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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wilbur is angry and upset with Wilbur!

"how can u be so dumb to write that review?! din u think of the impact?! you are always saying u r street smart but apparently it's all bullshit... u din think at all! u criticise others for not thinking or for being dumb but look who turned out to be the biggest ass! i hate u and wish u were not born! what good has ur existence brought to others? nothing much, really!!!"

am very angry and upset with myself... i ought to go into seclusion and reflect on my actions... i wont mind if i suffer the conseqences for my actions but when it comes to my close pals suffering the consequences for my actions i will be terribly upset and angry with myself because i always pride myself in thinking and considering for others... i come down very hard on myself even though what i have done is not intentional and had good intentions to begin with... it's stupidity in the highest form... it feels worse when your close pal doesnt chide or scold u for it... i wish he did but knowing him, it is not his nature to do so even if he feels upset over it, he wld be thinking "wah lao how can she write such tt which i told her in confidence"... i hate myself, i dont know why i din think of the impact or consequences... maybe it's retribution for condemning too many pple, whatever it is, i feel like shit now... i know some of you care enough and would ask me what did i do to warrant such strong feelings but at this pt in time, i dont think i can handle telling some of u abt it... i was chided n lectured by dragon when i told him and i dont think i will be comforted with a patronising "oh, but it should be ok lah since he doesnt blame u"

i'm one who feels very strongly when it comes to disappointing my close pals, they dont deserve this kind of crap from me...

"i owe u and hope i can make up for the wrongs i did..."

Wilbur at an opera?

caught Puccini's Turandot on fri.. it's an italian opera and the settings is based on old peking china... i din think the singing was fantastic as the casts did not seem to inject the emotions required for the audience to feel the characters... yes, they could hit the high notes and all but their cords fail in comparison to josh groban... just by listening to his cd alone can i feel what the song is trying to bring out... anyway, tee told me tt puccini die before completing the opera, which explains why act 3 i.e. the ending, sucks real bad... it become a love conquers all thingy which is too ridiculous and abrupt considering turandot was a cold cold princess all her life... both tee and i felt it should end in a tragedy... the saving grace was ping, pong, pang who brought life to the show... they were funny and had the audience laughing with them :)

i dont mind watching such operas as i used to catch such operas way back on tv12 in my teens... u dont have to understand the language as there are subtitles... i especially like those where the settings is baroque... think white wigs and elaborate victorian dresses... anyway, i thot the esplanade theatre is cool stuff... joked tt i should have brought a pair of old baroque magnifying glasses for the opera *grins* as we set on the circle seats on the 2nd floor...

tics were cheap as those wealthy foundations i.e lee, kong etc sponsored a great deal of $ so that more pple could have a chance to see and experience the arts... if u are one who dont mind the opera, good to go and check it out, there are both english and mandarin subtitles on the 2 screens located at each side of the stage... might take some getting used to focus on the actors on stage and also on the screens but should be able to get the hang of it pretty quick :)

lotsa of caucasians attended and some of the females wore long satin dresses, so damn pretty! anyway, if you dare and can smuggle, bring your own champagne and glasses for drinking at the intervals hahahaha... cos drinks at the bar are not complimentary heh...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wilbur's Glimmer of Hope :)

my horoscope says:
this week brings the prospect of a major upheaval that much closer, if only cos' its time to say goodbye to a no. of pple and places that no longer have any meaningful role in your life. U r an independent soul by nature, so u should be quite happy to set out on a new adventure, taking life as u find it.

in short, i should maybe buy toto *kekekekeke*

Wilbur the Freelance Helper :)

lichoo called me yest and told me she was giving birth like in a couple of days :) it would be a gal and her chinese name would be siying; i was alright till i heard the christian name... Sabelle... i was like "what?!" i told LC that her kid would most prob hate her when she grew up esp when she is in pri school heh... kids would likely tease her by calling her sa i.e. dumb in mandarin, cant trust a 7 year old to pronunce it correctly okay! so i was task to think of a few names starting with 'S', y 'S'? cos LC's hubbie's name is sebastian, hers is surin, u get the picture ;) but when i heard of the rationale, i was thinking then would it make them a family of 'ASS'es ahahahaha of course i kept my thots to myself ;p ... anyway, discussed wif tee and we came up wif a few french inspired names... suzette, shantay, sarabelle, souffle (lol) and LC said she liked sarabelle and would discussed it wif her family :) ... cool! i quite like the name shantay actually quite unique but i guess if i had a gal, i would most prob call her chante *wide smile*

