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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

WIlbur is the new hunchback of Notre Dame!

yeah, i cant move abt much, have been popping painkillers every couple of hrs else my pelvic area feels like hell... no that i have been to hell, it might be worse there but u get the picture lol... cant realli stand up straight lor, have been walking wih my back hunched, bloodie dragon boy still can laugh at my notre dame posture *grrrr*... simple things like sneezing, blowing my nose, coughing, which i used to take for granted, is not so simple for me now cos it hurts each time i do these things =/... have to press my pelvic with a towel when my body decides to perform one of the above activity to minimise the pain... geeze... worst of all, i have constipation since my surgery!!! like wat saffy has!!! been eating but no dumping... cant bear to see my tummy in the mirror man, looks like a time bomb! dragon forgot to get my constipation pills from the pharmacy yest even after i sms him... was a bit irritated but his 'bin' more chao than mine so i had to beat a cowardly retreat... he wasnt pissed wif me but some other stuff lah, aiyah MEN!

oh well, he should be getting the medication today so hope i can do a WWII atomic bomb in the loo tmr, yeah, the effect is not that quick =( ... SGH did feed me with some honey liquid to ease my bowel, but also no effect, maybe its a psychological thing... deep down i'm realli afraid of exerting too much force less my ovaries drop out hahahhaha.... but realli i a bit pa4 pa4 lah...

staying at C class ward, u get alot of oldies... there were a couple who were senile and kept keeping us awake with their loud ramblings and for one, even the sleeping medication did not subdue her *kowtow*... cecilia joked that maybe the burse should had given us all the sleeping pills instead =D she was pretty sway n irate cos she was just situated back to back to their noisy oldie... my advice would be to bring your earphones and mp3 (wanted to say walkman, but realised no such thing as walkman liao!!!) to shut out the noise, though not totally 100% but better than nothing...

i got a terrible rash from the huge bandage they wrapped round me after the op... when the nurse removed it, the whole area covered by the sticky bandage was red, sore n itchy =(... the patch is still there... have been applying the cream but i do hope it goes off soon cos sometimes the itch is extremely unbearable n i have to take the antihistamine aka small yellow pill to relieve the itch else i will be scratching like an ape... some parts already have scabs due to my incessant scratching =(

better end the gory stuff... anyway, i'm thinking of getting like maybe cupcakes to be delivered to the nurses in ward 53c... i guess its to show them appreciation for their dedication... wonder how many patients do show them gratitude? most of them are foreigners... want to get something for my gynae Dr Tan Hak Koon but dunno what is apt.... he is a Sr Consultant, nice chap who gives detailed explanations... that's y i prefer guy gynae to females... the females i encounter dont seem to show that much care nor were they detailed in their explanation...

now that me confined at home, have been browsing some sites... i bought a yukata set for like $55, cheap wor... dunno buy for wat lah but maybe just maybe i will wear it to some cosplay ahahaha... that's me lor, always buying for a possible-but-maybe-wont-happen event :) ... i'm also thinking of buying a nonya kebaya which i can wear for evening dinners... been searching but most of them like dont sell the sarong that compliments the kebaya =p ... buying in SG is usu damn ex but not too sure whether it's worthwhile to travel to malacca to get *shrugs* ... not impt lah but sometimes when i want something, i cant wait lor or rather dont like to wait =p

looking forward to Ave Q in November :) crazy puppets, i like =)

after op usu tak glam... yest i wore those long loose gown which most aunties like to wear at home... but no choice cos it provided more convenience than shorts which tend to be more leh chey when i need to go to the loo and it would hurt my wound when i remove them =/ need to have my brows trimmed also =( ... dont wanna end up like some kung fu master lol