, i have never blame God for all the bad patches that i experienced in life, good things actually come out of it but we dont realised most of the time... if the events did not happen in my life, i wouldnt have met dragon boy :)

after SATA, i explored bedok central... uncovered lots of interesting shops and also discovered my folly of shopping at the malls =p ... i found a similar hair tie which i had already bought at InQbox... i paid $4.50 for it but the shop only sold it for $2.90... arrrggghhh... to achieve economies of scale, i actually went to buy 3 more of the hair tie lol... i also bought like a kilo of cherries from a makeshift fruit stall near the interchange... so cheap lor! just $10 only!

actually i like the idea of exploring neighbourhoods but as i was not in the usual neighbourhood garb of tee, shorts n flip flops and sans make-up, some stupid uncles kept looking at me ... i wore my hair into 2 ponytails, had make-up and wore a A-line below knee skirt... i din like to think they had some stupid fantasy in their heads *pui pui pui* really felt like telling them 'kua si mi kua' but of course i would always chickened out cos its just me while they have the numbers lol
no doubt i like to dress up but that doesnt mean i'm dainty or dum lor! when some guys give a impolite stare, i would either crack my knuckles/neck or burp... it's a subtle message that i'm not some stupid gal they can fool, if they still dont get it, i would furrow my brows n give a super chao look... they would usu look away after heh ...

on way home, i felt very tired and sleepy... was deciding whether to get off at my home stop or at PP's but finally made the decision to shop in PP haha... this decision costs me abt $200 lol... i was thinking that maybe i wld die anway, hence maybe i should start to pamper myself hahhah... here's my loot list... bought 3 items at fox (2 tops n a pair of shorts only $58 cos UOB had additional 15% on top of its sale items) , a pair of jeans from topshop (thanks eugenia for telling us the other time abt the huge discount on its jeans), a bag n tee from animal (least discount of them all but e bag which i got for XY was hard to resist :p and one of their tee range was 40% off)... there was a super duper chio lamp at InQbox... it was made up of multi-coloured transparent lego bricks... very cute and colourful ... lucky thing i caught this printed on the box 'Made in China' so i managed to stop myself from buying heh :)

the doggies were treated with a kosong hamburger from macs :) figured that after scolding n screamin at them in the morning, i should counter it by being nice n surprising them =p ... lucky they were obedient when i got back else the burger would have been stored in the fridge... dinner was plain burger for me too lol... it's actually quite nice to eat a plain burger once in a while sans the ketchup, pickles etc...