MW's wedding is round the corner, helping her with some stuff, i really should try my hand at freelancing as a wedding planner, think i wld enjoy cos i love seeing couples happy at weddings :) besides i'm *ahem* resourceful or i wld like to think tt heh...

might be having plans on the way for a short trip to malacca :) hoping to get my nonya stuff there like the beaded shoes and maybe some jewellery?

got a few projects up in my head, hope i will be able to do them in the coming weekend... somehow i think my creative juices are starting to dry up... working in a environment like agd seems to have that effect on me... gosh... very soon my scar wld hurt just like harry's when he is close to voldemort hahaha... feeling drained... i hate dealing with indecisive pple... i feel like throttling them, thankful there arent many like them around else i will definitely be driven mad... say once, say twice is no biggie but say thrice and its strike 3, u r out! cos they will repeatedly go on and on and i will just throw my hands up in the air!

mr sandman is here... gotta go, even the stuff i written today is so dead unlike those time i was at home... bleah... shitty

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wilbur's Captures!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Wilbur the Grinch - New movie coming to you this Monday

in yoda's accent lol:"excited and happy i am for i'm gg to the fireworks celebration at marina bay this evening" =) all thanks to MW who won the tics for me! kam siah zuay zuay hor!!! she super duper nice hor! knowing tt i would like to see the show, she actually took part in the competition her company was conducting and won lor!!! truly blessed with good frens *smiles* i will also always remember the time Dave gave me one whole box of donut factory to me when my msn pm indicated i had a cravings for them... he actually bought 2 one dozen boxes to be shared with his colleagues but offered one box to me without payment... and it was the time when donut factory was still in the rage ie. before all the other donut wannabe outlets came up... truly touched beyond words that he is one hell of a gf! there are many others too who are great pals, u are always in my heart! awwwww....

yest met MW and tee for dinner at holland v... been ages since i stepped into that place! arranged to meet at 730 but left house at 7pm, had no choice but to grab a cab lor, bloodie hell, freaking cost me $20 to get there, sim tia man... but only got myself to blame lah... everytime dilly dally.... bleah.... anyway, initially planned for sushi tei but was crowded so after recceing, we decided to settle for hawker fare :) cheap n good hokkien mee and ou luak... it's been a while since i ate at a hawker centre with frens lol... oh yah, for the ou luak, requested them to fry just the oysters and egg minus the icky gluten... only cos like $6 for a reasonable portion for 2 pple! good stuff man! anway, the best was yet to come lol :) we decided to go for a good dessert and we stopped by Olio near Wala Wala... Olio was pretty empty compared to the rest of the makan establishments... but we took our chances and boy were we rewarded finely!!! tee ordered a brownie while both MW and me shared some pastry with fruits and ice cream thingy... when the brownie came, we were astounded! it was served in a steaming hot plate on wooden base (akin to the one for steaks at jack's place) and when the waitress put in on the table, she immediately poured choc sauce all over the brownie and it sizzled and smoked like crazy with the aroma of the choc slowly creeping into the air =) we were both amused and wowed at the same time... the patrons at the next table were impressed too and we exchanged jokes abt it =) ... they ordered the same thing almost immediately *grins* without even waiting for us to try it :) it was fabulous btw and really, Olio sets itselfs apart from the rest for their ingenuity in serving it this way... the dessert which i had was not too bad too but in terms of impressing sua ku pple like us, the Olio's brownie beat all other desserts (well, maybe not Allen strawberry cheesecake lol) i had hands down ! they should get an olympic medal for it man! perfect 10! i used to be a fan of Dome but i guess i grew out of it when my favourite coffee drink (yes, i could drink coffee before without having a hell of a tummy ache) became too diluted one time for my liking... i used to order their chunky chips which came with 2 types of dips... great snack as well... their logo also nice cos got air of vintage lol .... Olio changes it's food menu every now and then, a good move since there's stiff competition...

