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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wilbur is smiling...

got a call from SGH today... was almost gg into panic mode when i picked up the call and the lady identified herself and said she was calling for SGH... then she said "thank you for the cupcakes" lol... i almost forgot tt i had arranged for the cupcakes to be delivered to the staff and nurses of ward 53c room 27 today :) .... ordered from Angelz Cups... they have a couple of unique flavoured cupcakes at reasonable prices :) ... i wanted to deliver something to the nurses and staff to thank those who took care of me while i was there as well as to let them know they are not forgotten.... i figured that not many pple would actually show their gratitude to these quiet heroines... this was my note to them which accompanied the cupcakes... "To all the Nurses and Staff of Ward 53C Rm 27 who took care of me while I was there from 24 Jul 08 to 28 Jul 08. This is nothing compared to your dedication and service =) ... Lots of Love, Margaret (former occupant of Bed 2)"

what the nurses do and the amount of shit (literally!) they had to face each day takes alot of courage which i cannot bring myself to do... i din catch the nurse's name (i.e. the one who called me) but it felt good that i made their day and i could hear it from the tone of her voice =) i could not stop smiling after receiving her call... it really feels good when u know u have made someone happy... this is realli a small gesture on my part but i do wish that pple wld take time n effort to give thanks or show appreciation to those who have helped you or inspired you... it's sad when we can be so extravagant in our spending for ourselves but yet so stingy sometimes when it comes to spending on others or even just paying compliments... i have also arranged for a brands essence of chicken plus bird nest hamper to be sent to Dr Tan HK ... i think he did great for my op and also sometimes such little gestures provides some encouragement to these lifesavers cos i think in our society we are not so generous in terms of showing gratitude or paying compliments... who wouldnt feel good knowing they are not invisible and what they did is recognised?! i have been spending alot lately but i figured spending for these causes is impt and necessary... besides i guess when i downgraded from B1 to C, i saved like $3k in cash which otherwise i had to incur, so $150 for making so many pple feel appreciated is nothing =) ... erm, i gave like only 37 cupcakes to the ward, hope it is enough to go round though... i did specifically tell the nurse to save some for the night nurses esp the indian cum eurasian nurse who firmly told me to try getting up but provided both the support and patience :)

some thot it was strange to give essence of chicken to Dr Tan but when i checked out those florists, Thank You hampers usu comes with wine which seems more inappropriate lor... i mean docs have hectic lifestyles so at least he will be very alert like Utt in the commercial when he drinks brands hahahhahaha as opposed to drinking wine ;)

today seems like i have my 6th sense working... i correctly predicted Havis horoscope just by talking to her for a couple of minutes lol... maybe cos i could chat easily with her cos libra and sagi very gam :) sf n me, sec sch mate ivy n me etc .... also those petite mini collectible toys from japan that comes in a box but you dunno what toy is inside till u open it? there were 3 boxes of them, i was hoping for the one with the lollipop inside and guess what when i opened the 2nd box the lollipop was inside! but that's not all, i had hoped that the 3rd box wld be a lollipop again so that maybe i could use it as an ornament to a necklace or something and voila! 3rd box had a lolly inside too!!! abt being so zun4 i wished that i could win the RD's lottery of $200k lol... maybe i should go buy the toto or something... if the $8m was mine, my resignation letter wld be written on a $10 note and slid underneath Voldemort's room muahahahah.... *slaps self* need to stop daydreaming lol ;p .... both dragon n i did talk abt this... if i ever was so lucky (not in a million years lah) i would find a simple job to do like helping out in weiren's cafe lol...

oh yeah, i tink i better turn in before 4.30am... i had the most eerie feeling yest... around that time, my doggies suddenly wiggle out from under the sofa and rushed to the door macham someone was at the door lor... they seemed flustered as well... thinking it was my neighbour, i peeped thru the peep hole but no one was there! i then popped my head out of my living room window to get a better view of the corridor and again all was quiet not a soul in sight (choi! choi! choi!)! feeling uneasy, i quickly turn off my laptop and switched off the lights and quickly went to bed with trying my best to hide my face in the pillow =p ... when i discussed with dragon today... we joked that maybe it was the spirit of the guinea pig which Clover killed when she was younger and it was coming back to haunt her =p ... it was truly scary moment wor.... lucky got blessed cross outside my house... but dunno whether it works for animal spirits lol since they dont have religion.... so many qns abt this life hor and there are no answers for all...

yay, got lobang to do nonya kebayas at a cheaper rate than katong... apparently chinatown has many tailors or seamstress that can do kebayas and even nonyas go there n make... i want one to wear for dinners hee... its time to get in touch with my roots and unleash the bibik power lol ;D