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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wilbur's one more thot...

oh yeah, recalled voldemort's conversation with SH yest (farewell lunch reception for agnes n mrs chua)... my take is tt parents will usu always try to protect their kids and prohibit them to do some stuff etc so they wont fall but i guess, it's not easy for parents to control the kids in some point... which may be a good thing afterall... parents may think they know the outcome of a decision we make before we actually emmbark on it but there may be times u gotta give us some credit that we will make the most out of any decision we make ... if we fall, it will be a good learning experience for us and would make us stronger as we will have our guards up and pick up skills or values from our fall... that's how u learnt from your parents too rite? i-told-u-so mentality would most of the time make us even more determined to break the norms set for us as we would want to prove u wrong...

to my future kid: remind me of this blog if i forget the words i have spoken here :)