gotta shower soon for the wonderful display tonite... i'm trying to keep my spirits up till Monday where i will likely turn green n grouchy =p ... it's pouring now but it's time i can wear my wellies!!! cool! i hope the rain gets lighter when the show is on ekse i will most prob go blind with the raindrops pelting on my eyeballs ahahahahaha... okay maybe not blind, but my pupils will turn from dark brown to black and blue hahahahahaa.... yeah, cold jokes for my amusement only =)

hope i retain my inspiration to make new stuff for Love Happy Daisies... dont wish to stop at one lol... that reminds me, for the 1st time in my life, i actually listened PM's LHL speech from start to end... i enjoyed this rally cos it was peppered with jokes and he made it more light hearted... i have faith in him but not in the system in fully supporting or implementing the policy changes he mentioned....

darn, dunno whether it's the new KC school that they are building but it's blocking some of the nice views I could see previously from my kitchen window... it's not exactly high, but high enough to be an eye sore to me... tee said all buildings in the east should be low, i agree man, but would anyone care? no lor.... sad we are losing our heritage, bye bye to 7th storey hotel pretty soon... watch 'beyond the forbidden city' on national geo, the chinese over there really take pride in preserving the culture, of course they have the manpower lah, but how come we not proud as we should be of our heritage and culture since we are mostly chinese too?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

D-day is coming....

my heart is getting heavier knowing that i will very soon return to the most dreaded place on earth... well, according to me anyway... the days away have kind of brought back the spirit which i had lost so long ago... i never had time for myself and the thought of gg back to that life makes me want to act on impulse... it's sad isnt it?

the environment has not moved with the times... it is still stucked in the warped perception where efficiency is not measured based on output by rather the number of hrs you are in office and/or how you look (yeah, can imagine your incredulous look esp if you are not from here) ... i thank ivy (sec sch mate) for letting me see the light... she once left her workplace at 430pm just like that to go to the hairdressers and got chided by me but all it took was one rebut from her "why penalise me for being efficient?" ... which is so damn bloody true *brit accent* ... if you have finished your work and are not causing any misery to others, you shouldnt be subjected to stares and stupid comments from colleagues if u leave work on time... but it's a give n take thing of course... you must be mature and not abuse the trust given nor absolved yourself from responsibility... if there are times you need to work late, then stay... there are some who stay but no output and actually get dumber by the day... this kind better off living in the caves with the fishes cos sama sama species all got the 'duh' look lol

it doesnt help the environment tt some of the new generation now is also a pain in the arse to work with.... they dont take pride in their work and dont understand that the quality of their work is a reflection of their being... there is also no camaraderie amongst colleagues anymore... it's like a mental institution where pple are in their own world and oblivious to pple ard them... this is the same out in the streets as well... couples needing to stick together to board the bus, usu the guy cutting into your queue, just to get near his gal but sometimes, it's not the guy's fault cos the gal would give him the dagger stare for not following close behind... HELLO! a few minutes apart is not like gg to kill your relationship!!! and to the guys, your gal is not some old lady who needs be escorted please... if she is young and able, she must understand that that chivalry towards others is a virtue... you also got dumb assess blocking your paths by walking all over the pavement or when u are looking at something, they could just come in front of you... yes, we are all gg mad...

on a happy note, i did some mini revamped to love happy daisies... feels good to be doing something i like for once... beats having to be obliged or coerced to do something... feel free to take a peek at the new look at also, i remembered the songs i used to like way back in the 90s and added them to the webbie as well... enjoy!

oh yeah, see my mini revamped to my home loo as well lol... added the creeping leaves and arent the little elves adorable?!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wilbur may have a new craze!

damn! this wat happens when i explore too much lol... chanced upon a lifelike jap lolita doll which captured my heart... but having one would cost near $700 up to $1k... not too sure why they are so expensive... figured that maybe the material would be the same as that of a ventriloquist doll... trying not to dwell on it too much so i would forget it in time but i guess it's hard to resist... if i really get one, i must hide it away from dragon though cos he would be freaked out as the features are lifelike and we grew up on horror movies portraying dolls as killers etc hahaha but mainly i guess he would check me into a mental facility cos he would not understand how can one pay so much for a doll.... bah...

the name for such dolls as i found out is call super dollfies... they can be dressed in lolita gear and everything can be customised right down to the color of the eyes, lips and even hair to give it its own personality... somehow i think that such dolls may sort of come to life not literally walk etc as in Chucky lol but in spirit if one were to spend time with it etc...

gong gong parrot fish wanted to kill itself... it jumped out of the baby bath tub... i realised cos dragon kaypoh went to feed the fishies but they din have appetite to eat as they are still unwell and most prob the food was decaying and causing the water condition to be bad... i just removed the food and changed the filter sponge... hopefully water condition will improve else must change water again... sometimes hor the other half can be like parents and be a pain in the arse when they start being kaypoh and cause u more work... best thing is that i have to restrain from sounding too accusing else things will sometimes turn ugly... yeah, the tone in my voice sometimes can come out and offend lor =p... bibik genes lah...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Few nite words by Wilbur

my wardrobe is in mess!!! suddenly remembered i had this tee and was looking high and low for it... not easy considering my closet looked like the after effects of a major Fox sale =p ... in the end i decided to take out all the stuff that piled up and fold them nicely back... i dont have enough closet space so now it looks like the beginning of a Fox Sale where eveything mismatched is stacked up nicely... most prob if i need to find something urgently, i would pull the stuff out like what cusotmers do in a Fox shop hahahaa...

my clothes are all over the place and sometimes i put them away so well that i forgot i even have them... i did this to dragon's clothes too =p ... last week he asked where his polo tees were cos suddenly he felt like there was a major shortage kekekeke... they werent in the laundry either... i forgot tt i kept them away the storage box and i still told him tt maybe they could be at his mother's lol... i just found a whole stack of them when i was looking for my baju... i'm so gonna get a earful from him lor.... i think if i have the time n money i would like to redecor my house to one that of a boutique hahaaha so i can find my stuff easily... i think i adopt this habit of keeping stuff from my grandma =p or is it a peranakan thing kekeke...

have to knock myself to sleep soon... i realised tt i becoming nocturnal which is not a good thing... wonder if my great grandma was a vampire from england hence my habit =x hee.... wonder how she looked like cos grandma din seemed to have her pic nor that of her father to show me =(
the eye serum which this sales person at chinatown recommended seems to be working for me or maybe i have enough rest since i'm bounded =p ... whatever it is it's time to punch myself to sleep *boink! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The camera hates Wilbur!

i never really like pictures to be taken of me cos i always find i look weird in pics... face it! the camera hates me lor... there are some pple who will appear so natural in the pics like eugenia, valencia, yuqian, xiangjing that they dont need any effort, for me leh, i need so many takes for just that one pic to look nice =p ... i can so imagine the whole panel of ANTM judges in front of me and all shaking their heads lor and Tyra would go: "you look like a deer caught in headlights, it was very hard to find a good shot in those films blah, blah blah" and she would make the exact deadpan face i have in films so as to demonstrate her point hahahahah =D very vivid imagination hor?! i guess that's what happens when i'm home too long... eugenia jokes that i'm on house arrest =) quite true lor....

anyway, i think i look normal but when i see myself in pics i find many flaws and like got alot of disproportions lor... i think my side preview is nicer than a full front, like the naked body can be obscenely ugly *hangs head*... dragons says i look insane or crazed in pics... yeah he should know... bloodie hell just the other day he sneakily took a shot of my digging for gold nuggets while i was in the loo!!!! nabeh... if i do that to him i'm sure he wont talk to me for couple of days lor... why is it that men are the women now??? must be eat too much soya products lol ... (the article in ST abt soya products makes men produce more oestrogen hormones hence low sperm count *grins*) oh well... this planet is a strange place lah... men have longer eye lashes, usu nicer and slender smooth hands and fingers and they seem to excel in positions where women are suppose to have more experience in i.e. cooks, tailors etc talk abt unfair lol :)

till this day, i like looking at XJ's FB for his pics... all his pics like picture perfect and he looks like a jap model right out of a mag lor... i think he doesnt even need to photoshop them *shakes head* ... good hor ... he can exude that kind of 'say' but in real life he can be quite noisy one lol so unlike the air coolness he portrays in those pics... he is a fun fren to have though ... the other day i was corresponding with him on msn and he got to know of my recent op... that naughty fella started msn-ing jokes to crack me up knowing i couldnt laugh hard cos of my wound ;p ... that's XJ for you :)

aye, today it rained but i no chance to wear my polka dotted wellies out =( ... haiz... today really a gloomy day other then the weather, i felt like tearing my hair out when i checked my office email... dumb, dumb and more dumb... when will my $8million come!!!! i will turn insane like fann wong in the 9 o'clock show if i con't man... i think my family also got history of insanity *hysterical laughter* >=)

Wilbur is smiling...

got a call from SGH today... was almost gg into panic mode when i picked up the call and the lady identified herself and said she was calling for SGH... then she said "thank you for the cupcakes" lol... i almost forgot tt i had arranged for the cupcakes to be delivered to the staff and nurses of ward 53c room 27 today :) .... ordered from Angelz Cups... they have a couple of unique flavoured cupcakes at reasonable prices :) ... i wanted to deliver something to the nurses and staff to thank those who took care of me while i was there as well as to let them know they are not forgotten.... i figured that not many pple would actually show their gratitude to these quiet heroines... this was my note to them which accompanied the cupcakes... "To all the Nurses and Staff of Ward 53C Rm 27 who took care of me while I was there from 24 Jul 08 to 28 Jul 08. This is nothing compared to your dedication and service =) ... Lots of Love, Margaret (former occupant of Bed 2)"

what the nurses do and the amount of shit (literally!) they had to face each day takes alot of courage which i cannot bring myself to do... i din catch the nurse's name (i.e. the one who called me) but it felt good that i made their day and i could hear it from the tone of her voice =) i could not stop smiling after receiving her call... it really feels good when u know u have made someone happy... this is realli a small gesture on my part but i do wish that pple wld take time n effort to give thanks or show appreciation to those who have helped you or inspired you... it's sad when we can be so extravagant in our spending for ourselves but yet so stingy sometimes when it comes to spending on others or even just paying compliments... i have also arranged for a brands essence of chicken plus bird nest hamper to be sent to Dr Tan HK ... i think he did great for my op and also sometimes such little gestures provides some encouragement to these lifesavers cos i think in our society we are not so generous in terms of showing gratitude or paying compliments... who wouldnt feel good knowing they are not invisible and what they did is recognised?! i have been spending alot lately but i figured spending for these causes is impt and necessary... besides i guess when i downgraded from B1 to C, i saved like $3k in cash which otherwise i had to incur, so $150 for making so many pple feel appreciated is nothing =) ... erm, i gave like only 37 cupcakes to the ward, hope it is enough to go round though... i did specifically tell the nurse to save some for the night nurses esp the indian cum eurasian nurse who firmly told me to try getting up but provided both the support and patience :)

some thot it was strange to give essence of chicken to Dr Tan but when i checked out those florists, Thank You hampers usu comes with wine which seems more inappropriate lor... i mean docs have hectic lifestyles so at least he will be very alert like Utt in the commercial when he drinks brands hahahhahaha as opposed to drinking wine ;)

today seems like i have my 6th sense working... i correctly predicted Havis horoscope just by talking to her for a couple of minutes lol... maybe cos i could chat easily with her cos libra and sagi very gam :) sf n me, sec sch mate ivy n me etc .... also those petite mini collectible toys from japan that comes in a box but you dunno what toy is inside till u open it? there were 3 boxes of them, i was hoping for the one with the lollipop inside and guess what when i opened the 2nd box the lollipop was inside! but that's not all, i had hoped that the 3rd box wld be a lollipop again so that maybe i could use it as an ornament to a necklace or something and voila! 3rd box had a lolly inside too!!! abt being so zun4 i wished that i could win the RD's lottery of $200k lol... maybe i should go buy the toto or something... if the $8m was mine, my resignation letter wld be written on a $10 note and slid underneath Voldemort's room muahahahah.... *slaps self* need to stop daydreaming lol ;p .... both dragon n i did talk abt this... if i ever was so lucky (not in a million years lah) i would find a simple job to do like helping out in weiren's cafe lol...

oh yeah, i tink i better turn in before 4.30am... i had the most eerie feeling yest... around that time, my doggies suddenly wiggle out from under the sofa and rushed to the door macham someone was at the door lor... they seemed flustered as well... thinking it was my neighbour, i peeped thru the peep hole but no one was there! i then popped my head out of my living room window to get a better view of the corridor and again all was quiet not a soul in sight (choi! choi! choi!)! feeling uneasy, i quickly turn off my laptop and switched off the lights and quickly went to bed with trying my best to hide my face in the pillow =p ... when i discussed with dragon today... we joked that maybe it was the spirit of the guinea pig which Clover killed when she was younger and it was coming back to haunt her =p ... it was truly scary moment wor.... lucky got blessed cross outside my house... but dunno whether it works for animal spirits lol since they dont have religion.... so many qns abt this life hor and there are no answers for all...

yay, got lobang to do nonya kebayas at a cheaper rate than katong... apparently chinatown has many tailors or seamstress that can do kebayas and even nonyas go there n make... i want one to wear for dinners hee... its time to get in touch with my roots and unleash the bibik power lol ;D

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wilbur si bei nuah....

aye, the problem of staying home too much is tt i will turn nuah like tao foo very soon =( .... if i'm not on the sofa, i will be like on the chair... taking naps the whole day today... haiz disgusted with myself .... have to get down to cleaning the hamsters cages in a while... has been 2 weeks already and i bet if this was a cartoon, the hamsters wld most probably throw sawdust at me in protest when i walk into the room lol... actually, the hamster Shinobi will always let me know it's time to change his bedding cos he will sleep on the other end of the cage as his usual place will kinda make it itch...

call me crazy but i believe if you spend time wif ur pets, u will be aware of such things :) like i said, the power of observation which sadly lacks in our society nowdays cos everyone is rushing... we dont take time to smell the flowers and notice the pple around us... that's y u have idiots blocking the escalator way, walking over all the place and blocking ur path etc... i'm no angel but at least u i try to be aware of the pple and surroundings...

i have got like a thousand and one errands to run but cant do so now ... super frustrating lor... yeah i guess i should not be so kan chiong abt this since its not time critical but i never want to make it a habit to procrastinate... it's the root of all evil cos once u keep slacking by the time u realise, there are like few thousand stuff to do and my mind would be busy planning how to resolve such stuff =p

i think i will miss the corp retreat, cant remember when is it anyway haahaaha... last time i would look forward to these retreats as it meant chilling out n having fun with fun close pals but now i'm so jaded that it doesnt matter whether i'm there or not... the one i rem most is the one at orchid country club where we were testing the games at nite and having a fun time fooling ard with lynette, ck, sf, weiren, william, huat etc... that was also the corp retreat where i was physically close to BT lol... she was in my team and i had to hug her but of course i'm not like u sick pple out there hahahaha... i din think how her dang dangs felt kekekeke ;)

last year's retreat at sentosa wasnt too bad but we were left wif all the quiet pple haha...

this phrase kept springing in my mind... " for all the riches in the world, he could not take it along with him" ... i must have read it somewhere but cant recall... it also seems like what the narrator in Pushing Daisies wld say *shrugs* but i guess it's one of those phrase which i find meaning to it that's y it's always at the back of my head...

i hate the internet, cause me to sin again lol... bought a kate spade clutch as well as an clutch from unknown brand (to me anyway) online... not that expensive lah... the KS clutch was on sale for US$119 lol... italian silk okay, dont play play... the other clutch was US$30... i pride myself in being able to assess what is a good buy... i dont usu go for super branded stuff since i dont think i'm always in the mood to dress the part to be able to carry off that branded bag and sometimes it's a bit ridiculous to pay such an exorbitant price etc lol... ever seen a sloppy dresser, usu sans make-up, carrying those branded bags, wah lao the bags should never look better then the owner lor!!! sorrie to sound so harsh but it's realli a matter of fact lor... it's sad when it can be so obvious sometimes who is rich and who is trying to imitate being rich... of course i do dream of being a socialite like jamie cucua where even if she carries a ugly bag, it would look so damn good on her... she isnt usu in the limelight but she is a true natural beauty... she is the one who brought in manolo blahnik shoes to SG... anyway, i guess some pple are just born beautiful i.e. jamie cucua where anything they hold branded or not would come out nice... same for laycheng too ;) i'm not one who will be sour or lament when it comes to beautiful pple... in fact i appreciate all things beautiful be it human or not :) it's my libra genes i guess :)

some pple think by carrying an expensive bag, they can afford to dress down but they dont know there is a difference btw sloppy and dressing down... aye... local woman should learn from the japs... they can be housewives but yet their dressing and style says it all...

yes, i'm not exactly perfect when it comes to my dressing sometimes that y i rather dress like a teeny bopper wannabe muhahahaa.... i rather come across as a ah lian who can afford to spend cos i can't pull off the look of a tai-tai *grins*

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Wilbur, Queen of Thorns?

finally got durians from the rising 4 seasons stall at still road (opp the famous crab coffeeshop)... we got the top grade ones which were selling at $20/kg... damage for our craving is $80 for 4 bitter babes! the durians are definitely worth every cent man! flesh was creamy, thick and the seed was so puny... after this indulgence, must definitely watch my diet =( cos durians pretty high in sugars aye...

the doggies also love durians! they got a good treat yest when dragon fed them with at least one chunk each... now each time we eat the durians, we get stares from the gals... they even resorted to acting pitiful and putting their head on my laps! haiz, talk abt spoiling them =p

oh yeah, finally got a digi cam cos i figure i needed one to take good shots of the items i'm selling... settled for a panasonic lumix for $350... wanted to get Fujifilm cos they had it in green and pink but the Best Denki sales person recommended panasonic instead as it could take sharp close-up shots... why cant electronic goods be colourful and funky???!!! haiz...

went to see dentist uncle tim yest as my gums was pretty sensitive and hurt when i brushed... i was a little worried as i thot it was the side effects of the anesthetic or worse decaying for not brushing my teeth for the few days after my operation but apparently it was a problem of exposed gums that caused my sensitivity... paid uncle tim a total of $30 *cheap, cheap!* for general checking of teeth, sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth and a tube of gel to be applied to the exposed areas to reduce the sensitivity :) ... by the way, i wld most prob go to uncle tim for my root canal review instead of NDC 6 mths later... y? cos NDC's HOD has duly counselled that dental surgeon whom i felt was not thorough in his explanation and also have agreed to refund me $32 out of $40... i will be insane to go back to the same dental surgeon for my review lor ;)

on our way to uncle tim's, i happen to chance upon the store egg3 which sells items by local designers i think... the interior decor is a bit french, vintage and whimsical... the clothes not cheap abt $100 plus but its pretty unique like a black polo tee with collar in chinese qipao motif... i wouldnt mind paying 'cept for this kind of place with such decor you would expect the owner(s) to be speaking in halting english but no lor, when i stepped into the store, i heard this couple presumably relatives of the owners speaking in hokkien, i'm not ashamed of the dialet but i think i would be a cai4 tou2 (loose translation - carrot head or robert head ) if i bought anything from the store cos they might have want to come across as 'atas' hence the pricey stuff all around the store... i guess it's all abt marketing from the moment a customer walks into the store and not just decor alone... ask yourself, would u buy durian from an ang mo guy or ah beng? naturally ah abeng rite? (if you say ang mo, u can stop reading here and find an ang mo that sells ang mo liu lian wahahaaha) cos u would think to yourself wat the hell would an ang mo know how picking the best durian for you! i rest my case *takes a bow*

gosh, i have been passing out durian gas, durian pee and yest durian motion the whole of today! the fridge is finally cleared of all durians and i guess i wont be eating that devil of a fruit for a long long time =) i have this theory which dragon brushes off as rubbish but for me it really holds true... i wont get sick i.e. sore throat etc when i eat expensive durians but the moment i gorge on those 3 for $10 durians, i would be severely down with a bad throat and flu the next day! you guys may find it hard to believe but sometimes i think i know my own bod better lor as in wat it is adverse to etc... it all simply boils down to the power of observation and not oblivion :)

clover seems to be down with some skin problems which is getting me worried cos she bites the scabs until her skin is raw =( ... hopefully Dr Hsu from the Animal Clinic would be able to work his miracle on her... Dr Hsu is well known for his patience and sincere dedication in curing pets... a bit pricey but after experiencing the so-so services at Mt Pleasant, i think the Animal Clinic is better... but Dr Hsu is only available on weekdays though...

think i blogging diarrhoea again lol ...ending here cos incredible tales starting soon and thereafter Pushing Daisies :) lovely cute couple!!! i really thank God i took literature in Secondary school cos it made me appreciate such shows for it's ironies and hidden meanings which the writer of the show wanna bring across :)

ta-ta for now =)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Wilbur Eat, Ate, Ape

went for my medical check-up as a follow-up for my op... could finally wear e yellow bubble spaghetti strap dress for the 1st time and with dragon some more muhahahaha >=) he hates that dress as it made me look pregnant but no choice as i this was the most apt cos of my wound n besides i was gg to the O&G clinic which will be filled with pregnant mums as well heh... place wasnt too crowded today and i got to see my fav Dr Tan... he reported that my wound is healing well and asked me not to move too much... wah, he macam got 6th sense lor *grins*... anyway, he remove the little bandage and said tt he would see me in a month's time... less than 5 mins i was out and the cost of this consultation? $62 ... i din mind the charges really cos as opposed to that idiotic dentist from NDC, Dr Tan to me is detailed and assuring :) abt the pain in the non-operated side of my ovary... he said it was deferred pain... hmmm... me, tee and ck joked this... it could be tt the left ovary shared the pain with the right cos they are twins kekekeke and being female organs, they tend to be more sensitive towards each other... yeah, we are crappy but i guess there's no need for us to be serious all the time... of course there will be times to be serious but otherwise, all of us should lighten up :) makes this place easier to live in...

ck reminded me of something i had wanted to pen down but forgot... after so many years of keeping something from mw, my secret from her is finally out... sigh of relief for me... it isnt cos i had intentionally kept it from her but sometimes it is not easy to brooch the subject much lest bring it up... there was never a appropriate time to tell her... but i guess she would understand has i think she hid something from me too but just tt hers got out sooner... so now it is a big PHEW for all of us? :)

sometimes i dont tell much abt my situation cos i dont like the idea of pple worrying or pitying me... this kind of attention i dont realli need and i dont want to come across as too vulnerable... i know some pple need this kind of attention esp those with middle child syndrome... cant blame them i guess... for me, i'm middle child too lol but of a different kind... hmmm... i liken myself like one of the many kids of Chao Yun Fatt (think he played King Mongkut) in Anna and the King :) it's like there are so many of us that we deal with not having the need for attention... yup, my siblings are of diff mothers... dad not ard much so was close to my paternal grandma aka the nanny...

yest, i cried when i caught sayang sayang on tv... i realli miss my younger days when i'm always surrounded by my relatives and i did feel lonely as an only child (yeah, it's complicated when i mention tt i have siblings in the above para :))... since the death of my grandma, splitting of the inheritance caused our family to split as well and now we are just a nuclei... it is so sick to think tt money can bring out the worst in pple...

btw, i think sushi tei at ec is a great place for dinner with close frens... not overly crowded like those outlets in the city and it's quieter... their food is great as compared to sakae... btw, dragon mentioned before abt the apex boss looking more n more like the sakae mascot *chuckles*
a must try dish at tei is the gyu salad with tei's own dressing... the dressing is simply yummy *smiles*

going to get some shut eye... think i will be having blogging diarrhoea during this period while i'm home =p wish i can say the same for my bowels though

oh yeah, why do guys open up to gals before they become gfs but once they are together, they clam up even more stubbornly than a qi hum???!!! [in sergent's tone:] guys should wake up their idea! or down 20!